Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Solar
Issued by: 
National Energy Administration
Overall Summary: 
Photovoltaic power generation is economically viable in middle and east regions of China due to relatively high electricity price thus is ready for large-scale application. To further implement Renewable Energy Development 12th FYP, promote sustainable development of solar power industry, National Energy Administration decides to construct some photovoltaic power generation demonstration areas.
Renewable Energy
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
The State implements fixed quota of financial subsidies per unit electricity to PV projects in demonstration areas. For self-produced and self-used electricity and extra electricity sold to grid, there is a unified subsidization criteria. Besides, encourage provinces/autonomous regions/municipalities to use their own financial resources to support construction of PV distributed generation in demonstration areas.
Renewable energy subsidies: 
The State implements fixed quota of financial subsidies per unit electricity to PV projects in demonstration areas. For self-produced and self-used electricity and extra electricity sold to grid, there is a unified subsidization criteria. Besides, encourage provinces/autonomous regions/municipalities to use their own financial resources to support construction of PV distributed generation in demonstration areas.
Energy management principles: 
Grid enterprises shall cooperate on accessing PV distributed generation projects and simplify associated standards and management procedures. Actively promote large-scale application of PV distributed generation.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
Encourage implementation of advanced technology and innovative management model, in particular high ratio of micro smart-grid accessing PV power.