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Title in national language: 
The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No. 9/2012
Проект документа: 
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Тип документа: 
Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Multi-Sector, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Coal, Other
Government of Myanmar
Сводный обзор: 
The objectives of this Law include: (a) to enable to implement the Myanmar National Environmental Policy; (b) to enable to lay down the basic principles and give guidance for systematic integration of the matters of environmental conservation in the sustainable development process; (c) to enable to emerge a healthy and clean environment and to enable to conserve natural and cultural heritage for the benefit of present and future generations; (d) to reclaim ecosystems as may be possible which are starting to degenerate and disappear; (e) to enable to manage and implement for decrease and loss of natural resources and for enabling the sustainable use beneficially; (f) to enable to implement for promoting public awareness and cooperation in educational programmes for dissemination of environmental perception; (g) to enable to promote international, regional and bilateral cooperation in the matters of environmental conservation; (h) to enable to cooperate with Government departments, Government organizations, international organizations, non-government organizations and individuals in matters of environmental conservation.
Energy environmental priorities: 
objectives: [T]o enable to lay down the basic principles and give guidance for systematic integration of the matters of environmental conservation in the sustainable development process;
Cooperation in env.: 
g) to enable to promote international, regional and bilateral cooperation in the matters of environmental conservation;
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
18. The relevant Government departments and Government organizations shall, in accord with the guidance of the Union Government and the Committee, carry out the conservation, management, beneficial use, sustainable use and enhancement of regional cooperation of the following environmental natural resources: [...] (d) mineral resources; [...]
Energy institutional structures: 
The Union Government shall form the Environmental Conservation Committee with the Union Minister for the Union Ministry assigned by the Union Government as the Chairman and with suitable members to conserve the environment of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar;