Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Transport, Multi-Sector
Energy Types: 
All, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Other
Issued by: 
National Economic and Social Development Board Office of the Prime Minister
Overall Summary: 
This Plan was drafted under the principle of a "Sufficiency Economy", whose heart is “human development” toward well-being based on sufficiency, moderation, reasonableness, and resilience. These principles are considered crucial factors to achieve sustainable development. Building the Thai society’s resilience regarding important development issues under the Eleventh plan includes the following: 1. Human and social development toward a quality society. 2. Restructuring the economy toward inclusive growth. 3. Management of natural resources and the environment toward sustainability.
Energy access priorities: 
[T]he establishment of secure food and biomass energy should be emphasized at the household, community and country levels.---Promote utilization of farm wastes and by-products to produce forms of bio-energy like biodiesel and biogas for local community consumption.---Promote the participation of farmers and local communities to support food and energy security and be self-reliant.
EE priorities: 
Measures to conserve energy should be implemented at all levels. ---The issue of energy security is vital, and requires that more clean energy be used and alternative energy sources be developed, leading to overall improvement in energy efficiency. [...]
EE action plans: 
Encourage development of multimodal transportation by advancing energy efficient forms of transportation.---Urban planning measures, especially for large and industrial cities, should be used to promote energy conservation and increase efficiency in energy usage.---Customs checkpoints, border economic centers, and border crossing facilitation should be improved that would result in more efficient energy consumption, greater development of border areas and improved management of business networks by fostering development of regional supply chains. ---Develop compact urban designs where areas are used creatively, with emphasis on the expansion of green spaces and increased energy efficiency. Infrastructure design technology, improved transport systems and energy saving residential buildings should be promoted.
EE standards for appliances: 
Household appliances should be developed to lower overall energy demand.
EE transport standards : 
[...] energy efficiency in the transportation and logistic sectors should be enhanced in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.---Encourage people to alter their traveling patterns and freight shipments by using transportation systems that use less energy per unit than road transport the main method at present. Public transportation networks should be developed to reduce energy use in order to attain greater efficiency throughout the country.---Support the use of vehicles that use clean or renewable energy such as natural gas and biofuel. Automobile technology that saves energy together with productivity enhancement should be developed. Fuel consumption standards should be set to compel reduced use; this will be the main mechanism to control greenhouse gas emissions in the long term
EE financial incentives: 
Incentives should be created to reduce energy use.---Poor driving behavior and excessive speed should be curtailed to reduce fuel consumption.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Raise public awareness of the benefits of efficient energy use.---Knowledge and awareness should be created about energy conservation and adaptation to climate change and disasters.---Raise awareness of efficient bioenergy usage. Disseminate knowledge to create better understanding of the usefulness and impact of bioenergy consumption.---[...] Undertake a campaign to change attitudes to create an understanding of the value of sustainable consumption as the norm in the society. Religious principles, culture, and Thai tradition should be used as tools to cultivate values of sustainable consumption, based on local wisdom disseminated through both formal education and informal means. Publicize information and transfer knowledge to people about the environment and sustainable consumption so as to enhance their ability to choose environmentally desirable products and services. Undertake a campaign to change attitudes to create an understanding of the value of sustainable consumption as the norm in the society.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
[D]evelop bio-energy at household and community levels. ---Application of the zero waste approach in agriculture should be encouraged by utilizing farm residues to produce renewable energy at the community level. ---The issue of energy security is vital, and requires that more clean energy be used and alternative energy sources be developed, leading to overall improvement in energy efficiency. [...]---Promote utilization of farm wastes and by-products to produce forms of bio-energy like biodiesel and biogas for local community consumption.
RE targets: 
Increase ethanol and biodiesel production by at least 6.2 and 3.6 million liters per day, respectively. Increase electric power and heat from biomass, biogas and solid wastes from household waste and agricultural and agro-industrial byproducts. The goal is at least 3,440 megawatts of electricity and 5,564,000 ktoe (kilotonnes of oil equivalent) of heat by 2016.---Increase the ratio of renewable and alternative energy consumption to total energy consumption to at least 19 percent, reduce energy imports by at least 3 percent, and reduce the rate of energy consumption by 2 percent.
RE prioritization, portfolio standards: 
Increase the ratio of renewable and alternative energy consumption to total energy consumption to at least 19 percent, reduce energy imports by at least 3 percent, and reduce the rate of energy consumption by 2 percent.
RE heat obligation/mandate: 
The goal is at least 3,440 megawatts of electricity and 5,564,000 ktoe (kilotonnes of oil equivalent) of heat by 2016.
