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Power Division Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
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Сводный обзор: 
Recognizing the importance of adequate supply of electricity to achieve socio-economic development and for alleviating poverty, the Government of Bangladesh has created the Guidelines for Remote Area Power Supply Systems (RAPSS). Through these Guidelines the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has set top priority for Power Sector Development and has set a target of providing access to electricity to all citizens by 2020. The Guidelines address the selection of the RAPSS, the selection of the investors and issues relating to the operating system. Provisions are also made for tariffs, taxes and duties and the application of the RAPSS Fund.
Energy access action plan: 
[...] To accelerate the coverage of electricity in [...] remote and isolated areas, [...] the Government intends to promote the concept of Remote Area Power Supply Systems (the “RAPSS”) with private sector investment.
Energy access targets: 
The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh [...] has set a target of providing access to electricity to all citizens by 2020.
Renewable Energy
Public competitive bidding/tendering: 
The Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources will select a private investor (the “RAPSS Operator”) for each RAPSS Area through an open and competitive tendering process [...].
Energy sector investment priorities: 
The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has [...] set top priority for Power Sector Development [...] . Since power system development is highly capital intensive, it is imperative that a massive investment would be necessary to achieve the vision of the Government.
Public Private Partnerships: 
[...] To accelerate the coverage of electricity in [...] remote and isolated areas, [...] the Government intends to promote the concept of Remote Area Power Supply Systems (the “RAPSS”) with private sector investment.
Bidding and Tendering: 
The Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources will select a private investor (the “RAPSS Operator”) for each RAPSS Area through an open and competitive tendering process [...].
Деятельность органов власти
Energy institutional structures: 
The RAPSS operator may also decide to generate electricity from its own power plant using conventional fuel and/or alternative renewal energy sources and shall be entitled to wheel it through the national grid network and other associated sub-transmission system.
M&E of policy implementation: 
The Commission will monitor and annually evaluate the performance of the RAPSS Operator in respect of construction standard, targeted facilities and household connections, customer satisfaction and application of RAPSS Fund.