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Energy, Power, Multi-Sector, Other
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All, Power, Renewable, Other
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MECC) and the National Emergency Management Office (NEMO)
Сводный обзор: 
Joint National Action Plan on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management 2010-2015 comprises six priority goals. These include: 1) Improved good governance for climate change adaptation and disaster risk management (mainstreaming, decision making, organizational and institutional policy frameworks); 2) Enhanced technical knowledge base, information, education and understanding of climate change adaptation and effective disaster risk management; 3) Analysis and assessments of vulnerability to climate change impacts and disaster risks; 4) Enhanced community preparedness and resilience to impacts of all disasters; 5) Technically reliable, economically affordable and environmentally sound energy to support the sustainable development of the Kingdom; 6) Strong partnerships, cooperation and collaboration within government agencies and with Civil Societies, Non Government Organisations and the Private Sectors.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Goal 5: Technically reliable, economically affordable and environmentally sound energy to support the sustainable development of the Kingdom.
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
Objectives: • 10% reduction of GHG emissions based on 2000* levels by 2015 through implementing Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) programmes [...]