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Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Building, Multi-Sector, Other
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Other
Issued by: 
Ministry of Energy
Overall Summary: 
The Ministry of Energy has developed the Thailand Integrated Energy Blueprint (TIEB). In the TIEB, Ministry of Energy has reviewed five energy master plans during the year 2015-2036 consistent with the national economic and social development plan. The five master plans are: The Power Development Plan, The Energy Efficiency Development Plan, The Alternative Energy development Plan, The Oil Development Plan and The Gas Development Plan. The Alternative Energy Development Plan-AEDP2015 was developed and focused on promoting energy production within the full potential of domestic renewable energy resources. It aims to develop appropriate renewable energy production to benefit the social and environmental dimensions of the society. The Plan deals with the following aspects: Renewable Energy Development Status; Development of renewable energy targets; Strategies to promote the development of renewable energy; Expected results.
Energy access action plan: 
Support community and other government agencies electricity system in remote areas.
EE priorities: 
Promote the high efficiency heat generator equipment for household sector.---Promote the improvement of production efficiency.
EE action plans: 
Study and develop automobile technology to use more proportion of biofuel.
EE transport standards : 
Study and develop automobile technology to use more proportion of biofuel.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Increasing renewable energy production, utilization and market potential. Aims: Enhancing renewable energy production and consumption capability.---Support people and a community to participate in the production and utilization of Renewable Energy.---Promote the user friendly RE technology for the household sector ---promote the RE utilization in Industrial sector ---Promote community to produce and consume biofuel.
RE targets: 
Share of RE(%): Electricity: Target by 2036: Electricity: Electricity 15 - 20; Heat: Heat 30 - 35; Bio-fuels : Fuels 20 - 25. RE :Final Energy Consumption: 30%. ---electricity from all renewable energy to achieve 20 percent of the net electrical energy demand [...].---Solar hot water system, the goal is to install a solar hot water system at approximately 9.17 million square meters or 1,160 ktoe of heat equivalent.[...]---Solar Drying System, The goal is to promote the installation of solar drying of 75,000 square meters, equivalent to the production of thermal energy 5 ktoe.---Solar cooling systems, the target was to promote the use of solar cooling system for approximately 300,000 square meters or equivalent to Heat of 35 ktoe. ---Target to Produce Heat by Type of Feedstock: Target at 2036 (ktoe) 1. MSW 495.00; 2. Biomass 22,100.00; 3.Biogas 1,283.00; 4.Solar 1,200.00; 5.Alternatives Heat Source* 10.00. Share of RE for Heat Production(%) Target at 2036: 36.67.
RE action plans: 
Capacity of grid can be fully maximized to receive electricity from renewable energy by the year 2024 onwards.---Solar hot water system, the goal is to install a solar hot water system at approximately 9.17 million square meters or 1,160 ktoe of heat equivalent. The target group are the hotels, resort and hospitals, which use hot water for serving guests or patients and to wash within the operation. The utilization of hot water industrial and residential is included. ---Solar Drying System, [...] This will target the household, small and medium dried product enterprises to improve of drying product standard because the product drying by natural sunlight are often damaged by insects, dust and moisture in the climate. ---Solar cooling systems, the target was to promote the use of solar cooling system[...] In this system the solar hot water will be used as a heat source for the Absorption chiller in large buildings such as shopping centers, office buildings, hotels and hospitals, etc.---Target of renewable energy production for transportation sector: Target at 2036: 1.Bio-diesel 4,404.82; 2. Ethanol 2,103.50; 3. Pyrolysis Oil 170.87; 4. CBG (ton/d) 2,023.24; 5.Alternative Fuels* 10.00. RE share in Transportation Sector (%)25.04.---Develop the renewable energy law and rules to to encourage the development of renewable energy appropriately.---Promote RE electricity for Self-consumption in Government agency, businesses and household buildings.---- Encourage the use of biofuels in government agencies with serious and concrete - Promoting production and distribution automotive engine technology that consume high RE portion biofuels. ---Promote the improvement of production efficiency.---Support RE production from waste and residual from the manufacturing process.
Net metering: 
- Support electricity selfconsumption by Net metering
Biofuels obligation/mandate: 
The promotional target of biofuels is determined by balancing energy demand in the transportation sector and the domestic biofuels production capacity. ---Target of renewable energy production for transportation sector: Target at 2036: 1.Bio-diesel 4,404.82; 2. Ethanol 2,103.50; 3. Pyrolysis Oil 170.87; 4. CBG (ton/d) 2,023.24; 5.Alternative Fuels* 10.00. RE share in Transportation Sector (%)25.04.
RE heat obligation/mandate: 
Target to Produce Heat by Type of Feedstock: Target at 2036 (ktoe) 1. MSW 495.00; 2. Biomass 22,100.00; 3.Biogas 1,283.00; 4.Solar 1,200.00; 5.Alternatives Heat Source* 10.00. Share of RE for Heat Production(%) Target at 2036: 36.67.---Study and set measure to promote the RE Heat production (Renewable Heat Incentive)
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
Study and set measure to promote the RE Heat production (Renewable Heat Incentive)
RE investment or production tax credit: 
Promoted renewable energy investment with tax and appropriate financial measures.
