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National Assembly
Сводный обзор: 
The Rectangular Strategy is set out to guide the implementation of the agenda of the Royal Government, building on the achievements attained in the second legislature of the National Assembly through the implementation of the Triangular Strategy. The Rectangular Strategy selects key elements from the Millennium Development Goals, the Cambodia Socio-Economic Development Program 2001-2005 (SEDP2), the Cambodia National Poverty Reduction Strategy 2003-2005 (NPRS).
Energy access priorities: 
[T]he Royal Government places high priority on attracting increased private sector investment and participation in electricity production and distribution, especially in key provincial and urban centers, as well as investment in rural electrification to provide the rural areas with quality and low cost electricity.
Energy environmental priorities: 
In developing hydro power resources, the Royal Government will carefully analyze all aspects involved, especially its economic benefits and environmental and social impacts.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
The rehabilitation and expansion of electricity generation and distribution in Phnom Penh will be further continued with the imports of electricity from neighboring countries and the construction of a thermal power plant in the coastal zone. The Royal Government plans to install power generating plants in Kamchay, Stung Battambang, Stung Atay and Stung Russeychrum.
Regional integration priorities: 
The rehabilitation and expansion of electricity generation and distribution in Phnom Penh will be further continued with the imports of electricity from neighboring countries and the construction of a thermal power plant in the coastal zone.---iv. Cambodia’s Integration into the Region and the World: The Royal Government will continue to push for the integration of Cambodia into the region and the world, specifically focusing on bridging the development gaps among the member-countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations by promoting full partnership in the implementation of the various elements of the Ini iative for ASEAN Integration as adopted by the ASEAN Summits, in particular the measures and projects adopted by the 8tth ASEAN summit in November 2002 in Phnom Penh. The Royal Government will also continue its active participation in the implementation of Greater Mekong Sub-region Program, especially the flagship programs adopted by the 1st Summit of Greater Mekong Sub-region Program in Phnom Penh in November 2002 and the projects under “the Development Triangle Zones” between Cambodia, Viet Nam and Lao PDR and "the Development Triangle Zones" between Cambodia, Lao PDR and Thailand, and the “Economic Cooperation Strategy” among Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Myanmar. To maximize the gains from international integration, Cambodia must strengthen its institutional capacity to implement cooperative strategies with neighboring countries such as the concept of “Four Countries-One Economy”, the creation of the triangles for economic growth and the establishment of cross-border Economic Processing Zones.
Cooperation in connectivity: 
To maximize the gains from international integration, Cambodia must strengthen its institutional capacity to implement cooperative strategies with neighboring countries such as the concept of “Four Countries-One Economy”, the creation of the triangles for economic growth and the establishment of cross-border Economic Processing Zones.
International trade association membership: 
Cambodia's participation in the ASEAN Free Trade Area and accession to the World Trade Organization constitute strategic and historical steps in the rehabilitation and development of Cambodia. The Royal Government will strictly implement its obligations under the World Trade Organization, recognizing that Cambodia's membership in the WTO requires great efforts in the formulation, adoption and the implementation of laws, regulations,procedures and methodology for valuation, assessment report on the effects of trade protection, studies on rice production and agricultural markets, agricultural value chain analysis, handicrafts, pure drinking water, fisheries, factories, tourism and other labor services that Cambodia can benefit from WTO. The Royal Government is strongly committed to using this opportunity to embark on the reforms of all sectors.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
[T]he Royal Government places high priority on attracting increased private sector investment and participation in electricity production and distribution, especially in key provincial and urban centers, as well as investment in rural electrification to provide the rural areas with quality and low cost electricity.
Investment climate development: 
[T]he Royal Government places high priority on attracting increased private sector investment and participation in electricity production and distribution, especially in key provincial and urban centers, as well as investment in rural electrification to provide the rural areas with quality and low cost electricity.