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Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Multi-Sector, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
All, Power, Gas, Renewable, Bioenergy, Solar, Wave and Tidal, Wind, Other
Government of Nauru
Сводный обзор: 
The Nauru Energy Road Map (NERM) 2014 – 2020 builds upon the energy sector development agenda laid out in the National Sustainable Development Strategy 2005 -2025 (revised 2009) and the National Energy Policy Framework (NEPF) of 2009. The aim of the Road Map is to enable the achievement of Nauru’s overall vision of “A future where individual, community, business and government partnerships contribute to a sustainable quality of life for all Nauruans”. The Energy Road Map lays out strategies and activities in six thematic areas of power, petroleum, renewable energy, demand side energy efficiency, transport and institutional strengthening and capacity building to achieve the above outcomes and targets. As for energy access, the objective is set to achieve 24/7 grid electricity supply with minimal interruptions.
Energy access priorities: 
Provide a reliable, affordable, secure and sustainable energy supply to meet the socio-economic development needs of Nauru.
Energy access action plan: 
Purchase and install new Transmission and Distribution (T&D) equipment and a new generator.
Energy access targets: 
The targets of the Energy Road Map by 2020 are: 24/7 grid electricity supply with minimal interruptions.
Clean cooking solutions: 
(Strategy 2: Investigate ways to reduce use of or find alternatives to liquid fuels:) Activity 2.2 – Identify barriers to the increased use of LPG for cooking and design actions to remove those barriers - 1 to 2 years. --- Activity 2.6 – Investigate the potential for biogas from pigs (and other) for domestic cooking - 2 to 3 years.
EE targets: 
The targets of the Energy Road Map by 2020 are: [...] 3. 30% improvement in energy efficiency in the residential, commercial and government sectors.
EE action plans: 
(Strategy 2: Implementation of demand side energy efficiency:) Activity 2.5 – Undertake energy efficiency actions in Government Buildings - 3 years; Activity 2.6 – Replace street lights to EE technologies combined with solar power - 2 years.
EE labeling: 
(Strategy 3: Introduction of energy labeling and minimum energy performance standards:) Activity 3.1 – Prepare feasibility study to determine the best approach to appliance testing and labelling for energy performance - 1 to 2 years; Activity 3.2 – Introduce energy labelling of high electricity consumption appliances such as air conditioners, freezers, refrigerators, etc - 2 years; [...] Activity 3.4 - Prepare and enact appropriate legislation for energy labelling and MEPS - 2 to 3 years; Activity 3.5 - Training to customs and other government departments on labelling and MEPS, including enforcement - 2 years and ongoing.
EE financial incentives: 
(Strategy 2: Implementation of demand side energy efficiency:) Activity 2.2 – Prepare and implement long term energy efficiency for communities campaign including financial incentives for people to exchange less energy efficient appliances for new, more efficient ones; Activity 2.4 – Establish guidelines and financial incentives for energy efficiency measures in construction or retrofitting of buildings - 1 year. --- (Strategy 1: Implementation of energy efficiency in transport:) Activity 1.3 – Undertake a study of incentives to increase the use of bicycles and motorcycles for personal transport, as well as car pooling and other behavioural changes to encourage energy efficiency, and implement as appropriate - 6 months.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
(Strategy 2: Implementation of demand side energy efficiency:) Activity 2.1 – Prepare and implement energy efficiency campaign (NUC) to communities - 6 months. --- (Strategy 3: Introduction of energy labeling and minimum energy performance standards:) Activity 3.3 –Carry out awareness raising to communities, businesses and government - Ongoing for 3 years. --- (Strategy 1: Implementation of energy efficiency in transport:) Activity 1.8 – Design and implement awareness campaign to communities on energy efficiency in transport - 6 months and ongoing.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Nauru is planning to increase the contribution of renewable energy into the national energy mix.
RE targets: 
The targets of the Energy Road Map by 2020 are: [...] 2. 50% of grid electricity supplied from renewable energy sources. -- Strategy 1: Phased implementation of large-scale solar up to 8.5 MWp61: 6 months to 6 years.
RE action plans: 
NUC plans to replace and upgrade distribution equipment to cater for future load growth and future renewable energy generation that is connected to the grid. --- (Strategy 1: Upgrade assets:) Activity 1.6: Purchase and install capacitor banks or batteries and advanced inverters to allow integration of high shares of variable renewables - 3-5 years. --- (Strategy 2: Investigation and implementation of other renewable energy resources:) Activity 2.1 – Carry out a wind resource assessment and feasibility study - 1 year; Activity 2.2 – Prepare and implement wind generation project if determined to be economically feasible - 5 years; Activity 2.3 – Undertake consolidated renewable energy options study for other possible sources of electricity generation - By 2020; Activity 2.4 – Study the feasibility of back-up solar powered RO units in alternative locations - 1 to 2 years; Activity 2.5 – Investigate the potential for and identify suitable plants that can be used to green the Topside and provide appropriate biomass for future biofuels production - 3 to 5 years. --- Strategy 3: Build in-country capacity to operate and maintain solar PV systems - 6 to 3 years. --- (Strategy 2: Investigate substitutes to diesel and petrol for transport:) Activity 2.1 – Study the feasibility of LPG, hybrid and electric (powered by renewable electricity) vehicles, including buses - 1 to 2 years; Activity 2.2 – Investigate the future potential of biofuel production on Topside for vehicles and small vessels - 3 to 5 years. --- (Strategy 1: Establish appropriate policies, regulations and legislation for the energy sector:) Activity 1.6 – Investigate options, develop and implement a framework for private sector (IPPs, businesses and residences) renewable energy grid-connection and relevant supporting instruments (e.g. net-metering) - 2 to 3 years.