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Create awareness and access to knowledge and facts of renewable energy. Aims: To raise awareness and understanding on the efficient and sustain of production and consumption of renewable energy. Tactic 3.1 Develop renewable energy databases and information management systems; Tactic 3.2 Publicize information, knowledge and statistical data on renewable energy (Promote the activities or projects, such as renewable energy contest - Public relation on RE information and knowledge through various media, such as Websites, print media, radio, television, etc. - Develop and update information paper and make statistical information up to date); Tactic 3.3 Capacity building both in theory and practice to make more ability in utilization of renewable energy; (-Develop new RE course for enterprise and education institute - Training, knowledge transfer on renewable energy application) [...].
Cooperation in RE: 
Tactic 3.4 Development of renewable energy and its related networks and encourage the participation of the whole network both nationally and international level. (- Establish the RE learning center for the community or region. - Develop renewable energy network or support community network to gain acceptance and to reduce the resistance. - Developing and enhancing an international cooperation on renewable energy).
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
The goal AEDP2015 is to increase the proportion of renewable energy in the form of electricity, heat and biofuels for 30 percent of final energy consumption by 2036. [...] This will reduce the greenhouse gas emission for about 140 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e).
Decarbonization strategy: 
- Support groups Green Communities Enterprise (Distributed Green Generation: DGG)
Renewable energy subsidies: 
Promoted renewable energy investment with tax and appropriate financial measures.
Energy pricing: 
Set up appropriate incentives price structure to reflect the true cost of production.---Revised Power purchase rate according to the situation.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
Improve infrastructure to support the production of renewable energy appropriately.---The MOEN has introduced the concept of the biogas purification to be bio-methane and used as the option to replace of petroleum fuel in the area far away the natural gas pipeline. The promotion of CBG will encourage entrepreneurs to invest the CBG Stations and make public easier to access the fuel infrastructure.
Energy mix: 
The AEDP2015 set the target of electricity from all renewable energy to achieve 20 percent of the net electrical energy demand, which complies with the fuel diversification ratio in the power development plan 2015 - 2036 (PDP2015) [...].---[...]Target of Electricity Generation by type of Fuel Target at 2036 (MW) 1. MSW 500.00 2. Industrial Waste 50.00 3.Biomass 5,570.00 4. Biogas (WW/SW) 600.00 5. Small Hydro 376.00 6.Biogas (Energy Crop) 680.00 7. Wind 3,002.00 8.Solar 6,000.00 9. Large Hydro 2,906.40. Share of RE in Electricity Generation (%) 9.87 (2014) 20.11 (2036).
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Capacity of grid can be fully maximized to receive electricity from renewable energy by the year 2024 onwards
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Support the investment on renewable energy to manufacturers and consumers both domestic and international.---Promote the reducing of production costs and make renewable energy market more performant.---Promoted renewable energy investment with tax and appropriate financial measures.
Local content requirement: 
Promoting the use of domestically parts or technology.
Investment climate development: 
Support the investment on renewable energy to manufacturers and consumers both domestic and international.
Bidding and Tendering: 
Support electricity trade by competitive bidding measure.
Public database availability: 
Develop renewable energy databases and information management systems.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Development of alternative raw materials and potential areas for renewable energy production. Development of the high efficient renewable raw materials management and utilization model. Promote the development of appropriate technology for generation and utilization energy. Improve infrastructure to support the production of renewable energy appropriately.---Develop spare part, equipment and a new renewable energy technologies with suitable for use In each area and can be reproduced for commercial purposes. Standardize for material, equipment, installation and system performance testing of renewable energy technologies.---Support RE production from waste and residual from the manufacturing process.---The MOEN has introduced the concept of the biogas purification to be bio-methane and used as the option to replace of petroleum fuel in the area far away the natural gas pipeline. The promotion of CBG will encourage entrepreneurs to invest the CBG Stations and make public easier to access the fuel infrastructure.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
Development and standardization renewable fuel for commercial such as briquettes, pellet and pyrolysis oil, etc. Promotion the production of renewable energy products for use as fuel or co-use with another fuel such as biomass pellet or Bio-coke.---- Develop high quality biofuel such as H-FAME and BHD etc.---Development of appropriated hybrid electricity system such as combine wind with solar power to generate electricity etc.
Advanced fuel extraction technology: 
Study and develop automobile technology to use more proportion of biofuel.
R&D renewable energy: 
[T]he production of Heat by other source of renewable energy, this will be in the research and development of the technology that competitive in price in the near future such as geothermal etc. Defined areas (Zoning) promoting the use of crops for renewable raw materials. - Develop and promote the use of other materials as fuel sources, such as agricultural residues, waste from the manufacturing process in the industry by integrating with various agencies. Research and develop Non-food crop as alternate feedstock to produce biofuel such as rice, sweet rice, cellulose and algae [...].