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
A mechanism to regulate the price structure of bio-energy should be created. ---Promote the use of alternative clean sources of energy. Effective incentives should be established to encourage greater use of renewable energy for both electricity and transport needs. In particular, stimulate the use of biofuel such as gasohol and biodiesel from biomass and solid waste. Pertinent information should be provided to build a greater understanding of the potential of alternative energy.---Upgrade industries that have emitted high levels of greenhouse gases toward environmentally safe technology by providing low-interest loans and tax incentives to retrofit machinery, increase efficiency, and switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy.---Utilize tax support and other incentives to redirect technology and materials toward renewable energy.
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Raise awareness of efficient bioenergy usage. Disseminate knowledge to create better understanding of the usefulness and impact of bioenergy consumption.
Energy environmental priorities: 
To enhance the efficiency of production and services based on local wisdom, knowledge, innovation and creativity by developing food and energy security, while reforming the structure of economy so that consumption becomes more environmentally friendly, and strengthening relations with neighboring countries in the region for economic and social benefits. ---To develop an efficient and sustainable economy by upgrading production and services based on technology, innovation and creativity using effective regional links, by improving food and energy security, and by upgrading eco-friendly production and consumption toward a low-carbon society. ---Knowledge and awareness should be created about energy conservation and adaptation to climate change and disasters.---Empower the agricultural sector so that it becomes an efficient production base that can produce food and energy with value, quality, high standards and remain environmentally sound.
Pollution control action plans: 
[...] energy efficiency in the transportation and logistic sectors should be enhanced in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.---[...] Use of advanced knowledge for power plant maintenance should be provided for communities or local authorities in order to reduce the cost of generating power and alleviating pollution.---Poor driving behavior and excessive speed should be curtailed to reduce fuel consumption. Engines should be well tuned to control pollution emissions and meet the standards set by law
Decarbonization strategy: 
[...] energy efficiency in the transportation and logistic sectors should be enhanced in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.---[...] To improve food and energy security, and upgrade eco-friendly production and consumption toward a low carbon society.---Encourage development of multimodal transportation by advancing energy efficient forms of transportation.---Upgrade industries that have emitted high levels of greenhouse gases toward environmentally safe technology by providing low-interest loans and tax incentives to retrofit machinery, increase efficiency, and switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy.---Encourage people to alter their traveling patterns and freight shipments by using transportation systems that use less energy per unit than road transport the main method at present. Public transportation networks should be developed to reduce energy use in order to attain greater efficiency throughout the country. ---Support the use of vehicles that use clean or renewable energy such as natural gas and biofuel. Automobile technology that saves energy together with productivity enhancement should be developed. Fuel consumption standards should be set to compel reduced use; this will be the main mechanism to control greenhouse gas emissions in the long term.---Develop compact urban designs where areas are used creatively, with emphasis on the expansion of green spaces and increased energy efficiency. Infrastructure design technology, improved transport systems and energy saving residential buildings should be promoted.
Renewable energy subsidies: 
A mechanism to regulate the price structure of bio-energy should be created. ---Promote the use of alternative clean sources of energy. Effective incentives should be established to encourage greater use of renewable energy for both electricity and transport needs. In particular, stimulate the use of biofuel such as gasohol and biodiesel from biomass and solid waste. Pertinent information should be provided to build a greater understanding of the potential of alternative energy.---Utilize tax support and other incentives to redirect technology and materials toward renewable energy.
Energy pricing: 
A mechanism to regulate the price structure of bio-energy should be created. ---Provide mechanisms to monitor bioenergy prices. The aim is to achieve price stabilization and fairness to both consumers and producers without affecting national food production.---Monitor energy organizations to ensure stable fair prices for both users and energy providers. Fuel prices should be set appropriately to reflect their production costs and their impacts on the environment should be considered. The price structure for renewable energy should be based on production capacity as well as its cost in order to promote renewable energy sustainably and provide a fair return to producers and a fair price to consumers. ---Measures should be put in place to deal with fluctuations in price for agricultural products and to cope with shortages in energy and agricultural products due to the free flow of goods. This should involve cooperation between the public sector and major private producers.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
To develop an efficient and sustainable economy by upgrading production and services based on technology, innovation and creativity using effective regional links, by improving food and energy security, and by upgrading eco-friendly production and consumption toward a low-carbon society. ---Local products and services in agricultural products, food and energy should be supported to create added value. [...].---Establish bio-energy security to strengthen the agricultural sector and support national development.---Enhance efficiency in bioenergy production. Utilize the manufacturing and service sectors in order to reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels and to stabilize commodity prices. ---Empower the agricultural sector so that it becomes an efficient production base that can produce food and energy with value, quality, high standards and remain environmentally sound. ---Provide secure energy and expand its sources of supply by supporting a diversified variety of energy investments and by encouraging the private sector to play a greater role by investing in the energy industry. Popular participation at every stage of implementing energy projects should be achieved through transparency.