Energy-water nexus: 
(Strategy 3: Improve supply-side energy efficiency:) Activity 3.5: Review opportunities for savings of electricity from water pumping and RO units and by reducing leakages in the reticulation, delivery and storage systems /tanks. - 3 to 4 years; Activity 4.6: Carry out feasibility study for most promising water sector opportunity and if favourable, implement - 3 to 4 years.
Energy taxation: 
(Strategy 1: Establish an economically efficient, secure and safe National Fuel Terminal and fuel supply:) Activity 1.7 - Establish a fuel industry levy to support government administration and regulation of fuel operator - 2 to 3 years.
Energy pricing: 
(Strategy 4: Move toward full recovery of operating and maintenance costs:) Activity 4.1: Carry out a cost-of-service study for NUC across all three service areas of fuel, water and electricity, including water and electricity tariffs study (price, structure, etc.). Time frame: 6 months. Expected results: Cost-of-service defined for fuel, water and electricity. Electricity and water tariffs proposed. --- (Strategy 1: Establish an economically efficient, secure and safe National Fuel Terminal and fuel supply:) Activity 1.2 – Prepare fuel pricing template and provide training to NUC and MoF staff - 6 months.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Энергетическая смесь: 
e targets of the Energy Road Map by 2020 are: [...] 2. 50% of grid electricity supplied from renewable energy sources.
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Nauru Utilities Corporation (NUC) has recently commenced a programme of replacing the steel poles with wooden ones as well as the replacement of faulty line fuses to reduce the extended outages. NUC also has plans to replace and upgrade distribution equipment to cater for future load growth and future renewable energy generation that is connected to the grid. --- (Strategy 1: Upgrade assets:) Activity 1.1: Purchase and install new Transmission and Distribution (T&D) equipment -1 to 2 years; Activity 1.2: Carry out structural repairs to the NUC powerhouse, including removal of the asbestos roofing and replacement -1 to 2 years; Activity 1.3: Purchase and install power quality equipment at the power station including AVR replacement and governor and upgrade of controls - 1 year; Activity 1.4: Purchase and install of a new generator - 1 year; Activity 1.5: Carry out major overhaul of the newest existing generator - 1 year; Activity 1.6: Purchase and install capacitor banks or batteries and advanced inverters to allow integration of high shares of variable renewables - 3-5 years; Activity 1.7: Carry out safe and environmentally sound disposal of retired generators and other old equipment that is replaced - 2-4 years. --- (Strategy 3: Improve supply-side energy efficiency:) Activity 3.3: Develop new project proposals for improvement of transmission and distribution line losses as more information from metering becomes available - 2 to 3 years; Activity 3.5: Review opportunities for savings of electricity from water pumping and RO units and by reducing leakages in the reticulation, delivery and storage systems /tanks - 2 to 3 years.
Предварительные решения: 
(Strategy 1: Implementation of energy efficiency in transport:) Activity 1.6 – Assess options to discourage the importation of vehicles that have larger engines (e.g. through increased import duties, etc.) - 1 year.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
(Strategy 1: Implementation of energy efficiency in transport:) Activity 1.2 – Design and implement programmes to provide incentives and facilities to improve the quality of maintenance for personal transport (cars) - 1 year; Activity 1.3 – Undertake a study of incentives to increase the use of bicycles and motorcycles for personal transport, as well as car pooling and other behavioural changes to encourage energy efficiency, and implement as appropriate - 6 months. --- (Strategy 2: Implementation of demand side energy efficiency:) Activity 2.2 – Prepare and implement long term energy efficiency for communities campaign including financial incentives for people to exchange less energy efficient appliances for new, more efficient ones; Activity 2.4 – Establish guidelines and financial incentives for energy efficiency measures in construction or retrofitting of buildings - 1 year.
