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Overarching Policy
Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power
Виды энергоресурсов: 
All, Oil, Power, Gas, Renewable, Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Other
National Energy Management Committee
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Сводный обзор: 
The main objective of the Myanmar Energy Sector Policy is to ensure energy security for the sustainable economic development in the country; and to provide affordable and reliable energy supply to all categories of consumers, especially to those living in the remote areas that are currently without electricity. The policy aims to achieve the Government’s overarching objective of poverty reduction and improvement in the quality of life of its people. The policy also aims to increase foreign exchange earnings through energy exports after meeting the national demand. The government will encourage deploying green technologies in a range of sectors including energy and enact policies for clean energy development for low carbon economy. Special emphasis is placed on community –based renewable energy development projects in the remote areas of the country to help expand the rural development program, and to provide livelihood opportunities to the rural poor. Provision of community-level energy infrastructure development activities, with special provisions for women participation, is also intended to help improve children education, health, clean water supply, and reduce exposure to indoor air pollution, as well as overall rural environmental improvement.
Energy access priorities: 
The main objective of the Myanmar Energy Sector Policy is [...] to provide affordable and reliable energy supply to all categories of consumers, especially to those living in the remote areas that are currently without electricity. The policy aims to achieve the Government’s overarching objective of poverty reduction and improvement in the quality of life of its people. ---To expand the electric power system to all the States and Regions of the country.---To promote use of hydropower for rural electrification and agricultural water.
Energy access action plan: 
The Energy Sector Policy places special emphasis on community –based renewable energy development projects in the remote areas of the country to help expand the rural development program, and to provide livelihood opportunities to the rural poor. Provision of community-level energy infrastructure development activities, with special provisions for women participation, is also intended to help improve children education, health, clean water supply, and reduce exposure to indoor air pollution, as well as Overall rural environmental improvement. ---In the rural areas remotely located from the grid system, technology support and policy support will be given to develop community based electric power generation capacity with renewable energy resources. --- To install micro hydro turbine units in the conduit and irrigation canals of the existing, ongoing water reservoirs and to produce electricity power for rural villages.---To implement poverty reduction program by establishing pilot villages using renewable energy---To promote rural electricity generation programs based on renewable energy.
Energy access targets: 
[T]he country needs to increase the electrification rate from the current level of 26 % to 75 % by the end of year 2021/2022. The President, further stated that in order to achieve the target of 75 % electrification rate, the country must increase its generation capacity during the next 10 years at the rate between 500 MW to 1,000 MW on the yearly basis reaching a total of about 16,665 MW at the end of the 10 year period.
Clean cooking solutions: 
To promote alternative energy uses for household energy: To utilize other fuel types than firewood/ charcoal as a household fuel.---- Promotion of using efficient stoves
Consumer subsidies: 
The Government plans to move towards a gradual removal of energy subsidies, first mainly for electricity consumers and electric power utilities. Removing subsidies would encourage the entities to develop produce, and distribute energy in a more efficient way. However, electricity tariff will rise as a result, and the government will be faced with the challenge of protecting the poorest in the country against unaffordable rising electricity costs. Thus, the government needs to prepare a plan for a gradual removal of indirect subsidies, together with a clear, transparent and well-reasoned public explanation of why the subsidies need to be reduced and eventually removed. The Government will undertake public consultation in advance of the removal of any subsidies, and hopes to receive support from all segments of the society, so that it could institute urgently the much needed action for subsidy reduction.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
To promote energy efficiency and conservation.
EE targets: 
To implement targets for energy efficiency and conservation program within the ASEAN region which is to reduce 5% on year 2005 consumption by year 2020 , and 8% reduction on base year 2005 by year 2020.
EE action plans: 
In order to minimize the impact of energy use on environment and to reduce wastage in energy use. Means for energy conservation will be implemented. ---To use biofuel in transportation and industrial sector and to export surplus.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Public awareness and people participation in sub- stainable use of energy---To conduct awareness raising campaign and capacity building regarding energy efficiency and conservation programs. --- Energy efficiency and conservation program to contribute to energy demand required due to economic development.
