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Rancangan Malaysia Kelima (PMK5) (1986-1990)
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Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power, Multi-Sector
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Oil, Power, Gas, Nuclear, Renewable, Hydropower, Solar
Office of the Prime Minister
Сводный обзор: 
The Fifth Malaysia Plan (FMP) sets out a programme for economic and social development of the country. It plans to overcome the slowdown in economic growth and increase in the external and domestic debt revealing structural economic weaknesses. Although objectives remain unchanged new policies are introduce to adapt to the 1986-1990 period.
Energy access action plan: 
In the household sector, LPG utilization will be enhanced with the implementation of the reticulated gas piping system that will make possible the supply of piped LPG to households.---[V]arious measures will be considered, including [...], diversifying energy resources, and prioritizing projects in conformity with specific guidelines. Emphasis will continue to be given to the development of minihydro projects and 105 mini hydro projects are expected to be completed during the Plan period.
Energy access targets: 
During the Fifth Plan period, the rural electrification programme will be expanded. The programme will supply electricity to about 261,100 additional households in Malaysia, comprising 203,100 in Peninsular Malaysia, 33,100 in Sabah and 24,900 households in Sarawak, thus benefitting about 77 per cent of the rural population by 1990.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Energy diversification, together with energy conservation, will be the focus during the Fifth Plan period, with a view to further increasing efficiency in energy use and optimizing available energy utilization options.
EE action plans: 
A comprehensive policy on energy conservation as well as adequate institutional arrangements with respect to co-ordination, manpower, and dissemination of information on energy conservation to various users will be formulated.---The use of sodium-filled lamps in public lighting will be increased to conserve electricity. There are also plans to formulate a building control regulation that will emphasize energy conservation.
EE financial incentives: 
[I]ncentives will be provided to those adopting energy conservation measures.
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
Emphasis will continue to be given to the development of minihydro projects and 105 mini hydro projects are expected to be completed during the Plan period.
RE action plans: 
The main project that will be implemented is the Vlu Ai Hydroelectric Project with a capacity of 54 MW.---[V]arious measures will be considered, including [...], diversifying energy resources, [...] Emphasis will continue to be given to the development of minihydro projects [...].
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
In the household sector, LPG utilization will be enhanced with the implementation of the reticulated gas piping system that will make possible the supply of piped LPG to households.---Major projects to be implemented by NEB include the completion of Paka Power Station (900MW), Phase I Port Klang Power Station (600MW), coal gasoil-fired Phase II Port Klang Power Station (600 MW) and Sungai Piah Hydroelectric Project (60 MW).---With the completion of the transpeninsular gas pipeline, some oil-fired power stations will be converted to use gas.---[T]he National Grid, [...],will be further expanded to cover the whole of the east coast from north to south connecting the States of Kelantan, Pahang and Terengganu. The major project to be completed is the 156-kilometre Kenyir-Tanah Merah 275 kV line. With its completion, the interstate connection of the National Grid will be fully completed, linking among others, power stations at Paka, Temengor, and Kenyir with the load centres in both the east and west coasts.---In Sabah, [...] Among the major projects to be undertaken are the third phase of the Tenom Pangi Hydroelectric Project of 74 MWcapacity and the installation ofadditional diesel generating sets for the Kota Kinabalu, Tawau, Lahad Datu, Semporna, and Ranau power stations.---The main project that will be implemented is the Vlu Ai Hydroelectric Project with a capacity of 54 MW.
Cross-border energy infrastructure: 
The PGU Phase II project, which will supply gas from offshore Terengganu to the western and southern part of Peninsular Malaysia as well as Singapore, is expected to be completed by early 1989.
Investment climate development: 
Petroleum Subsector: Foreign participation will, therefore, be promoted concomitant with measures to ensure that the required technology is transferred locally.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
[F]uture energy planning will focus on the immediate issues of institutionalizing energy planning, training of energy planning personnel, and establishing an energy data bank.
National policy structure: 
A comprehensive policy on energy conservation as well as adequate institutional arrangements with respect to co-ordination, manpower, and dissemination of information on energy conservation to various users will be formulated.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
[A] number of feasibility studies will be completed, including studies for the RaubBentong, Maran, DIu Jelai, Nenggiri, Lebir, and the Pergau hydroelectric projects. The ongoing Hydropower Ranking Study will provide a rational basis for selecting hydropower projects to be evaluated as part of the future generation development programme of NEB.---Feasibility studies planned to be undertaken by SEB will include studies on geothermal power generation in the Semporna peninsula, hydroelectric power generation for the Liwagu and Padas river basins, and the power interconnection between Labuan and the mainland of Sabah.
R&D renewable energy: 
Research activities on non-conventional energy resources will be continued, particularly in the agriculture sector to make effective use of post-harvest wastage. The National University of Malaysia and the University of Science Malaysia will conduct further research on solar energy. The potential in co-generation systems will be studied, particularly in isolated biomass power plants with a view to increasing the overall efficiency in energy use. In ensuring effective and meaningful research and development in non-conventional energy sources, the Government will take steps to strengthen the existing efforts in co-ordinating and providing feedback information on energy research and development. Research on energy-saving methods for buildings will also be carried out.
R&D energy efficiency: 
[D]etailed studies will be undertaken to set conservation targets that will serve as a basis for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of energy conservation.