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Ministry of Development Brunei Darussalam 
Сводный обзор: 
Brunei Darussalam Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) supersedes the INDC and has been developed in an inclusive Whole-of-Nation process through the instituted national climate change governance. It sets a new ambition level which includes an economy-wide 2030 NDC target based on clear climate mitigation, resilience and adaptation policies.
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
1.4 BNCCP Strategy 4 on Renewable Energy - Increase total share of renewable energy to at least 30% of total capacity in the power generation mix by 2035.
RE action plans: 
1.3 BNCCP Strategy 3 on Electric Vehicles - Increase total share of electric vehicles (EV) to 60% of the total annual vehicle sales by 2035.
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
Brunei Darussalam is committed to a reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20% relative to Business-As-Usual levels by 2030. --- 1.5 BNCCP Strategy 5 on Power Management - Reduce GHG emissions by at least 10% through better supply and demand management of electricity consumption by 2035.
Pollution control action plans: 
1.1 BNCCP Strategy 1 on Industrial Emissions - Reduce overall emissions in the Industrial Sector.
Decarbonization strategy: 
1.6 BNCCP Strategy 6 on Carbon Pricing - Impose price on carbon emissions for industrial sector. --- 1.8 BNCCP Strategy 9 on Carbon Inventory - Mandatory monthly and annual reporting of carbon inventory.