Cooperation in EE: 
To coordinate with other relevant Ministries in drawing up specification and standardization corresponding to National and ASEAN standard.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
To expand energy production based on renewable energy resources---To promote use of hydropower for rural electrification and agricultural water ---To encourage large scale production of bioethanol, bio- diesel with local and external investment and to encourage community level bioethanol production in the rural areas.---To encourage energy production from mini hydro , from bio-mass (biogas, biodiesel, and bioethanol) is to be encour- aged as sources of rural energy supply.---To promote utilization of renewable energy resources in order to susta- inably develop the social and economic livelihood of the country.---The Energy Sector Policy places special emphasis on community –based renewable energy development projects in the remote areas of the country to help expand the rural development program, and to provide livelihood opportunities to the rural poor.
RE action plans: 
To expedite timing completion of ongoing hydro power projects. ---To use biofuel in transportation and industrial sector and to export surplus.---To implement poverty reduction program by establishing pilot villages using renewable energy.
Biofuels obligation/mandate: 
To standardize the blending ratio of biofuel according to time scale (eg. 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030)
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Public awareness and people participation in sustainable use of energy. Extension programmes to the people for better understanding of the benefits and use of renewable energy
Energy environmental priorities: 
The Energy Sector Policy aims to integrate the social and environmental considerations in the national energy planning and in the complete cycle of energy development.---To minimize environmental impact and social impact in the energy implementation projects. To promote extended utilization of new energy resources and renewable energy resources.---To operate such energy production facility based on crops, plants and animal waste with minimum impact of environment.--[P]ower systems based on renewable energy sources (RES) such as solar, wind, hydro, biomass, geothermal etc., and improvements in the energy efficiency and conservation programs in the existing facilities are considered promising solutions for alleviating some of the power shortages in the country and also in reducing GHG emissions.
Pollution control action plans: 
To produce coal briquette and fuel stick using advance techno- logy to minimize emission of CO2 , NO2 and SO2.---To find out the technologies of biomass energy production, which has less harm to natural resources.---Provision of community-level energy infrastructure development activities, with special provisions for women participation, is also intended to[...] reduce exposure to indoor air pollution, as well as overall rural environmental improvement.
Decarbonization strategy: 
To expand use of biofuel short term and long term basis in order to reduce impact on environment and impact on climate change
Land use change for energy production purposes: 
Protection of natural forests which are the main source of biomass energy. To maintain the sustainable production of natural forests by reducing fuel-wood production from natural forests to 46% in 2030 from 71.4% in 2000. (2) Protection of natural forests which are the main source of biomass energy (2.1) To maintain the sustainable production of natural forests by reducing fuel-wood production from natural forests to 46% in 2030 from 71.4% in 2000: - Implementation of measures for natural forest protection in accordance with 30 years National Forest Master Plan- Forming more local supply working circles for various eco- logical zones in District Forest Management Plans- Planning the strategies to supply fuel-wood shortage in central Dry Zone and Mangrove areas of Myanmar - Exploitation of fuel-wood from trees outside forests such as from crop lands, homestead gardens and fencings.---Establishment of forest plantations to fulfill the fuel-wood energy. To reduce pressure on natural forests by rehabilitation of degraded and / or denuded forest lands. - Implementation of tree planting programmes to support rural housing- Establishment of private forest plantations [...]
