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Title in national language: 
Faigafaavae mo Atinae o Malosiaga mo Samoa 2007
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Тип документа: 
Overarching Policy
Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power
Виды энергоресурсов: 
All, Oil, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Other
Ministry of Finance, Economic Policy and Planning Division
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Сводный обзор: 
The Samoa National Energy Policy (SNEP) was issued in 2007. Its vision is "to enhance the quality of life for all through access to reliable, affordable and environmentally sound energy services and supply". This vision supports the national vision for "Improved Quality of Life" as stipulated in the recent Strategy for the Development of Samoa. The recent increase and diversity in energy demand together with the high associated costs highlights the need for a comprehensive framework to guide and manage the growing energy sector in Samoa. The Policy addresses the following topics: Vision; Goals; Samoa National Energy Policy Framework; Overview of the Economy; Overview of the Energy Sector Planning and Management; Renewable Energy; Electricity; Petroleum; Transport.
Energy access priorities: 
Vision: To enhance the quality of life for all through access to reliable, affordable and environmentally sound energy services and supply.
Energy access targets: 
Strengthen management efficiency, quality, production, transmission and distribution to ensure reliable and affordable supply and safe distribution of electricity to all consumers. --- Objective: Access for all to reliable, affordable and safe petroleum products.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Energy efficiency and conservation or demand side management are promoted for the end user to ensure that energy is used wisely and efficiently resulting in energy savings.
EE action plans: 
Key issues: Demand Side Management for increased efficiency examined.---Key issues: Energy efficient transportation. --- Strategies: Promote fuel efficiency in land and sea transport and ensure systems are reliable. efficient and affordable.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Public awareness must be conducted to promote energy efficiency, conservation and highlighting the costs and benefits of Renewable Energy. The public must also be well informed of [...] how to use energy more efficiently to gain more energy savings. --- Public Awareness programs need to be conducted on energy efficieny and conservation, appliance energy consumption ratings, promoting energy audits as well as illustrating ways to minimise electricity usage thus promote energy savings through different options available. These efforts will culminate in greater consumer awareness on cost saving measures in terms of household and business kilowatts usage or demand side management. --- Promote through public awareness programs efficient use of transport and encourage the use of public transport.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Due to the continuous increase in fuel prices and Samoa's heavy reliance on fossil fuel to meet its demand, renewable energy and indigenous energy sources are promoted and encouraged to be used as a substitute. Objective: To successfully change from fossil fuel dependency to Renewable Energy investment.
RE targets: 
Goals: 1: To increase the share of mass production from renewable sources to 20% by year 2030; 2: To increase the contribution of Renewable Energy for energy services and supply by 20% by year 2030.
RE action plans: 
Generation of electricity using renewable energy sources will be heavily promoted. To this effect, electricity generated from solar energy is being piloted by the Electric Power Corporation [...]. The use of coconut oil electricity generation will be developed and generators will be upgraded to ensure an efficient level of electricity production is maintained. --- Strategies: Promote electricity generation from proven renewable energy technologies (hydro, wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, etc) and ensure that environment regulations are adhered to.
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Public awareness must be conducted [...] highlighting the costs and benefits of Renewable Energy. The public must also be well informed of RE technologies which are environmentally friendly safe and applicable to their respective needs [...]. Partnership with communities and all energy stakeholders must be strengthen in order to develop RE activities and development partners assistance will be encouraged for these community projects.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Energy diversification based on indigenous energy sources will be encouraged and promoted in a more sustainable manner. --- Clear legislations and guidelines are to be put in place to guide the developments and investments in the energy sector in order to promote sustainable development and ensure reliable, affordable and environmentally sound energy services and supply are provided. Appropriate policy statements will also ensure environmental considerations are strictly adhered to. --- Existing RE projects such as hydropower power plants should be upgraded as well developing potential hydro power plants with minimal impact on the environment. --- Strategies: Promote electricity generation from proven renewable energy technologies (hydro, wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, etc) and ensure that environment regulations are adhered to. --- Emphasis on disseminating information related to air pollution and promoting public awareness of the impact of transport on the environment through the media is also encouraged.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Promote the use of bio-fuels and other alternative energy sources to reduce dependency and emission on fossil fuel.
Carbon markets: 
Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM) component should be considered with regards to greenhouse gas emissions.
