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Energy, Power, Transport
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All, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar, Other
Ministry of Finance, Energy Policy Coordination and Management Division
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Сводный обзор: 
The Samoa Energy Sector Plan 2012-2016 is part of the Government's vision of a Sustainable Energy for Samoa and is guided by the theme of "Sustainable Energy - Towards Self Suffiiciency" and aims to enhance renewable energy development and to decrease Samoa's dependence on imported fossil fuels. This plan is the result of extensive consultation with many stakeholders and its purpose of the Energy Sector Plan is to provide a comprehensive plan for the energy sector to deliver outcomes consistent with the overarching Strategy for the Development of Samoa (SDS) 2012-2016.---Note: DSM Demand Side Management.
Energy access priorities: 
Key Sector Policy Outcomes: Efficient, reliable, safe, affordable and sustainable electricity services.
Energy access targets: 
Promote application of energy efficient wood stoves:Increase the number of households utilizing wood stoves by 2% p.a. 65.1%15 of households are using wood stoves for cooking by 2012-2013; 67.1% of households by 2013-2014; 69.1% households by 2014-2015; 71.1% of households by 2015-2016.
Clean cooking solutions: 
Key Sector Policy Outcomes: Heating and Cooking: Efficient, reliable, affordable and sustainable heat source supply. --- Key Strategies: Improve Energy Efficiency in heating and cooking. --- Promote application of energy efficient wood stoves:Increase the number of households utilizing wood stoves by 2% p.a. 65.1%15 of households are using wood stoves for cooking by 2012-2013; 67.1% of households by 2013-2014; 69.1% households by 2014-2015; 71.1% of households by 2015-2016. --- Conduct public awareness on the harmful effects of cooking fuels (kerosene) being used: Reduced number of households using kerosene by 1% p.a.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Key strategies: Promote energy efficiency strategies across all consumer sectors.---Key Strategies: Improve Energy Efficiency in heating and cooking.---Key Strategies: Promote fuel efficiency in land and sea transport and ensure systems are reliable, efficient and affordable.--- Key Sector Policy Outcomes: Efficient, sustainable, safe and cost effective energy use in the transport sector.
EE targets: 
Develop Energy Efficiency Policies and Procedures: Reduce Total Energy Consumption by 1.5% p.a. - 111.4kTOE by 2012-2013 109.7kTOE by 2013-2014; 108.1kTOE by 2014-2015; 106.5kTOE by 2015-2016.
EE action plans: 
Several energy efficiency initiatives exist in the Electricity Sub-sector including benefits associated with distributed generation, improved electricity transmission/distribution networks, and improved energy efficiency of appliances and light bulbs.--- Develop DSM (Demand Side Management) strategies for major (top 10) electricity users: Implement the DSM Strategy by 2014-2015.---Conversion efficiency - improving efficiency of conversion of energy source to electricity and end use (such as refrigeration).
EE transport standards : 
Raise efforts to enforce regulations on vehicle standards (smog checks and fines). 50% increase in smog fines. --- Review current transport systems on their reliability, efficiency and affordability - Implement efficiency initiatives: 5% decline in both ADO and ULP consumption by 2016 (1.25% decrease p.a.).
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
The Government recognises the importance of disseminating information related to all subsectors of the energy sector, in particular promoting public awareness of energy efficiency and conservation, information on vehicle and appliance energy consumption ratings, promoting energy audits and demonstrating ways to minimise electricity usage. [...] Better coordination of transport data collection will also contribute greatly to public awareness and improve information on energy demand and supply for dissemination. --- Compile awareness packages (flyers, pamphlets etc.) to promote energy efficient practices in the transport sector. --- awareness programmes will be put in place to encourage:  Use of solar water heating in commercial applications, particularly in the hotel and restaurant sectors; Appropriate installation and maintenance of industrial and commercial heating equipment;  Use of fuel efficiency stoves, emphasising environmental and health benefits. --- Conduct national Energy Awareness Campaign days; Prepare and implement Savaii annual community based RE & EE program; Implement community based RE and EE project/s. --- Conduct public awareness on the harmful effects of cooking fuels (kerosene) being used: Reduced number of households using kerosene by 1% p.a.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Key Strategies: Promote electricity generation from proven renewable energy technologies.
RE targets: 
Increase in the contribution of RE to total energy consumption by 10% by 2016. Increase in the supply of RE for energy services by 10% by 2016. --- Identify potential renewable energy projects: approved by 2012-2016. --- Invest in bio fuel annual technology for mass production: Increase by 1% of transport energy consumption to be from bio fuel (RE). --- Develop biomass project for electricity generation: Increase electricity generation from Biomass gasification by 5% by 2016.
