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Energy, Power, Multi-Sector
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Renewable, Geothermal, Hydropower, Wind, Other
Government of Fiji
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Сводный обзор: 
The Sustainable Economic and Empowerment Development Stategy (SEEDS) 2008 - 2010 is the result of consultations with key stakeholders. As highlighted in the first chapter, the SEEDS objectives are in line with the mandate of the interim Government aims at a "Better Fiji for All". In particular, the Strategy addresses: Review of Economic and Social Development; Review of Social Development; Short and Medium Term Strategy: Strengthening Good Governance, Restoring Growth and Enhancing Social and Community Development;Good Governance; Growing the Economy (with a section that addresses the energy sector);Reform of Public Service; Reform of Public Financial Institutions; Access to Land and Land Utilization; Social & Community Development.
Energy access targets: 
Key performance indicator: 88% national electrification coverage by 2010 with urban increased from 95% to 98% and rural areas from 70% to 80%.
Energy service quality targets: 
Key performance indicator: Household power outages on Grid Lines are each not more than 5 minutes by 2010.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Reduce inefficient use of energy through energy efficiency research, demonstration, energy audits, regulation, and building codes, and create a robust market for energy.
EE targets: 
Key performance indicator: GDP per kg oil equivalent, at constant 1995 prices, increased from $5 in 2004 to $8 by 2010.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Monitor Customer satisfaction through survey and develop and implement an awareness programme.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Assess local renewable energy resource potential, undertake research, identify technologies appropriate to Fiji. --- Promote measures to reduce fossil fuel consumption, including in the transport sector, and encourage alternative fuels for the power, transport and other sectors efficiency services.
RE targets: 
FEA hopes that additional national investments, including private, in hydro, geothermal, wind, biomass and municipal waste will help it reach its highly-ambitious goal of 100% renewable energy by 2011.
RE prioritization, portfolio standards: 
Key performance indicator: Improvement in the national electricity mix from 40/60 renewables to fossil fuel to 90/10 for the grid and from 5/95 to 45/55for off grid energy by 2010 (Increase 10% renewable to 45,10% per year).
Biofuels obligation/mandate: 
Key performance indicator: 20% of fuel for transport is bio-fuel, LPG or LNG by 2010 (Current alternative fuel use is 3% (taxi).
Cooperation in RE: 
Government will work closely with the World Bank to identify and implement small renewable energy projects around the country, particularly in the Northern division where off-grid schemes are more viable.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Enact appropriate legislation to improve sustainable energy use, including the National Energy Policy (NEP) and Renewable Energy Based Rural Electrification Act.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Promote measures to reduce fossil fuel consumption, including in the transport sector, and encourage alternative fuels for the power, transport and other sectors efficiency services.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Develop and implement a national electrification master plan covering both grid and stand–alone systems. --- Government will work closely with the World Bank to identify and implement small renewable energy projects around the country, particularly in the Northern division where off-grid schemes are more viable.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
FEA hopes that additional national investments, including private, in hydro, geothermal, wind, biomass and municipal waste will help it reach its highly-ambitious goal of 100% renewable energy by 2011. --- It is obvious that steps have to be taken to reduce this heavy dependence on imported fossil fuels. To help facilitate this, Government will do the following: i. continue with its renewable energy investments and assist in securing financing of the construction of an additional hydro-power facility in Nadarivatu; ii. At the same time, Government will work closely with the World Bank to identify and implement small renewable energy projects around the country, particularly in the Northern division where off-grid schemes are more viable at this stage; and iii. Government is pushing ahead aggressively with investments on power cogeneration and ethanol production
Independent power producers: 
Key perfromance indicator: IPP to produce not less than 250GWh of energy per year by 2010 (DOE will identify current levels of IPP output for comparison.) --- Encourage competition in the generation of energy.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Establish a reliable energy information system for end use decision making at all levels.
National policy structure: 
Enact appropriate legislation to improve sustainable energy use, including the National Energy Policy (NEP) and Renewable Energy Based Rural Electrification Act.
Energy institutional structures: 
[Part of the strategy to achieve increased secure access to affordable and reliable energy supplies is the] Formation of an appropriate independent regulatory agency and review the Electricity Act.