Independent power producers: 
(Strategy 1: Establish appropriate policies, regulations and legislation for the energy sector:) Activity 1.6 – Investigate options, develop and implement a framework for private sector (IPPs, businesses and residences) renewable energy grid-connection and relevant supporting instruments (e.g. net-metering) - 2 to 3 years.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Private sector, community and Non-Government Organisations including development partners will contribute to the NERM implementation through engagement with the Energy Unit. --- (Strategy 1: Establish appropriate policies, regulations and legislation for the energy sector:) Activity 1.6 – Investigate options, develop and implement a framework for private sector (IPPs, businesses and residences) renewable energy grid-connection and relevant supporting instruments (e.g. net-metering) - 2 to 3 years. --- Strategy 4: Foster a culture of partnerships between public and private sectors including the community.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
(Strategy 2: Improve planning and management:) Activity 2.1: Review the corporate governance of NUC - 1 year; Activity 2.2: Carry out capacity planning exercise for 2014 to 2020 including projected demand and generation - 6 months; Activity 2.3: Establish process for long-term financial planning and develop first long-term financial plan - 1 year; Activity 2.4: Develop annual procurement plan and maintenance plan - Every year; Activity 2.5: Undertake comprehensive technical assessment of generation, transmission and distribution , including thermo-graphic analysis - 6 months; Report on generation & T&D assets; Activity 2.6: Undertake comprehensive mapping, data compilation, inventory, storage planning and maintenance planning for all assets - 1 to 2 years; Activity 2.7: Develop manuals for operation, safety, maintenance and service for all key equipment - 1 to 2 years; Activity 2.8: Develop asset security, disposal and revaluation policy - 3 to 4 years; Activity 2.9: Collect baseline information and establish collection, storage, management and back-up processes for all financial and sales data - 1 to 2 years. --- (Strategy 4: Move toward full recovery of operating and maintenance costs:) Activity 4.4: Improve accounting systems through integration of the asset registry and the financial management information system - 1 to 2 years; Continue and strengthen prepayment and metering system, including a) Move all residences and businesses to prepaid; b) meter all industrial and government buildings; c) Check systematically correct functioning of meters; and d) develop measures to prevent meter tampering - 1 year; Activity 4.6: Develop and implement process to move fuel purchasing responsibility from government to NUC. --- Strategy 2: Facilitate development of appropriate local skill base to meet ongoing demand in the energy sector - 1 to 2 years. --- Strategy 3: Improve governance and accountability in the energy sector.
National policy structure: 
A legislative framework is required which provides for an appropriate governance regime including consideration of an overarching Energy Act. The legislation should also promote and encourage active participation of the private sector and civil society. --- (Strategy 3: Introduction of energy labeling and minimum energy performance standards:) Activity 3.4 - Prepare and enact appropriate legislation for energy labelling and MEPS - 2 to 3 years. --- (Strategy 2: Implementation of demand side energy efficiency Activity Organization Responsible): Activity 2.3 – Prepare and enact legislation making electricity theft a crime - 6 months. --- (Strategy 1: Implementation of energy efficiency in transport:) Activity 1.1 – Develop a policy statement and if appropriate, a target, for the transport sector with regard to energy related issues - 1 year. --- (Strategy 1: Establish appropriate policies, regulations and legislation for the energy sector:) Activity 1.1 - Develop a legislative and governance framework for the energy sector - 1 to 2 years; Activity 1.2 - Develop supporting regulations for the NUC Act - 1 year; Activity 1.3 - Develop Petroleum Act - 1 to 2 years; Activity 1.5 – Review of regulatory or policy barriers (e.g. import duties) to EE and RE investment - 1 to 2 years; Activity 1.6 – Investigate options, develop and implement a framework for private sector (IPPs, businesses and residences) renewable energy grid-connection and relevant supporting instruments (e.g. net-metering) - 2 to 3 years.
Energy institutional structures: 
There are currently three entities with key responsibilities in the energy sector: the Ministry of Finance, including the Planning and Aid Division (PAD), the Department of CIE and the Nauru Utilities Corporation (NUC). --- Under the Implementation Framework the Department of CIE (Department of Commerce, Industry and Environment) in consultation with other Government Ministries and Departments will establish within its existing corporate structure an ‘Energy Unit”. The Energy Unit will report directly to the Secretary of the Department of CIE. --- (Strategy 4: Move toward full recovery of operating and maintenance costs:) Establish separate business unit financial information for water, electricity and fuel services - 1 year.
Statistics collection and management: 
(Strategy 2: Improve planning and management:) Activity 2.9: Collect baseline information and establish collection, storage, management and back-up processes for all financial and sales data - 1 to 2 years (option assessed); 2 to 3 years (Options to discourage importation of vehicles with large engines implemented). --- (Strategy 1: Implementation of energy efficiency in transport:) Activity 1.9 – Establish a data collection system for energy and transport data (related to other databases as appropriate) - 6 months to 1 year.
R&D renewable energy: 
(Strategy 2: Investigate ways to reduce use of or find alternatives to liquid fuel:) Activity 2.4 – Carry out a study on potential substitutes of petroleum (e.g. biofuel, biomass) - 2 to 3 years. --- (Strategy 2: Investigate substitutes to diesel and petrol for transport:) Activity 2.1 – Study the feasibility of LPG, hybrid and electric (powered by renewable electricity) vehicles, including buses - 1 to 2 years; Activity 2.2 – Investigate the future potential of biofuel production on Topside for vehicles and small vessels - 3 to 5 years.
R&D energy efficiency: 
(Strategy 2: Implementation of demand side energy efficiency:) Activity 2.7 – Study the feasibility of additional water storage with reticulated water distribution - 2 years. --- (Strategy 1: Implementation of energy efficiency in transport:) Activity 1.4 - Undertake a study of public transport systems in Pacific Islands, with similar traffic patterns - 2 to 3 years.