Energy-water nexus: 
To promote use of hydropower for rural electrification and agricultural water ---To prioritize multi - purpose water reservoir projects.---Sustainability of water and hydro power resources. To protect the watershed areas of main dams and major rivers. - Developing protection strategies for water shed areas of main dams and major rivers after thorough assessment of their current situation- Preparing control measures soil erosion and sedimentation processes in watershed areas- Sustainable development of livelihood systems of local people in collaboration with different organizations Initiating Payment for Ecosystem Services by the service users to incur the protection cost
Energy pricing: 
(e) The price of LPG to be deregulated and the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) to be encouraged.--- To adopt convenient pricing policy for both consumers and investors depending on international prices
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
1. The Government seeks to improve the availability of energy supply in Myanmar through the development of the country’s oil and gas, hydro, renewable energy resources, and improvement in energy efficiency in all sector of the economy and more particularly in the industrial sector. --- To optimize the fuel mix for reducing the country’s dependence on imported fuel, and for improving the environment, the Government intends to formulate a plan to support the development of renewable energy resources such as solar, wind, mini-hydro, biomass, etc., for power generation. ---To strive for generating electricity depending on regions and topographical situation with the use of solar power, hydro power, wind power, geothermal, bio mass and bio fuel to be able to meet the public demand for electricity---The main objective of the Myanmar Energy Sector Policy is to ensure energy security for the sustainable economic development in the country; ---Emphasize to fulfill the domestic energy requirement on a priority basis. Utilize the discovered crude oil and natural gas resources for the most benefit and effective use of the region and its population: To supply energy (Crude Oil and Natural Gas) required for the economic development country - To supply domestic requirement of crude oil and natural gas on the first track basis. Invitations are made to the foreign oil companies to cooperate with local companies for petroleum exploration and production in onshore and offshore areas.---To install and operate new natural gas pipeline network for the energy security and national security of the State with the supervision of the State and if required collaboration from international companies.---To monitor and update continu-ously energy utilization pattern and the demand for different types of energy resources of Myanmar.---To utilize other fuel types than firewood/ charcoal as a household fuel.---To manage integration among the electric power consumer sectors so that electric power requirement of the country can be adequately supplied. ---To implement measures for the full capacity operation of hydro power plants, coal - fired power plants, and natural gas power plants.---To supplement sufficient electric power inspection of gas turbine power plants, new construction of coal – fired power plant, and construction of Power plants based on wind energy and solar energy to be implemented in addition to hydro electricity.---To conduct investigation of the remaining hydro-power resources and to produce more electric power out of those renewable hydro power resources.---To promote development of coal sector in Myanmar.---To safely carry out exploitation of coal by open pit method and underground method.---To reduce depen- dent to natural forests for fuel- wood collection -To reduce the cost for fuel- wood and hence leading to poverty reduction.---- Cooperation with line mini- stries to access alternate energy sources such as electricity, natural gas, etc. Promotion of using agricultural residues as a substitute for fuel-wood.---National research programmes to assess the current situation and potentiality of production and utilization of biomass energy ---(b) The development of recently discovered, large reservoirs of natural gas to be expedited;---(e) The price of LPG to be deregulated and the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) to be encouraged; and
Энергетическая смесь: 
The Government strategy for new electric power generation plants to be constructed in the next 2030-2031 will be based on energy mix of 38% (8896 MW) hydropower, 20% (4758 MW) of natural gas, 33% (7940 MW) of coal and 9% (2000 MW) of renewable sources
Infrastructure development priorities: 
The Energy Sector Policy incorporates a framework to expand the renewable energy infrastructure that is based on fuel that is free and self-renewing: the sun, the wind, biomass, hydro, and geothermal, and gradually reduce the energy infrastructure that depends on fuel that continuously rises in price, is dirty, dangerous, causes global warming, and destroys the habitat of this planet. ---To expand electric power grid system and to transmit more electricity, available hydro energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, solar energy, and other energy resources will be exploited for possible electri -city generation so that electric power can be supplied adequately the whole of Myanmar.---To construct electric power transmission lines and substations and to draw up plans for electricity distribution to industries and general population, duration the fifth short term plan. ---To expedite timing completion of ongoing hydro power projects. ---To expedite timely completion of ongoing projects and to operate full capacity generation and transmission of completed power plants ---New Gas- Based CCPP Power Plants: Ministry of Electric power plans to construct two power plants in Tharkayta (503MW and 513MW), one power plant in Hlawga (486MW) , one power plant in Kanbauk (525MW), one power plant in Mawlamyine (230MW), one power plant in Kyaukphyu (50MW), ), one power plant in Thaton (106MW), one power plant in Ayeyarwady/Yangon (500MW), ---(b) New Hydropower Projects : Ministry of Electric Power is adding new hydropower generation capacity at various stages of implementation. (i) Out of 11 new hydropower plants having an install capacity of 2132MW and generating 7865 MWh of electrical energy. 7 plants are constructed out of government budget allocation. [...] Ministry of Electric Power is implementing 43 hydropower projects with the aggregate capacity of 42225.5 MW on Joint Venture/BOT basis.
