Revision of previous policy?:
Economic Sector:
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Multi-Sector, Other
Energy Types:
Oil, Power, Renewable, Solar, Wave and Tidal, Wind, Other
Overall Summary:
Kiribati Development Plan (KDP) 2020-2023 is the second development plan to implement the Kiribati Vision 2020 of a sustainable healthier, wealthier and peaceful nation. It focusses on the same six Key Priority Areas (KPAs) used in the former KDP 2016 – 2019: 1. KPA 1: Harnessing our Human Wealth; 2. KPA 2: Growing our Economic Wealth and Leaving No-One Behind; 3. KPA 3: Improving our Health; 4. KPA 4: Protecting our Environment and Strengthening Resilience; 5. KPA 5: Good Governance; 6. KPA 6: Developing our Infrastructure.