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Power, Multi-Sector
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Power, Renewable, Other
Government of Fiji
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Сводный обзор: 
The Strategic Development Plan (SDP) 2007-20011 for Fiji is the result of consultations with stakeholders in the private sector, non-government organisations and Government. It is based on the lessons learnt from the mid-term Review of the Strategic Development Plan 2003-2005. The document entails eight chapters: It starts with the Vision of "A peaceful, prosperous Fiji", then chapter two and three review the existing Social Development and Economic Development, chapter four addresses the Medium Term Strategy. Chapters five and six regard the macroeconomic management and restructuring of the public sector. Chapters seven and eight define the policies and strategies for individual sectors, including energy.
Energy access priorities: 
Secure access to affordable and reliable energy supplies.
Energy access targets: 
90% national electrification coverage by 2011 and not less than 85% in rural areas.
Energy service quality targets: 
Household power outages on Grid Lines are each not more than 5 minutes by 2010.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Reduce energy use through energy efficiency research, demonstration, energy audits, regulation, and building codes, and create a robust market for energy efficiency services. --- Importance will focus on educating and advocating minimizing utilization of energy.
EE targets: 
GDP per kg oil equivalent, at constant 1995 prices, increased from $5 in 2004 to $8 by 2011.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Monitor Customer satisfaction through survey and develop and implement an awareness program supported by a sound and reliable energy information system for end use decision making at all levels.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Assess local renewable energy resource potential, undertake research, identify technologies appropriate to Fiji and develop information systems.
RE targets: 
Improvement in the national energy mix from 40/60 renewables to fossil fuel to 50/50 for the grid and from 5/95 to 10/90 for off grid by 2011. --- 30% of fuel for transport is bio-fuel, LPG or LNG by 2010.
RE action plans: 
Develop and implement a national electrification master plan covering both grid and stand–alone systems. --- A study on the bio-fuel initiative is currently under way, in order to assess the viability of producing ethanol and coco diesel on a national scale, using sugarcane, cassava and copra has been completed. These various bio-fuels will be used to supplement our electricity supply and provide an alternative to imported diesel fuel for industrial and transportation purposes.
RE prioritization, portfolio standards: 
Improvement in the national energy mix from 40/60 renewables to fossil fuel to 50/50 for the grid and from 5/95 to 10/90 for off grid by 2011.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Government will increase access to provision of energy during the planning period through supporting FEA in energy production to extend its grid and assist others through diesel-powered generators.---A study on the bio-fuel initiative is currently under way, in order to assess the viability of producing ethanol and coco diesel on a national scale, using sugarcane, cassava and copra has been completed. These various bio-fuels will be used to supplement our electricity supply and provide an alternative to imported diesel fuel for industrial and transportation purposes.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
FEA plans to invest $350m up to 2011 in parallel with some $150 million of private investment in IPP and PPP arrangements.
Independent power producers: 
Increase numbers of IPP from 0 to 6.---FEA plans to invest $350m up to 2011 in parallel with some $150 million of private investment in IPP and PPP arrangements.
Public Private Partnerships: 
FEA plans to invest $350m up to 2011 in parallel with some $150 million of private investment in IPP and PPP arrangements. --- Greater collaboration within the industry and development of proposals for private sector involvement in energy, including review of tariffs and cost recovery. --- Realizing the need to boost the supply of energy to the economy, Government will identify PPP projects to support the sector.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
--- A better understanding of Fiji’s energy security situation to guide future policy decisions - established by 2008.
National policy structure: 
Enforce appropriate legislation to improve sustainable energy use, including the National Energy Policy (NEP) and Renewable Energy Based Rural Electrification Act.
Statistics collection and management: 
Monitor Customer satisfaction through survey [...].
Public database availability: 
[...] Develop and implement an awareness program supported by a sound and reliable energy information system for end use decision making at all levels.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Assess local renewable energy resource potential, undertake research, identify technologies appropriate to Fiji and develop information systems.
R&D renewable energy: 
Research, promotion and utilization of renewable energy applications. --- Assess local renewable energy resource potential, undertake research, identify technologies appropriate to Fiji and develop information systems.---A study on the bio-fuel initiative is currently under way, in order to assess the viability of producing ethanol and coco diesel on a national scale, using sugarcane, cassava and copra has been completed. These various bio-fuels will be used to supplement our electricity supply and provide an alternative to imported diesel fuel for industrial and transportation purposes.