RE targets:
20 percent of Renewable Energy among final energy consumption by 2022. By 2022, Target values of Renewable Energy capacity are as follows: Solar 500 MW; Wind 800 MW; Hydro 324 MW; Biomass 3700 MW; Biogas 120 MW; MSW 160 MW; Other (Hydrogen, tidal, geothermal) 3.5 MW.
RE feed-in tariffs:
First phase of Thailand's Adder Program (2007-2010) Adder (FIT) Rates vary, depending on technologies. Contract length also varies: 10 years for wind and solar, 7 years for other RE.
RE investment or production tax credit:
ESCO Fund - venture capital for ESCOs to jointly invest with private operators in small-size renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. Started from Oct 2008.