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Power, Multi-Sector
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All, Power, Gas
Prime Minister’s Office Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh DHAKA
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Сводный обзор: 
The Bangladesh Private Sector Infrastructure Guidelines, provide principles for private sector infrastructures. It addresses: The need for private sector infrastructure guidelines; Development of private infrastructure projects; Institutional Framework; Feasibility study; Commercial considerations in a private infrastructure project; Tender and award process. Eventually specific annexes provide for: A: Project progress monitoring by stages; B: Organisation structure of Private Infrastructure Committee; C: Segregation of public and private infrastructure projects in stage zero; D: Flow-chart for private infrastructure projects; E: Types of private infrastructure projects; F: Processing of unsolicited proposals.
Renewable Energy
Public competitive bidding/tendering: 
Any tariff that the Project Company may charge to the consumers shall have to be determined by open and competitive tender process. --- Competitive Tender Procedures: Since Private Infrastructure Projects are relatively new in Bangladesh, and potential local and foreign Investors need to be made aware of the business opportunity, an Executing Agency may organise an investment promotion meeting [...].
Energy pricing: 
Any tariff that the Project Company may charge to the consumers shall have to be determined by open and competitive tender process.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
Specific Large Infrastructure Projects, considered by the Major Terms and Conditions Committee to be pioneering initiatives, shall be given special incentives, on a case-by-case basis. --- Remote Area Power Supply Systems (RAPSS) with their own power generation facilities will be given the incentives provided in the Private Sector Power Generation Policy 1996 [...]. --- In order to aid the rapid development of Private Infrastructure Projects, the Planning Commission/Finance Division shall give priority and allocate funds for associated public financed activities such as the purchase of land, associated/linked public sector projects or consultant hiring, such that the funds are available at the beginning of the fiscal year. Associated/linked public sector projects shall include projects related to the supply of utilities such as electricity, gas [...]. --- All infrastructure projects in the private sector will receive the applicable incentives, provided by the Government from time to time.
Tax and duty exemptions for energy equipment: 
Remote Area Power Supply Systems (RAPSS) with their own power generation facilities [...] shall be given exemption from duties, value-added taxes, and other similar charges on the liquid fuels used for their power generation.
Independent power producers: 
Convergence of Rural Infrastructure Services: In many cases, rural infrastructure services, such as the provision of electricity [...] in rural areas may not be viable on an independent basis. In such cases, the Line Ministries of the sectors involved may discuss measures to improve the viability of such services by combining or converging two or more, small infrastructure suppliers or maintaining sufficient provision in one infrastructure to accommodate the requirements of the other.---Under the Guidelines, infrastructure projects from the following sectors or sub sectors may be implemented as Private Infrastructure Projects: [...] power generation, transmission, distribution and services; exploration, production, transmission, and distribution of oil and gas; --- In order to aid the rapid development of Private Infrastructure Projects, the Planning Commission/Finance Division shall give priority and allocate funds for associated public financed activities such as the purchase of land, associated/linked public sector projects or consultant hiring, such that the funds are available at the beginning of the fiscal year. Associated/linked public sector projects shall include projects related to the supply of utilities such as electricity, gas [...]. --- All infrastructure projects in the private sector will receive the applicable incentives, provided by the Government from time to time.
Investment climate development: 
Competitive Tender Procedures: Since Private Infrastructure Projects are relatively new in Bangladesh, and potential local and foreign Investors need to be made aware of the business opportunity, an Executing Agency may organise an investment promotion meeting [...].
Bidding and Tendering: 
Any tariff that the Project Company may charge to the consumers shall have to be determined by open and competitive tender process. --- Competitive Tender Procedures: Since Private Infrastructure Projects are relatively new in Bangladesh, and potential local and foreign Investors need to be made aware of the business opportunity, an Executing Agency may organise an investment promotion meeting [...].
Деятельность органов власти
Energy institutional structures: 
For the promotion and efficient handling of Private Infrastructure Projects in Bangladesh, a national Private Infrastructure Committee (the “Private Infrastructure Committee” or “PICOM”) shall be established under the Prime Minister’s Secretariat [...]. --- For each Private Infrastructure Project, the CCEA may establish an inter-ministerial committee called the Major Terms and Conditions Committee to establish the major technical and commercial parameters of the Project
M&E of policy implementation: 
Due to the long time-frames involved, the progress of Private Infrastructure Projects must be very carefully monitored. Such monitoring may be carried out by identifying and segregating the different stages through which a Project will typically progress. It is envisaged that PICOM will monitor the stage progression of different projects on a quarterly basis. [...].