RE action plans: 
Various biomass gasification proposals are currently being pursued and combustion technologies should not be overlooked. --- Conduct commercial viability assessment of existing hydro enhancement: Approved the Commercial Viability Assessment and implement by 2014-2015.
Biofuels obligation/mandate: 
Invest in bio fuel annual technology for mass production: Increase by 1% of transport energy consumption to be from bio fuel (RE) - .5% increase bio bio fuel annual (2014-15/2015-2016).
Public competitive bidding/tendering: 
Review the tender procedures for the Request for Proposals (RFP) to attract more suppliers.
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Conduct national Energy Awareness Campaign days; Prepare and implement Savaii annual community based RE & EE program; Implement community based RE and EE project/s. --- Conduct CDM and CEF awareness.
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
Develop Regulatory framework to mitigate GHG emissions: Regulation finalized and endorsed by Cabinet by 2013-2014.
Pollution control action plans: 
Key Strategies: Promote Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Clean Energy Fund.--- There is a study underway that will look at restricting car imports based on greenhouse gas emissions. --- Key Strategies: Greenhouse gas abatement through energy efficiency and bio-fuel application in the transport sector; Greenhouse gas abatement through renewable energy (biomass gasification) in the electricity sector.---Raise efforts to enforce regulations on vehicle standards (smog checks and fines). 50% increase in smog fines.-
Decarbonization strategy: 
Key Strategies: Greenhouse gas abatement through energy efficiency and bio-fuel application in the transport sector; Greenhouse gas abatement through renewable energy (biomass gasification) in the electricity sector.---For transforming Samoa’s transport fuels from non-renewable fossil fuels to largely renewable electricity [...], a roadmap for the introduction of electric cars needs to be considered.--- Development of alternative and sustainable modes of transport and upgrading vehicles to curb emissions is encouraged.
Carbon markets: 
Key Strategies: Promote Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Clean Energy Fund.
Energy-water nexus: 
Conduct commercial viability assessment of existing hydro enhancement: Approved the Commercial Viability Assessment and implement by 2014-2015.
Energy pricing: 
Independent regulation of electricity tariff setting becomes more imperative with the increasing diversity of sources of generation through private sector investments by Independent Power Producers. A regulatory regime is required that balances the interests of consumers as far as tariff and service standards are concerned. --- Improve the tariff structure: Consult with relevant stakeholders and develop template for calculating tariff by 2012-2013. --- Approve the review template and the review tariff structure and implement by 2013-2014.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Key Sector Policy Outcomes: Efficient, reliable, safe, affordable and sustainable electricity services; --- (Transport Fuels): Additional storage capacity is in the process of being installed and consideration needs to be given to a possible increase in the mandated security-of-supply stock levels. --- PSEP projects underway or planned for the next three years include:  Fiaga Diesel Power Station Project- 70% complete;  Fiaga power plant fuel and oil storage tanks – 20% completed;  Samasoni hydro underground transmission line to Tanugamanono - 50% complete;  Construction of Alaoa and Fale ole Fee (FOF) hydro plants dedicated transmission line to Tanugamanono – 60% complete;  Undergrounding of Fuluasou Substation to Apia Wharf 22kV distribution feeder - 20% complete;  Reconductoring of all 22kv distribution feeders on Upolu - 50% complete;  Undergrounding and upgrading of Hospital Feeder from 6.6kv to 22kv – 70% complete;  Vaipu Pump Scheme – Feasibility Study - 75% complete;  Relocation of 3 Mirrlees generators from Tanugamanono to Fiaga new power plant -20% complete;  Fiaga Diesel Power Station to Fuluasou Substation 33kv transmission line – no activity to date, awaiting arrival of materials;  Construction of 33kV Underground transmission line Fuluasou substation to Tanugamanono – 20% complete;  22kV Fuluasou Substation – construction started, 5% complete, medium voltage switchgear arrived, factory testing of transformers completed, shipment pending;  Upolu Low Voltage Network Improvement – materials purchased, construction has not started; SCADA System – contract is awarded and design and implementation started;  Vaiaata new power station – Feasibility study completed;  Refurbishment of Salelologa Diesel power station substation included as part of Vaiaata new power plant subproject – Feasibility study completed;  Taelefaga Hydro Machines Governor System Replacement – tender closed, evaluation underway;  Noise and exhaust fume controls for Tanugamanono power plant – no progress to date;  Low Voltage Network Improvements on Savai’i – purchasing materials, no progress to date;  Fiaga power plant permanent water supply – 50% complete.
