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Royal Government of Cambodia
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Сводный обзор: 
The NSDP 2009-2013 is organized in seven chapters. Following the introduction presented in chapter I, it presents a summary of major achievements and challenges faced in the implementation of NSDP 2006-2010. Chapter III outlines the macro-economic framework for NSDP Update 2009-2013 and critical indicators/targets for the Plan period. Chapter IV presents RGC’s key policies and actions that will be taken by ministries and agencies to implement these policies during the time frame of the Fourth legislature of the Royal Government. Chapter V deals with issues of costs, resources and programming. Information on monitoring and evaluation aspects of the NSDP 2009-2013 is presented in Chapter VI. The final Chapter VII presents broad conclusions."
Energy access priorities: 
In order to reduce poverty and ensure harmony in the lives of people in the rural areas, the Royal Government will continue to attach priority to accelerate rural electrification, including the use of renewable energy.--- The Royal Government will make further efforts to mitigate adverse effects on environment and society in the implementation of energy projects while safeguarding economic efficiency of each project. Attention will also be paid to capacity building and institutional reform in the Electricity Authority of Cambodia (EAC), Electricity Du Cambodge (EDC) and other relevant ministries and agencies to improve management efficiency and the quality of electricity supply.---To meet the demand for electricity across the whole country, the MIME will: i) Promote the use of local energy sources such as hydro power, natural gas, and coal. ii) Promote the diversification of energy sources for electricity generation. iii) Encourage the private sector to invest in energy infrastructure, including generation, transmission and distribution. iv) Promote regional energy trade through bi-and multi-lateral cooperation. v) Ensure energy security though the creation of reserve generating capacity. vi) Make further efforts to mitigate adverse effects on environment and society in the implementation of energy projects while safeguarding economic efficiency of each project. vii) Carry out capacity building and institutional reform in the Electricity Authority of Cambodia (EAC), Electricité du Cambodge (EDC) and other relevant ministries and agencies to improve management efficiency and the quality of electricity supply.
Energy access action plan: 
Additionally preparation of a list of priority projects and feasibility studies for use in additional financial resources – such as for installing more hydro-electric generation capacity, transmission lines for a national grid, rural electrification, agriculture and rural development including water and sanitation, civil service reform and improvements in salary levels, will be undertaken.---[T]he Royal Government will encourage construction of electricity transmission lines covering all parts of the country to enable the supply of quality and low cost energy from all sources to meet the demand in cities, provinces, urban and rural areas;[...].
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Developing policy, legal and regulatory framework for energy sector in order to encourage the use of efficient energy with minimal impact on the environment.--- Ensure efficient management and resources utilization for economic development and improvement in livelihoods of the Cambodian people.
Energy taxation: 
Increasing revenue collection through broadening the tax base and strengthening administrative compliance. Revenue mobilization measures may include the followings:[…] (iii) introducing VAT for electricity and water; […].
Energy pricing: 
In the Fourth Legislature, the Royal Government will attach priority to increase electricity supply capacity and reduce tariff to an appropriate level while strengthening institutional mechanism and management capability[...].
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
In the Fourth Legislature, the Royal Government will attach priority to increase electricity supply capacity and reduce tariff to an appropriate level while strengthening institutional mechanism and management capability. To this end, the Royal Government will encourage the construction of low cost electricity generating plants by using local energy sources such as hydro power, natural gas, and coal.---[T]he Royal Government will explore possibilities of developing high-tech power plants including nuclear and non-traditional energy[...].--- [...] [T]he Royal Government will encourage construction of electricity transmission lines covering all parts of the country to enable the supply of quality and low cost energy from all sources to meet the demand in cities, provinces, urban and rural areas; ---To increase the supply of available electricity during the next five years, 2009-2013, [The Government] will: [...] iv. Complete work on the Kirirom Hydropower Station 3[...]; v. Complete work on the Kamchay Hydropower Station[...]; vi. Complete work on the Electricity plant powered by imported coal [...]; viii. Complete work on the Electricity plant powered by imported coal to generate 100 MW in 2011 to serve coastal areas; ix. Complete work on the Stung Atai Hydropower Station in 2012 to generate 120 MW.---The Ministry of Industry, Mine and Energy will expand the electricity transmission network by carrying out the following projects: i. 115KV transmission line connecting Stung Treng-Lao PDR to be completed in 2009; ii. 230KV transmission line connecting Takeo-Kampot- a substation in Kampot provincial town to be completed in 2009; iii. 230KV transmission line connecting Kampot Provincial town-Sihanoukville- a substation in Sihanoukville to be completed in 2009; iv. 230KV transmission line connecting Phnom Penh-Kampong Chhnang-Pursat- Battambang to be completed in 2010; v. 230KV transmission line connecting Stung Atai hydropower station-Osom substation and 230KV transmission line connecting Osom substation- Pursat substation to be completed in 2012; vi. 230KV transmission line connecting Phnom Penh-Kampong Cham provincial town-Skun substation to be completed in 2012; vii. 115KV transmission line connecting Phnom Penh-Neakloeung-Prey Veng-Svay Rieng-Vietnam to be completed in 2012; viii. 230KV transmission line connecting Phnom Penh-Vealrinh substation to be completed in 2013.
Regional integration priorities: 
To enhance regional cooperation, within the framework of the GMS, Cambodia has been participating in the implementation of GMS Power Trade Plan; and within the framework of ASEAN, Cambodia is participating in the implementation of ASEAN Power Grid.---[T]he Royal Government [...] will gradually integrate Cambodia's electricity energy system into the networks of the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) countries and ASEAN.
Energy trade priorities: 
[T]he Royal Government will explore possibilities of developing high-tech power plants including nuclear and non-traditional energy, and will pursue the import of electricity from neighbouring countries.---To meet the demand for electricity across the whole country, the MIME will:[...] iv) Promote regional energy trade through bi-and multi-lateral cooperation.---To increase the supply of available electricity during the next five years, 2009-2013, it will: i. Import 200 MW from Vietnam in 2009 to supply power to Phnom Penh. ii. Import 20 MW from Vietnam in 2009 to supply power to Kampong Cham. iii. Import 20 MW from Lao PDR in 2009 to supply power to Stung Treng. [...] vii. Import an additional 60 MW from Thailand in 2010 2009 [...] viii. Complete work on the Electricity plant powered by imported coal to generate 100 MW in 2011 to serve coastal areas.
Investment climate development: 
The Royal Government will also set up mechanisms and bodies to guide [the private] sector and monitor operations by ensuring strong regulatory oversight, transparency, and clear separation of policy, regulatory and operational aspects.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
In the Fourth Legislature, the Royal Government will attach priority to increase electricity supply capacity and reduce tariff to an appropriate level while strengthening institutional mechanism and management capability
Clean energy technology deployment: 
Additionally preparation of a list of priority projects and feasibility studies for use in additional financial resources – such as for installing more hydro-electric generation capacity, transmission lines for a national grid, rural electrification, agriculture and rural development including water and sanitation, civil service reform and improvements in salary levels, will be undertaken