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Power, Multi-Sector
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Government of Nauru
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Сводный обзор: 
The Nauru Utilities Corporation Act 2011 (Act No. 13 of 2011) to establish the Nauru Utilities Corporation and for related purposes. It is enacted by the Parliament of Nauru and serves to ensure that essential utilities services are provided by the Nauru Utilities Corporation. The Act provides for the functions of Corporations including Electricity and Fuel.
Деятельность органов власти
National policy structure: 
An Act to establish the Nauru Utilities Corporation and for related purposes. --- 3. Purposes The purposes of this Act are to: (a) ensure essential utilities services are provided by the Nauru Utilities Corporation; and (b) enable the Corporation to operate efficiently and independently while allowing for necessary oversight by the Minister to ensure the Corporation is financially viable and performs its functions fully and in a way that is not detrimental to customers; and (c) ensure the powers and functions of the Corporation are exercised and performed in a safe way.
Energy institutional structures: 
5. Establishment of Corporation (1) The Nauru Utilities Corporation is established. --- 6. Chief executive officer (1) The Minister, with the consent of Cabinet, must appoint a person to be the chief executive officer of the Corporation. --- 7. Advisory committee (1) An advisory committee is established to advise the Minister about matters related to the operations of the Corporation, including whether, in the opinion of the committee, the powers and functions of the Corporation are being carried out adequately. --- 8. Functions of Corporation – electricity The functions of the Corporation in relation to electricity are the following: (a) to generate, acquire, exchange, transport, distribute, market and otherwise supply electricity; (b) to undertake, maintain and operate any works, system, facilities, apparatus or equipment required for any function mentioned in paragraph (a); (c) to do anything that the Corporation determines to be conducive or incidental to the performance of a function mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b).