Energy mix: 
Increase ethanol and biodiesel production by at least 6.2 and 3.6 million liters per day, respectively. Increase electric power and heat from biomass, biogas and solid wastes from household waste and agricultural and agro-industrial byproducts. The goal is at least 3,440 megawatts of electricity and 5,564,000 ktoe (kilotonnes of oil equivalent) of heat by 2016.---Increase the ratio of renewable and alternative energy consumption to total energy consumption to at least 19 percent, reduce energy imports by at least 3 percent, and reduce the rate of energy consumption by 2 percent.
Regional integration priorities: 
Encourage international cooperation at the multilateral and bilateral levels. Cooperation with the ASEAN Economic Community is especially important to support research and development, cooperation in production, market access, emergency rice reserves, legislative reforms, and to strengthen existing mechanisms to enhance food and energy security.
Cooperation in connectivity: 
International cooperation at bilateral and multilateral levels, particularly in the ASEAN community, should be encouraged in order to make food and energy secure.--- Encourage international cooperation at the multilateral and bilateral levels. Cooperation with the ASEAN Economic Community is especially important to support research and development, cooperation in production, market access, emergency rice reserves, legislative reforms, and to strengthen existing mechanisms to enhance food and energy security.
Advance rulings: 
Customs checkpoints, border economic centers, and border crossing facilitation should be improved that would result in more efficient energy consumption, greater development of border areas and improved management of business networks by fostering development of regional supply chains.
Local content requirement: 
Value creation should be given support in agricultural and food products and in energy, and be based on local knowledge and creativity.
Investment climate development: 
Promote local academic institutions to establish joint ventures with the private sector in conducting research. Relaxed credit terms and tax incentives should be provided for farmers and firms that apply eco-friendly innovations and technology.---Provide secure energy and expand its sources of supply by supporting a diversified variety of energy investments and by encouraging the private sector to play a greater role by investing in the energy industry. Popular participation at every stage of implementing energy projects should be achieved through transparency.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Measures should be put in place to deal with fluctuations in price for agricultural products and to cope with shortages in energy and agricultural products due to the free flow of goods. This should involve cooperation between the public sector and major private producers.
Energy management principles: 
Encourage farmers, networks of local scholars, the private sector, and local communities to participate in establishing guidelines and plans for agricultural production that will enhance food and energy security at the community and national levels [...].
Public database availability: 
Food and energy databases should be developed that span production and marketing through consumption.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
[D] develop bio-energy at household and community levels. ---Establish bio-energy security to strengthen the agricultural sector and support national development.---Research and development to increase the productivity of bio-energy crop production should be promoted.---The development and management of innovation throughout supply chains should be supported so that it can contribute to national food and energy security, and maintain Thailand’s status as a world leader in food production.---Support local community efforts to produce bio-energy from refuse such as municipal solid waste and agricultural by-products through existing technology. Use of advanced knowledge for power plant maintenance should be provided for communities or local authorities in order to reduce the cost of generating power and alleviating pollution.
Clean energy technology transfer: 
Customs checkpoints, border economic centers, and border crossing facilitation should be improved that would result in more efficient energy consumption, greater development of border areas and improved management of business networks by fostering development of regional supply chains. This would enable joint use of resources and knowledge transfer.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
Promote research and development to replace fossil fuels by producing renewable energy through wind, solar, and water resources. Meanwhile, distribute financing and infrastructure for research and support that leads to the production of renewable energy that can be commercialized.---Technology and innovation advances in the manufacturing sector should be fostered to reduce energy utilization and promote its optimal use. Household appliances should be developed to lower overall energy demand.------Utilize tax support and other incentives to redirect technology and materials toward renewable energy.
R&D renewable energy: 
Research and development to increase the productivity of bio-energy crop production should be promoted.---Promote research and apply technology to increase energy crop productivity. Undertake research on other non-food crops as alternative sources of renewable energy such as algae in order to reduce food shortages.---Promote research and development to replace fossil fuels by producing renewable energy through wind, solar, and water resources. Meanwhile, distribute financing and infrastructure for research and support that leads to the production of renewable energy that can be commercialized.