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Power, Other
Сводный обзор: 
The National Roadmap has been developed to support and guide country-level actions with the broad objective to implement the recommendations of the Regional Policy Roadmap to harmonize air conditioners standards in ASEAN countries by 2020, which is aimed at facilitating market transformation towards more energy efficient air conditioners. It targets all air conditioners (fixed-speed and inverter) with the cooling capacity of and below 3.52kW.
Energy access action plan: 
Mitigating stress on the electricity grid from increased load of new electrical appliances and improving reliability of energy services to the consumers;
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
[T]here is clear vision at the national level of the importance and the potential benefits of pursuing measures on energy efficiency and conservation [...].
EE standards for appliances: 
Minimum Energy Performance Standards: By 2020, adopt regionally harmonized technology neutral and mandatory MEPS at minimum EER 2.9W/W and CSPF 3.08 W/W for all air conditioners below 3.52kW by 2020. Review of MEPS every 5 years. Adoption of the testing and evaluation methods: By end of 2017 adopt ISO 5151-2010 as a uniform testing standard for air conditioners, and adjust import regulations accordingly. [...] By 2020, adopt CSPF method of ISO 16358 as a uniform testing standard for all fixedspeed and inverter units, and adjust import regulations accordingly. ---Progressively mitigate demand for electricity and significantly increase the share of high energy performance air conditioners in Myanmar through adoption of regionally harmonized Minimum Energy Performance Standards and development of an appropriate regulatory framework for their enforcement, with the long-term goals of: • Improving national energy security and energy export potential; • Mitigating stress on the electricity grid from increased load of new electrical appliances and improving reliability of energy services to the consumers; • Mitigating stress on resources used for power generation (notably water) • Protecting domestic market from imports of air conditioners with poor energy performance; • Increasing comfort and reducing electricity bills for the users of air conditioners.”
Cooperation in EE: 
By 2018, adopt provisions on recognizing testing results from laboratories certified and accredited based on ISO/IEC 17025. Participate in establishing a coordinated regional monitoring, reporting and verification regime in ASEAN. Participate in development and adoption of the regional Mutual Recognition Agreement on recognition of energy performance testing standards and testing results reports for air conditioners from properly certified and accredited testing laboratories.
Energy-water nexus: 
Mitigating stress on resources used for power generation (notably water)
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
Improving national energy security and energy export potential;
Energy trade priorities: 
Improving national energy security and energy export potential;---Protecting domestic market from imports of air conditioners with poor energy performance;
Деятельность органов власти
Energy institutional structures: 
The overall responsibility of the National Roadmap implementation lies with the Ministry of Industry, and specifically with its Energy Efficiency and Conservation Division (EECD/MOI)[...].
Coordination with regional energy associations: 
Participate in establishing a coordinated regional monitoring, reporting and verification regime in ASEAN.
M&E of policy implementation: 
By 2020, establish and operationalize an efficient national system for MV&E. Participate in establishing a coordinated regional monitoring, reporting and verification regime in ASEAN.
Public database availability: 
Participate in the establishment of a Regional Product Database as a tool to support exchange of product information and non-compliance alerts, and to coordinate verification activities