Cross-border energy infrastructure: 
Joint venture companies will be established in order to expedite electric power generation, transmission and distribution work and also to promote private participation in the electric power sector also to operate as the Electricity Regulator in the trans boundary electric power interconnection grid
Regional integration priorities: 
To collaborate with ASEAN member countries in the development of quality speci- fication laboratory techniques and coal marketing techniques in order to promote trading of coal among the countries. to promote coal marketing based on standardize specification
Cooperation in connectivity: 
To implement and operate electric power generation system and transmission system in accordance with international practice.---To conduct comparative study on coal resource, development program, demand &supply of Myanmar and ASEAN member countries.---To collaborate with ASEAN member countries in the coal sector development works. ---to promote coal marketing based on standardize specification.---To coordinate with other relevant Ministries in Myanmar with other ASEAN member countries for the conduct of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies caused by the coal projects.---12. A 250 Km long- 500 kV transmission line, first in Myanmar is under implementation with bilateral assistance from Serbia. The Asian Development Bank and the Government of Japan are assisting the second stage of 500 kV transmission system - a 125 km long near Yangon.
Energy trade priorities: 
The policy also aims to increase foreign exchange earnings through energy exports after meeting the national demand. ---To allow the coal export with the approval of the Union Government
Energy sector investment priorities: 
The process of exploration and development of oil and gas fields to be accelerated, and increased foreign investment in this sector to be encouraged
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
To formulate funding mechanism in order to succe- ssfully implement energy efficiency and conservation program.
Independent power producers: 
Independent Power Producer (IPP) programs are soon to be promoted as has been operating in the neighboring countries
Investment climate development: 
To promote private sector participation in energy sector.---To promote private sector participation in the electric power generation sector, distribution sector which are to be operated accordingly modern technology.---To encourage private sector participation in the future hydro power plants, coal - fired power plants, and gas power plants. ---To restore existing State Owned Electric Power Organizations in order to promote local and external investments in the sector.---To promote private participation in the production of fuel out of the seeds on the community basis.---To encourage foreign investment and government/ private sector participation in the development works relating to renewable energy.---The natural gas and petroleum sector to be deregulated and the privatization process of entities involved in commercial operations be expedited for greater efficiency for private sector investment.---The Government’s plan is to move the power sector from an inefficient state-controlled monopoly to a competitive, market-driven system in order to produce the highest level of customer satisfaction. Under the restructuring program the Government’s financial support to the energy and electric power sectors, including guarantees, would be phased out except as a last resort, e.g., for large, risky projects, or to meet social and environmental objectives such as supplying energy to rural communities. Thus, the restructuring program will consist of (i) a set of energy generation companies; (ii) non-discriminating access by generation companies to transmission and distribution services
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
The policy aims to achieve the Government’s overarching objective of poverty reduction and improvement in the quality of life of its people. ---The Energy Sector Policy places special emphasis on community –based renewable energy development projects in the remote areas of the country to help expand the rural development program, and to provide livelihood opportunities to the rural poor. Provision of community-level energy infrastructure development activities, with special provisions for women participation, is also intended to help improve children education, health, clean water supply, and reduce exposure to indoor air pollution, as well as overall rural environmental improvement. ---To strengthen capacity of performance of Myanmar technicians and to nurture new generation of Scientists and Technology by utilizing modern technology in the oil and natural gas projects.