Energy trade priorities: 
Key Strategies: Regulate the importation and use of environmentally friendly and energy efficient vessels, motor vehicles and aircrafts. --- The commercial viability of biodiesel importation should also be examined.
Standard power production and purchasing agreements: 
Consideration will be given to the merits of developing a new Energy Act to mandate new efforts under the NECC (National Energy Coordinating Committee) including the terms and conditions for IPP’s, development of PPA’s as well as minor details which are not clearly mandated under existing legislations.
Independent power producers: 
Consideration will be given to the merits of developing a new Energy Act to mandate new efforts under the NECC (National Energy Coordinating Committee) including the terms and conditions for IPP’s, development of PPA’s as well as minor details which are not clearly mandated under existing legislations. --- Independent regulation of electricity tariff setting becomes more imperative with the increasing diversity of sources of generation through private sector investments by Independent Power Producers. A regulatory regime is required that balances the interests of consumers as far as tariff and service standards are concerned. --- Seek Expressions of Interest (EOI’s) for Independent Power producer (IPP) delivery of generation: Evaluation of application by 2012- 2013; Finalized contract for successful IPP by 2013-2014; Commence production of electricity by IPP by 2014-2015.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Key Strategies: Promote partnerships with communities and all energy stakeholders; Continue to encourage private sector involvement in electricity production.
Bidding and Tendering: 
Review the tender procedures for the Request for Proposals (RFP) to attract more suppliers.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
To reduce the growth rate in the volume of imported fossil fuels by 10% by 2016. --- Key Sector Policy Outcomes: Efficient and effective coordination and management of the Energy Sector. --- Key Strategies: Ensure strong leadership, with clarity of roles and responsibilities; Promote the use of indigenous energy resources and renewable energy technologies; Promote partnerships with communities and all energy stakeholders; Promote demand and supply side-management strategies for all consumers and EPC. --- The current approach of electricity supply management, [...] will need to be expanded and enhanced to effectively maximise the electricity generated from the expanding range of renewable electricity sources. --- System losses - reducing total system losses from generation to billing.
National policy structure: 
Energy Sector Plan launched and implemented with at least 75% of targets achieved by 2016. --- Key Strategies: Ensure that a firm legal framework exists. --- Consideration will be given to the merits of developing a new Energy Act to mandate new efforts under the NECC (National Energy Coordinating Committee) including the terms and conditions for IPP’s, development of PPA’s as well as minor details which are not clearly mandated under existing legislations. --- For transforming Samoa’s transport fuels from non-renewable fossil fuels to largely renewable electricity (...), a roadmap for the introduction of electric cars needs to be considered. --- Key Strategies: Ensure that energy related Acts and Regulations are enforced to govern supply, use, storage, distribution, disposal and refuelling of fossil fuel and its by-products (sea, land and air transport); Enforce Waste and oil spillage strategies (Waste Management Plan). --- A regulatory regime is required that balances the interests of consumers as far as tariff and service standards are concerned. --- A number of [...] legislation needs should be addressed to ensure safety and environmental compatibility including the disposal of waste oil and the merits of using alternative fuel sources. --- Develop the Energy Bill - Consultations Conducted by 2012-2013; Energy Bill read in Parliament and becomes an Act by 2015-2016. --- Petroleum Act Amendment by 2015. --- Review National and International Safety regulations for storing and refueling land, sea and air transport
Energy institutional structures: 
The National Energy Coordination Committee is the key decision making body for the Samoan energy sector. It comprises representatives from all key government ministries and agencies that have input into the sector. --- Key Strategies: Energy Policy Coordination and Management Division has the capacity to coordinate energy sector; Ensure that the Electricity Regulator has the capacity and sufficient resources to competently undertake responsibilities.
M&E of policy implementation: 
The Monitoring and Evaluation of the Energy Sector Plan will be overseen by the National Energy Coordination Committee with the EPCMD (Energy Policy Coordination and Management Division) as its technical arm acting as Secretariat.
Statistics collection and management: 
Key Strategies: Effective and reliable database management system and dissemination of information for all key line agencies. --- The Government publishes annual energy review reports [...]. It is crucial that the data that informs these reports is accurate and provided in a timely manner. --- Improve transparent fuel management system & reporting.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Key Strategies: Improve Scientific Research Organisation of Samoa (SROS)’s capacity to undertake RE research and development.
R&D renewable energy: 
Invest in piloting applicable technologies: RE technologies using indigenous resources in place - RE technologies using indigenous resources piloted by 2015-2016.