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Renewable, Bioenergy, Solar
GIZ in cooperation with the Ministry of Power Energy and Mineral Resources and the German BMZ
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Сводный обзор: 
The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme (REEEP) (Former Sustainable Energy for Development (SED) Programme), supported by the Ministry of Power, Energy, and Mineral Resources and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, is working to address the energy needs of Bangladesh. Towards this aim it promotes the use of renewable energy, as well as efficient use of energy. This is done by improving the framework conditions towards building markets for sustainable energy solutions through building capacities of relevant stakeholders, promoting the appli cation of energy efficient (EE) technologies and technologies for the generation of renewable energy (RE).
Bi-, multi-lateral mechanisms to expand access: 
To build up the lantern market, GIZ Bangladesh's Energising Development (EnDev) programme with co-financing from DFID solar lanterns commercial enterprises will be subsidised through buy down grant. These lithium-Ion and NIM H based small system will ensure a smaller environmental footprint and a re within the financial reach of the poor. These systems will be able to light the huts of the poor people living off-grid and underserved communities cleaner, who are now dependent on traditional kerosene lanterns.
Energy access action plan: 
To build up the lantern market, GIZ Bangladesh's Energising Development (EnDev) programme with co-financing from DFID solar lanterns commercial enterprises will be subsidised through buy down grant. These lithium-Ion and NIM H based small system will ensure a smaller environmental footprint and a re within the financial reach of the poor. These systems will be able to light the huts of the poor people living off-grid and underserved communities cleaner, who are now dependent on traditional kerosene lanterns.
Energy access targets: 
GIZ intervention areas: Improved Cooking Solutions: [...] The programme Bondhu Chula envisages replacing all traditional stoves in Bangla­desh with improved stoves by 2021[...].
Clean cooking solutions: 
GIZ intervention areas: Improved Cooking Solutions: [...] The programme Bondhu Chula envisages replacing all traditional stoves in Bangla­desh with improved stoves by 2021, thereby saving thousands of lives, reducing consumption of biomass and protecting the environ­ment.; Retained Heat Cooker (RHC}; Improved Rice Parboiling Systems.
Consumer subsidies: 
To build up the lantern market, GIZ Bangladesh's Energising Development (EnDev) programme with co-financing from DFID solar lanterns commercial enterprises will be subsidised through buy down grant. These lithium-Ion and NIM H based small system will ensure a smaller environmental footprint and a re within the financial reach of the poor. These systems will be able to light the huts of the poor people living off-grid and underserved communities cleaner, who are now dependent on traditional kerosene lanterns.
EE action plans: 
Developing the framework conditions for promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency through policy advocacy and institutional development of SREDA (Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority}
Renewable Energy
RE action plans: 
Developing the framework conditions for promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency through policy advocacy and institutional development of SREDA (Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority}.--- SED is planning to intervene in Solar Water Heating System, Solar Nano-Grid and Institutiona l Solar Systems in the area of Solar Energy sector.---The SED programme has been working with several partner organizations to promote the inst itutional and commercial use of biogas technology throughout Bangladesh
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
To build up the lantern market, GIZ Bangladesh's Energising Development (EnDev) programme with co-financing from DFID solar lanterns commercial enterprises will be subsidised through buy down grant
Cooperation in RE: 
The Sustainable Energy for Development (SED) programme, supported by the Ministry of Power, Energy, and Mineral Resources and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ} implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ} GmbH, is working to promote the use of renewable energy, as well as efficient use of energy.---The German Government has been actively supporting IDCOL's solar home systems programme for several years now. ---To build up the lantern market, GIZ Bangladesh's Energising Development (EnDev) programme with co-financing from DFID solar lanterns commercial enterprises will be subsidised through buy down grant. These lithium-Ion and NIM H based small system will ensure a smaller environmenta l footprint and a re within the f inancial reach of the poor. These systems will be able to light the huts of the poor people living off-grid and underserved communities cleaner, who are now dependent on traditional kerosene lanterns.--- SED is planning to intervene in Solar Water Heating System, Solar Nano-Grid and Institutiona l Solar Systems in the area of Solar Energy sector.
Pollution control action plans: 
GIZ intervention areas: Improved Cooking Solutions: [...] The programme Bondhu Chula envisages replacing all traditional stoves in Bangla­desh with improved stoves by 2021, thereby saving thousands of lives, reducing consumption of biomass and protecting the environ­ment.
Decarbonization strategy: 
GIZ intervention areas: Improved Cooking Solutions: [...] The programme Bondhu Chula envisages replacing all traditional stoves in Bangla­desh with improved stoves by 2021, thereby saving thousands of lives, reducing consumption of biomass and protecting the environ­ment.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Cooperation in connectivity: 
Addressing Bangladesh's energy needs is, therefore, one of the priority areas of Bangladeshi-German development cooperation.
Investment climate development: 
[I]mproving the framework conditions towards building markets for sustainable energy solutions through building capacities of relevant stakeholders, promoting the application of energy efficient (EE) technologies and technologies for the generation of renewable energy (RE).---Facilitating market uptake of successful business models through capacity development of stakeholders, promoting access to finance and leveraging sustainable ownership.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Developing the framework conditions for promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency through policy advocacy and institutional development of SREDA (Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority}
Energy institutional structures: 
SED is working in developing the framework conditions for promotion of RE and EE through policy advocacy and institutional development of SREDA.
Rural energy agency or equivalent: 
SED is working in developing the framework conditions for promotion of RE and EE through policy advocacy and institutional development of SREDA.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
[I]mproving the framework conditions towards building markets for sustainable energy solutions through building capacities of relevant stakeholders, promoting the application of energy efficient (EE) technologies and technologies for the generation of renewable energy (RE).
Clean energy technology deployment: 
Developing locally customized technological solutions on sustainable energy delivery and establishing business cases through successful piloting.