Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Multi-Sector
Energy Types: 
All, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Solar, Other
Issued by: 
Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board
Overall Summary: 
The Twelfth National Economic and Social Development Plan (2017-2021) sets clear economic, social and environmental targets that have to be achieved within the next 5 years through ten strategies. The Plan is the main tool to energize the implementation of the 20-year National Strategy (2017-2036), which is Thailand’s development master plan for steering the country towards security, prosperity, and sustainability.
EE priorities: 
Encouraging both the public and private sectors to undertake research and develop technology related to energy conservation and energy efficiency for machinery, materials, and appliances in manufacturing processes, in business operations, and in everyday life.
EE action plans: 
3.4.1 Encourage energy conservation and improve efficiency in energy consumption by: 1) Improving the subsidy system and other incentives to encourage behavioral changes in the industrial sector, the transportation sector, the business sector, and the households sector, such as incentives to improve energy conservation and policies to encourage more usage of the existing public transportation and rail systems.
EE industry standards: 
Increasing efforts in enforcing laws and regulations regarding energy conservation and energy efficiency, especially the enforcement of [...] the Energy Efficiency Resources Standard (EERS) for energy producers and distributors.
EE building standards: 
Increasing efforts in enforcing laws and regulations regarding energy conservation and energy efficiency, especially the enforcement of the Building Energy Code (BEC) for new buildings [...]
EE transport standards : 
The government should also have a clear set of policies and implementing measures to initialize the first stage of electricity infrastructure for electric vehicles (EV), in order to lay the ground for future EV expansion.
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
Target 4: Energy: to increase the share of alternative energy in final energy consumption; [...]. Indicator 4.1: The share of alternative energy in final energy consumption increases from 12.94 percent to 17.34 percent by 2021.
RE action plans: 
3.4.3 Increase the country’s capacity to manage, produce, and consume alternative and clean energy by: 1) Developing a database on the generation and utilization of alternative energy to help with the planning of infrastructure to support the expansion of alternative energy in the future. [...] 3) Increasing the use of biofuels in the transportation sector by using market mechanisms to lower the price of biofuels to levels competitive with those of fossil fuels. [...] 4) Continuously researching and developing alternative energy technology, including solar, wind, hydropower, biomass, biogas, energy crops, and waste, so that the costs of alternative fuels can be reduced to commercially viable levels.
RE feed-in tariffs: 
3.4.3 Increase the country’s capacity to manage, produce, and consume alternative and clean energy by: [...] 2) Evaluating the existing incentives (feed-in tariffs) that aim to increase the share of alternative fuels in power generation, to help develop other incentives that are fair to both the producers and consumers of alternative energy. [...]
Energy environmental priorities: 
To develop each group of potential industries, different development approaches are explicitly addressed as follows: [...] (4) the bio-energy industry, to underpin national energy security and utilization efficiency, and to add value in agriculture and the production of bio-based raw materials. --- 3.5 Support greenhouse gas reduction as well as enhance adaptive capacity to climate change: 3.5.1 Draft and amend laws and regulations related to climate change so that they can respond to international climate change agreements in an integrated and comprehensive manner. 3.5.2 Prescribe measures and mechanisms to support greenhouse gas reduction in all sectors, with an emphasis on the following sectors: electricity generation, transport, industry, households and buildings. [...] 3.5.3 Promote the private sector, state enterprises, and local administrations to collect and report information regarding greenhouse gas emissions, particularly from energy usage. [...] 3.5.4 Enhance the capacity of R&D in science, technology and innovation (ST&I) to support climate change adaptation. [...] 3.5.5 Create knowledge and understanding, and raise awareness and public participation from all stakesholders in response to climate change impacts. [...] 3.8 Create international partnerships for the environment: advocate the formulation of an ASEAN master plan on natural resources and environmental management. Develop guidelines for cooperation between ASEAN and the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) in terms of transboundary transport, energy and natural resource management, and transboundary haze pollution.
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
Target 4: Increasing the efficiency of greenhouse gas reduction and enhancing the capacity for climate change adaptation: establishing mechanisms for mimimizing impacts from climate change in the high-risk areas or sectors. Indicator 4.1 The volume of greenhouse gas emissions in the energy and transport sectors decreases by 7 percent compared to the business as usual scenario for 2030. --- Target 3: Creating good environmental quality, reducing pollution and minimizing impacts on people’s health and ecosystems: setting the prioritization of solid waste and hazardous waste management, restoring water quality in the major rivers, and finding solutions to the haze pollution problem. [...] Indicator 3.3 Air quality in the haze crisis zones is addressed so that it falls within national pollution standards.
Energy taxation: 
The tax mechanism should also be adjusted so that it can be used to incentivize the Thai people to change their energy consumption behavior.
Energy pricing: 
Revamping the energy price structure so it can better reflect real costs, and is fair to both consumers and producers.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
Ensure sufficient and reliable energy supply by: 1) Diversifying the types of fuels for power generation, as planned in Thailand’s Power Development Plan, and according to each area’s potential.[...] 2) Exploring and developing new drill sites as well as maximizing the utilization of natural gas in the Gulf of Thailand. [...]
Energy mix: 
Target 4: Energy: [...] to reduce the dependency on natural gas for electricity generation. [...] Indicator 4.2: The share of natural gas in Thailand’s electricity generation mix decreases from 65 percent to 47 percent by 2021.
Coordination with regional energy associations: 
Promote Thailand to become ASEAN’s energy trading hub and increase opportunities for Thailand to expand its energy businesses in ASEAN by: 1) Upgrading domestic energy-related infrastructure in terms of quality, reliability, and efficiency to be ready to connect to an ASEAN energy grid. [...] 2) Pushing for regional energy collaboration in developing a joint electricity network and to achieve shared refined oil standards to increase opportunities for investment and energy development. [...] 3) Encouraging Thailand’s energy-related state-owned enterprises to take their expertise outside Thailand and expand their businesses to neighboring countries.