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Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Building, Multi-Sector, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar, Other
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
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Сводный обзор: 
The Myanmar Climate Change Strategy (MCCS) 2018-2030 aims to provide a roadmap for Myanmar to strategically address climate-related risks, and also seize opportunities, over the next 13 years and beyond. The MCCS contributes to materialize the Myanmar Climate Change Policy (MCCP) Vision for the Country to be a climate-resilient, low-carbon society that is sustainable, prosperous and inclusive, for the wellbeing of present and future generations .
Energy access targets: 
According to the 2014 National Energy Policy, the electricity sector should expand rapidly over the next decade, with a target of 45 percent electrification by 2020-2021 and 60 percent by 2025-2026.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Both the private sector and the government have an interest in working for energy efficiency to reduce waste at the consumption end of energy at residential and industrial levels, increase availability, contain prices and reduce emissions.---The industrial sector will need to increase its adherence to principles of environmental management with co-benefits in reduced carbon generation — for example, energy efficiency, [...] and natural resource use. --- In the energy sector, national and sub-national consultations and the evolving policy environment have highlighted priorities including: (b) The improvement of energy efficiency in productive processes and infrastructure; [...]
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Myanmar should and could engage in a low-carbon energy pathway by maximising renewable energy production from hydro and solar sources for the electricity grid that are necessary for critical industry and by seeking alternative ways to increase access to electricity both off-grid or with a mix of renewables. --- In the energy sector, national and sub-national consultations and the evolving policy environment have highlighted priorities including: (a) The promotion and diversification of renewable energy sources, supported by further research in energy diversification; [...]
Energy environmental priorities: 
In the energy sector, national and sub-national consultations and the evolving policy environment have highlighted priorities including: (c) The development of capacities to include climate change considerations in energy practices.
Energy trade priorities: 
There is a need to increase coverage, while maintaining important sources of foreign revenues through energy exports which account for a large share of the national GDP.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
To increase the adaptive capacity of and maximise opportunities from lowcarbon and climate resilient development, the strategy will guide investment in the six priority social and economic development sectors that contribute to current and planned economic and social development in Myanmar. These six sectors are: [...] natural resource management; energy,[...]. The action areas identified above will deliver significant transformation in priority sectors to ensure that current and future investments are resilient to the impacts of climate change and can unlock opportunities from climate-resilient and low-carbon development, including opportunities related to green and inclusive job creation, sustainable revenue generation and innovative business models.