National policy structure: 
To review and reform existing electricity laws and regulations with the assistance of local and external legal experts in order to align with the current economic reform policy.---) To prescribe relevant legal frame work including laws, rules and regulations etc. required for implementation of energy efficiency and conservation programs.---The natural gas and petroleum sector to be deregulated and the privatization process of entities involved in commercial operations be expedited for greater efficiency for private sector investment
Energy institutional structures: 
The National Energy Management Committee, with its uniquely positioned administrative status and leadership, shall coordinate among the stake holders for the successful implementation of the Energy policy. ---To establish coal sector development committees and to coordinate --- To cooperate and coordinate with other relevant Ministries to draw up relevant laws, rules and regulations for the energy efficiency and conservation.---To establish a dedicated department responsible for successful implantation of energy efficiency and conservation programs.--- A regulatory authority to be established for the orderly operations and development of the electricity, natural gas and petroleum subsectors.---There is a need to establish the office of a Myanmar Energy and Power Regulating Authority (MEPRA) for the energy and electricity power sector[...].---Establishment of New Directorate General for Renewable Energy Resources Development: The Directorate General for Renewable Energy Resources Development may be considered to be in the Ministry of Energy. The main function will be to undertake and implement renewable resources development projects.[...].
Coordination with regional energy associations: 
To collaborate with international and regional organizations in matters relating to energy.---To cooperate with other relevant organizations for the compilation of reliable and accurate statistics pertaining to energy production, energy supply, demand and energy projection.---To study the coal policies of ASEAN member countries. To develop Myanmar Coal Sector on the basis of best practices of ASEAN member countries. To conduct comparative study on coal resource, development program, demand & supply of Myanmar and ASEAN member countries.---To coordinate with other relevant Ministries in drawing up specification and standardization corresponding to National and ASEAN standard.
Statistics collection and management: 
To cooperate with other relevant organizations for the compilation of reliable and accurate statistics pertaining to energy production, energy supply, demand and energy projection.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
The government will encourage deploying green technologies in a range of sectors including energy and enact policies for clean energy development for low carbon economy. ---To investigate potential for energy production out of crops, biomass, animal waste.---To conduct technology development works for planta- tion of feed stock plants to produce biodiesel and bioethanol.---To find out the technologies of biomass energy production, which has less harm to natural resources.
Low-emission and cleaner coal technology: 
To engage clean coal technology and to employ measures to minimize environmental impact in the exploration and exploitation of coal. To prescribe laws, rules and regulations to enforce clean coal technology in the coal-fired electric power plant & industrial utilization.---To exchange technology for advance use of coal in promoting wood substitute fuel consumption to prevent defore- station. To invite local and foreign investment and technologies for upgrade of coal. To produce coal briquette and fuel stick using advance techno- logy to minimize emission of CO2 , NO2 and SO2. ---To collaborate with ASEAN member countries for the construction of coal-fired power plants equipped with clean coal technology in order to supplement energy requirements.
Natural gas transportation technology: 
(e) The price of LPG to be deregulated and the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) to be encouraged;
R&D renewable energy: 
To conduct R&D work for production of biomass energy from agricultural residue and waste.
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
To engage clean coal technology and to employ measures to minimize environmental impact in the exploration and exploitation of coal.---To collaborate with ASEAN member countries for the construction of coal-fired power plants equipped with clean coal technology in order to supplement energy requirements. To collaborate with ASEAN member countries to aggregate in the application of Clean Coal Technology. To collaborate with ASEAN member countries for the development of coal based industry. ---To collaborate with ASEAN member countries in the development of quality specification laboratory techniques and coal marketing techniques in order to promote trading of coal among the countries.--- To cooperate with ASEAN member countries in the technology for reduction of environmental impact caused by coal use.
Industrialization support: 
9. To formulate necessary measures for adequate supply of energy for development of industrial sector.