Energy pricing: 
The EPC (Electric Power Corporation) Act needs to be reviewed to reflect the noted update trends with provisions for private sector involvement and an appropriate tariff structure. Tariff adjustments will be implemented to encourage imports of more efficient electrical equipment and appliances. --- Key issues: Appropriate tariff structure indexed to input costs reflected. --- Ensure the efficiency and effectiveness in monitoring, management and assessment of petroleum related matters such as pricing [...].
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Promote the use of bio-fuels and other alternative energy sources to reduce dependency and emission on fossil fuel.---The use of coconut oil electricity generation will be developed and generators will be upgraded to ensure an efficient level of electricity production is maintained.---Existing RE projects such as hydropower power plants should be upgraded as well developing potential hydro power plants with minimal impact on the environment. --- Objective: Efficient, reliable, affordable and sustainable electricity services. --- Efforts will also be geared towards minimising transmission losses. --- Petroleum: Ensure that products quality and storage facilities meet the required minimum national and international standards.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Objective: To successfully change from fossil fuel dependency to Renewable Energy investment.
Investment climate development: 
The EPC (Electric Power Corporation) Act needs to be reviewed to reflect the noted update trends with provisions for private sector involvement and an appropriate tariff structure.
Public Private Partnerships: 
A Regulatory Body must be well established with appropriate mandate and immediate measures to govern and strengthen energy sector management. This Body must comprise of key energy Stakeholders from both government and the private sector [...]. --- Partnership with the private sector, the community and all stakeholders is encouraged and strengthened to allow private sector involvement in power production.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Objective: Efficient and effective coordination and management of the Energy sector. --- Key issues: Use of indigenous energy sources encouraged. --- In line with the SDS (Sustainable Development Strategy) strategic focus in providing reliable utility services, effort will be directed to improve efficiency and effectiveness in the production and management of electricity. --- Strengthen management efficiency, quality, production, transmission and distribution to ensure reliable and affordable supply and safe distribution of electricity to all consumers. --- Ensure the efficiency and effectiveness in monitoring, management and assessment of petroleum related matters such as pricing, security of supply, tendering process, quality and standards. ---Encourage competition in the supply and distribution of fuel [...].
National policy structure: 
Clear legislations and guidelines are to be put in place to guide the developments and investments in the energy sector in order to promote sustainable development and ensure reliable, affordable and environmentally sound energy services and supply are provided. Appropriate policy statements will also ensure environmental considerations are strictly adhered to. --- Strategies: Ensure that a firm legal framework is established with a relevant Act for the energy sector. Key issues: Electric Power Corporation's Act & other related legislations strengthen and enforced; --- The EPC (Electric Power Corporation) Act needs to be reviewed to reflect the noted update trends with provisions for private sector involvement and an appropriate tariff structure. --- Ensure that the Petroleum Act is enforced to govern supply, use, storage, distribution and disposal of fossil fuel and its by products. --- Petroleum safety standards and regulations must be adhered to with regards to storage and refuelling of all transport modes. --- Strategies: Regulate the importation and use of environmentally friendly and energy efficient vessels and motor vehicles and aircrafts; Enforce national and international safety regulation when storing and refuelling land, sea and air transport.
Energy institutional structures: 
Promoting the Energy Unit to become a separate division with the provision of the enhanced capacity and appropriate resources [...]. In support, a Regulatory Body must be well established with appropriate mandate and immediate measures to govern and strengthen energy sector management. This Body must comprise of key energy Stakeholders from both government and the private sector with the Energy Unit playing a secretariat role. --- Strategies: Ensure that the Energy Division has a firm institutional structure including a Regulatory Body in place, the capacity and sufficient resources to plan, manage and coordinate the energy policy with effective participation from all relevant stakeholders. --- Electricity generation, transmission and distribution are exclusively under the authority of the Electric Power Corporation.
Statistics collection and management: 
Ensure the establishment of an effective and reliable Database Management System with effective coordination with all relevant stakeholders in collection and dissemination of information on energy. --- Strategies: Strengthen coordination between relevant ministries and transport stakeholders in data collection and relevant projects.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Development of alternative and sustainable modes of transport and upgrading vehicles for curbing emissions is encouraged.
Clean energy technology transfer: 
A priority list of technology transfer is also provided and energy interventions compose 50% hereof.
R&D renewable energy: 
Key issues: Local expertise in Renewable energy technology improved; Use of Research and Development Institute of Samoa findings encouraged. --- The Research Development Institute of Samoa (RDIS) will need to capitalise on renewable energy research findings of various donor funded projects so that they could be transformed and developed into viable RE projects. --- Viability of potential renewable energy technologies for electricity generation assessed.