Meta Data
Revision of previous policy?: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Power, Multi-Sector
Energy Types: 
Power, Renewable, Hydropower
Issued by: 
Royal Government of Bhutan
Overall Summary: 
The specific objectives for the Fifth Plan are as follows: a) to achieve an acceptable and sustainable rate of growth of the economy. b) to attain over time, economic self-reliance and specifically in the Fifth Plan, to attain a level of internal resources generation adequate to cover the normal maintenance expenditure of Government. c) to achieve greater distributional equity among various sections and regions. The Plan outlines the economic status and development priorities in the areas of: agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, power (excluding the Chukha Project), industry and mines, public works, civil aviation, posts telegraphs, communications, tourism, education, health, information publicity, headquarters, and miscellaneous.
Energy access priorities: 
If [hydropower is] appropriately exploited, power could become the predominant cheap energy source in and could over time, replace the present high dependance on firewood.
Energy access action plan: 
Rural Access: In the Fifth Plan with the substantial increase in generating capacity a more vigorous programme would be pursued with the emphasis on energising agricultural operations and cottage industry sectors. The western region would naturally be the area of concentration and a distribution network and a number of 11 KV lines and below would be built up especially in Paro, Thimphu, and Wangdiphodrang to meet the energy requirements of the proposed thrust in rural development programmes aimed in increasing food production. Urban Access: Emphasis in expanding the network in the growing townships and the replacement of small capacity lines by large capacity lines capable of meeting the future demands.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
The policy with respect to alternative sources of energy, particularly in the rural areas is to encourage the gradual replacement of the use of non-renewable sources, the most important of which is hydro electricity.
RE targets: 
336 MW additional acpaicty installed through the Chukha plant.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
The policy with respect to alternative sources of energy, particularly in the rural areas is to encourage the gradual replacement of the use of non-renewable sources, the most important of which is hydro electricity.---The objectives of the power development plan during the Fifth Plan: to progressively augment generating capacity through hydro-electric plants primarily for domestic and industrial use and also for export; draw a 220 KV line from Chukha to Gaylegphug which will be further tapped at Dagana, Chirang and Sarbhang to supply the southern region; a further 220 KV line is to be taken up from Chukha southward to carry the power which will be exported to India; a number of sub- transmission lines are also to be constructed to connect up existing small Hydel power stations with the western regional grid and also rearrange the present distribution system in the capital, Thimphu.
M&E of policy implementation: 
The responsibility for central monitoring is that of the Royal Secretariat which is done on the basis of returns at regular intervals from the dzongkhags and departments. The various Ministries are also expected to monitor the performance of the various departments under them. The Planning Commission has been given the responsibility of monitoring and evaluation of pro-grammes from time to time. Areas for evaluation are usually identified on the basis of annual reviews.
Statistics collection and management: 
It is proposed to build a well equipped research and developed group which will collect and disseminate energy related data and which is capable of undertaking long term planning in the energy field including the preparation of final design and cost estimates for both small and large scale projects.
R&D renewable energy: 
Studies will be carried out on non-conventional energy sources and experimental prototypes adapted to local conditions will be designed and fabricated.