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Energy, Power, Multi-Sector
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All, Coal, Power, Gas, Renewable, Hydropower, Solar, Other
Office of the Prime Minister
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Сводный обзор: 
The Fourth Malaysia Plan (FMP), 1981-1985 further elaborates and refines policy measures and programmes embodied in the Second and Third Malaysia Plan (SMP and TMP) to ensure that the socio- economic objectives of eradicating poverty irrespective of race and of restructuring society to eliminate the identification of race with economic functions, are achieved. The Plan starts with a review of the progress made in the past years and outlines future development goals for the 1981-1985 period.
Energy access priorities: 
During the FMP, the main targets of the energy sector will be to [...] increase the coverage of electricity supply to the rural households.
Energy access action plan: 
During the FMP, electricity supply to rural areas will be further extended through implementation of mini hydro schemes and solar installations.
Energy access targets: 
The NEB expects to increase the number of rural households supplied with electricity from 790,000 in 1980 to 1,090,000 by 1985. ---In Sabah, about 270 minor projects and mini hydro schemes are being planned by SEB to supply electricity supply to about 17,000 households. In Sarawak, SESCO intends to widen electricity supply to about 17,000 households in 192 villages through conventional diesel generators, mini hydro schemes and solar installations.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
In its [the government] efforts to develop an overall energy plan, emphasis will be placed on the development and exploitation of alternative energy sources, conservation and efficiency in the use of energy through realistic pricing policy and research and development.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
While in the short-term, this growth in demand will have to be met by oil, the longer term efforts will be focussed on diversifying into other sources of energy such as natural gas, hydro-electricity, coal and solar.---In its [the government] efforts to develop an overall energy plan, emphasis will be placed on the development and exploitation of alternative energy sources, [...]through realistic pricing policy and research and development.---In view of the increasing cost of fuel since 1973, high priority is given to finding alternative sources of energy and the formulation of a comprehensive energy policy.---During the FMP, the main targets of the energy sector will be to reduce the country's over dependence on petroleum for electricity generation by utilising other alternative sources such as hydro power [...].
RE action plans: 
During the FMP, electricity supply to rural areas will be further extended through implementation of mini hydro schemes and solar installations. ---In Sabah, about 270 minor projects and mini hydro schemes are being planned by SEB to supply electricity supply to about 17,000 households. In Sarawak, SESCO intends to widen electricity supply to about 17,000 households in 192 villages through conventional diesel generators, mini hydro schemes and solar installations.
Energy environmental priorities: 
A comprehensive national energy policy is being formulated [...]. The Government will also take into consideration realistic pricing as well as the environmental implications of energy development and conservation during the course of formulating the policy.
Energy-water nexus: 
The Government is also undertaking a study for the development of the country's water resources to meet the energy needs.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
While in the short-term, this growth in demand will have to be met by oil, the longer term efforts will be focussed on diversifying into other sources of energy such as natural gas, hydro-electricity, coal and solar.---During the FMP, the main targets of the energy sector will be to reduce the country's over dependence on petroleum for electricity generation by utilising other alternative sources such as hydro power and gas [...].---Several major hydro-electric projects and thermal power plants initiated during TMP such as Bersia (72 MW) and Kenering (120 MW) in Perak, Kenyir (400 MW) in Trengganu, phase I (66 MW) and phase II (44 MW) of Tenom-Pangi Project in Sabah as well as Pasir Gudang thermal power station (240 MW) in Johor and Connaught Bridge Gas Turbine Station (160 MW) in Selangor will be completed during the Plan period [...].---projects such as Batang Ai (92 MW) and Pelagus (1,000 MW) Hydro-electric Projects in Sarawak, Port Kelang thermal power station, phase I (600 MW) in Selangor and the natural gas powered stations in Paka, Trengganu (450 MW) as well as in Labuan, Sabah (120 MW) will be implemented.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
[T]he allocation for energy sector amounts to $2,163 million, out of which $682 million or 31.5% is for hydro power development and $522.5 million or 24.2% is for rural electrification programmes.
Деятельность органов власти
National policy structure: 
In view of the increasing cost of fuel since 1973, high priority is given to [...]the formulation of a comprehensive energy policy.
R&D renewable energy: 
In its [the government] efforts to develop an overall energy plan, emphasis will be placed on the development and exploitation of alternative energy sources, conservation and efficiency in the use of energy through realistic pricing policy and research and development.
R&D energy efficiency: 
In its [the government] efforts to develop an overall energy plan, emphasis will be placed on the development and exploitation of alternative energy sources, conservation and efficiency in the use of energy through realistic pricing policy and research and development.