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Тип документа: 
Overarching Policy
Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind
Energy Planning Unit
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Сводный обзор: 
The RE Policy was adopted by Cabinet on 24 March 2006. Its Vision is the following: ‘That by the year 2015, the Kingdom of Tonga achieves an optimal socio-economic structure achieved by sustainable energy development.’ Goal: ‘The provision of sufficient, socially, financially, economically, technically, politically and environmentally sustainable renewable energy systems.’
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
To promote and encourage the use of proven, appropriate and affordable renewable energy technologies in Tonga based on a systematic approach.
RE action plans: 
Promote a national standard for installation and maintenance of renewable energy projects.---Encourage community involvement in renewable energy development.---Formulate a minimum quality and safety standard for solar energy equipment.---Formulate a national standard for installation and maintenance of solar energy systems.---Provide training on the design, installation, repair, maintenance and management of solar energy systems.---Establish a solar energy database.---Develop a project proposal for the installation of XXXX solar energy home systems.---Install XXXX renewable energy home systems in the outer islands by 200X.---Identify renewable energy systems to meet the needs of different communities.---Develop a plan for solar energy programme.---Establish a wind energy database.---Develop a plan for wind energy programme.---Write a project proposal for funding and technical assistance for biomass resource assessment in the Kingdom of Tonga: e.g. coconut husks, rubbish, etc.---Develop a plan for biomass energy programme.---Write a project proposal for funding and technical assistance for geothermal resource assessment in the Kingdom of Tonga.---Write a project proposal for funding and technical assistance for wave resource assessment in the Kingdom of Tonga including, tidal and Ocean Thermal Energy.
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Build the capacity in Tonga to carry out assembling, installing, repairing, maintaining and testing of renewable energy equipment.---Include renewable energy in primary and secondary schools curriculum.---Promote community awareness in renewable energy technologies.---Encourage community involvement in renewable energy development.---Provide training on the design, installation, repair, maintenance and management of solar energy systems.---Provide public education and training on solar energy programmes. Organise industrial shows related to solar energy technologies.---Provide training on wind energy assessment to EPU staff.---Involve the EPU staff in the preparation, designing and installation and maintenance of wind energy systems.---Provide public education and awareness, advice and training on wind energy programmes.---Organise industrial shows related to wind energy technologies.---Provide training in the area of biomass resource assessment to EPU staff.---Provide public education and awareness, advice and training on biomass energy programmes.---Organise industrial shows related to biomass energy technologies.
Cooperation in RE: 
To develop partnerships with potential foreign and local investors, donors and agencies in seeking funding sources and technical assistance for the development of renewable energy programmes in Tonga.---To encourage inter-governmental, statutory bodies, non-governmental, donors, financial institutions, beneficiaries and private sectors cooperation in renewable energy programmes.---Build development partner interest in renewable energy programmes.---Encourage sharing of information amongst all stakeholders.---Seek funding for a biogas demonstration project in cooperation with the Tongan Waste Management Project.
Energy trade priorities: 
Promote and encourage the importation of renewable energy technologies which meet a minimum equipment specification and safety standard applicable to the Tongan condition.
Investment climate development: 
To encourage inter-governmental, statutory bodies, non-governmental, donors, financial institutions, beneficiaries and private sectors cooperation in renewable energy programmes.---Wind energy: Provide relevant information and data to potential investors.
Public Private Partnerships: 
To encourage inter-governmental, statutory bodies, non-governmental, donors, financial institutions, beneficiaries and private sectors cooperation in renewable energy programmes.
Деятельность органов власти
National policy structure: 
To ensure that appropriate provisions regulating renewable energy are provided for, in a legislative framework.
Energy institutional structures: 
Ensure that the Energy Planning Division (EPU) of the Ministry of Lands, Survey and Natural Resources (MLSNR) has the capacity to plan, develop and manage renewable energy projects/programmes. Strategies: Provide the EPU with appropriate number of professional and support staff.Identify a viable source of funds within the MLSNR or elsewhere for the purpose of financing office space, equipment and similar expenses in support of renewable energy programme development. Empower the MLSNR with the responsibility of regulating the renewable energy industry in Tonga except for electricity produced from renewable energy sources which will be regulated under the provisions of the Tonga Electric Power Board Act.---Establish an incorporated solar energy committee for each island district.
Public database availability: 
Establish a solar energy database.---Establish a wind energy database.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
To promote and encourage the use of proven, appropriate and affordable renewable energy technologies in Tonga based on a systematic approach.---Conduct wind energy assessment in potential locations throughout the Kingdom of Tonga---Write a project proposal for funding and technical assistance for biomass resource assessment in the Kingdom of Tonga: e.g. coconut husks, rubbish, etc.---Write a project proposal for funding and technical assistance for geothermal resource assessment in the Kingdom of Tonga.---Write a project proposal for funding and technical assistance for wave resource assessment in the Kingdom of Tonga including, tidal and Ocean Thermal Energy.
Clean energy technology transfer: 
Seek technical assistance for renewable energy programmes from potential donors.---Seek technical assistance for development of wind energy project.---Write a project proposal for funding and technical assistance for wave resource assessment in the Kingdom of Tonga including, tidal and Ocean Thermal Energy.
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
To develop partnerships with potential foreign and local investors, donors and agencies in seeking funding sources and technical assistance for the development of renewable energy programmes in Tonga.