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Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power, Transport, Multi-Sector
Виды энергоресурсов: 
All, Power, Renewable, Other
Ministry of Finance and National Planning
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Сводный обзор: 
The document starts with the Vision, nine Outcome Objectives and four Enabling Themes. These are then grouped with their respective strategies, of which there are 42 in total. Chapter 1 provides additional information to provide a deeper understanding of the focus of these strategies. Chapter 2 outlines the process for establishing a Monitoring and Evaluation structure to allow Tonga to track progress against each strategy leading up to our objectives and vision.
Energy access priorities: 
Maintaining and where possible expanding the provision of reliable and cost efficient power supplies, using traditional and renewable options, to all communities. ---Outcome Objective 3 : Appropriate, well planned and maintained infrastructure that improves the everyday lives of the people and lowers the cost of business, as well as  mitigating the  impact of natural disasters by the adequate funding and implementation of the National Infrastructure Investment Plan (NIIP). Increase the percentage of villages/towns with 24 hour energy supply.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Maintaining and where possible expanding the provision of reliable and cost efficient power supplies, using traditional and renewable options, to all communities. ---Proportion of Tonga’s energy needs met by renewable energy increased.
RE targets: 
Government will work toward achieving the national target of 50% renewable energy, originally set for 2012, as part of government’s commitment to cutting costs and addressing climate change.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Cultural awareness, environmental sustainability, disaster risk management and climate change adaptation, integrated into all planning and implementation of programmes, by establishing and adhering to appropriate procedures and consultation mechanisms.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Government will work toward achieving the national target of 50% renewable energy, originally set for 2012, as part of government’s commitment to cutting costs and addressing climate change.
Energy taxation: 
Implementing tax reform and modernisation programmes to enhance revenue services and taxpayer’s compliance.
Energy pricing: 
Regional trade will be encouraged by the elimination of non-tariff barriers in the short term and progressively removing all tariff barriers over a longer period, to be replaced by alternative revenue raising options. Establishing the foundation for negotiating membership in the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER) is underway.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
Currently 98% of Tonga’s energy requirements are met by imports of fuel. This is used for land and sea transport, and generating of most of the electricity consumed. Government will seek options with the fuel industry for more cost effective procurement, shipment, delivery, storage and distribution of fuel.---Implementing the JNAP­-CCADRM to reduce vulnerability & risks; and to enhance resilience to the impacts of climate change & natural hazards: Level of Disaster Risk Management and energy security [improved].
Энергетическая смесь: 
Government will work toward achieving the national target of 50% renewable energy, originally set for 2012, as part of government’s commitment to cutting costs and addressing climate change.
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Appropriate, well planned and maintained infrastructure that improves the everyday lives of the people and lowers the cost of business, by the adequate funding and implementation of the National Infrastructure Investment Plan (NIIP). ---  Maintaining and where possible expanding the provision of reliable and cost efficient power supplies, using traditional and renewable options, to all communities. --- Taking a sector wide approach to the provision and maintenance of infrastructure, seeking alternative options for provision and cost recovery, and implement the proposed priority projects outlined in the NIIP (including: energy, [...]).
Energy trade priorities: 
Regional trade will be encouraged by the elimination of non-tariff barriers in the short term and progressively removing all tariff barriers over a longer period, to be replaced by alternative revenue raising options. Establishing the foundation for negotiating membership in the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER) is underway.
International trade association membership: 
Government will continue to liberalise trade policy. This will include continuing its active membership in international and regional trade bodies such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA).
Energy sector investment priorities: 
To facilitate access, Government will establish the Tonga Trade and Investment Board. Government will also focus on improving access to international shipping to help keep down transport costs. Through the Pacific Islands Forum the government will finalise an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union (EU). The EPA is expected to comprise a master agreement aimed at enhancing the trading and investment-attracting capacity of African, Caribbean, and Pacific Island states, and subsidiary agreements covering trade in goods and services (including tourism), investment and fisheries and development assistance.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Dynamic public and private sector partnership as the engine of growth, by promoting better collaboration between government and business, appropriate incentives and streamlining of rules and regulations.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Outcome Objective: Appropriate, well planned and maintained infrastructure that improves the everyday lives of the people and lowers the cost of business, by the adequate funding and implementation of the National Infrastructure Investment Plan. Strategy: Taking a sector-wide approach to the provision and maintenance of infrastructure, seeking alternative options for provision and cost-recovery, and implement the proposed priority projects outlined in the NIIP (including: energy, telecoms, water, solid waste, roads, ports and airports.