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Title in national language: 
Tulafono o le Eletise 2010
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Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Other
Parliament of Samoa
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Сводный обзор: 
The Electricity Act was issued in 2010 to provide for a new legislative framework for regulating the electricity sector, the establishment of the post of the Electricity Regulator and the Office of the Regulator, and for related matters.
Energy access action plan: 
The Regulator shall consult with the Government to set standards governing the provision of electricity services to remote rural areas in Samoa, and assist the Government in providing options for funding sources for extending these services.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
The objectives of this Act are: (d) to promote efficient use of electricity by consumers.
Energy environmental priorities: 
The objectives of this Act are: (i) to assure the safeguarding of the environment; (k) to promote the prevailing national policies on combating climate change.
Energy pricing: 
Setting tariff regulations – The Head of State, acting on the advice of Cabinet, may make regulations prescribing the principles, methodologies and processes for setting tariffs for the Regulator to implement. --- Tariff subsidies - the Regulator may direct that tariff subsidies be granted to specified consumers.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
Tariff subsidies - the Regulator may direct that tariff subsidies be granted to specified consumers. --- The Regulator shall consult with the Government to set standards governing the provision of electricity services to remote rural areas in Samoa, and assist the Government in providing options for funding sources for extending these services.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
The objectives of this Act are: [...] (c) to promote economy, efficiency, reliability and affordability of electricity provided by service licensees; (e) to promote competition in the generation of electricity. (f) to promote the use of new technology by service licensees to generate, transmit or supply electricity; (g) to create a financially sound electricity sector capable of meeting the needs of consumers and the Samoan economy; (h) to assure protection of consumers, responsiveness to public concerns and effective dispute resolution in the electricity sector.
National policy structure: 
The objectives of this Act are: [...] (j) to promote the prevailing national energy policies; and (k) to promote the prevailing national policies on combating climate change.
Energy institutional structures: 
The objectives of this Act are: (a) to establish the position of the Electricity Regulator who shall exercise independently and transparently the responsibilities, functions and duties assigned or transferred to him or her under this Act; (b) to separate governance and operational responsibilities in the electricity sector.
M&E of policy implementation: 
The Regulator shall, within six (6) months after June 30th of each year, provide annual reports to Cabinet and Parliament through the Minister which shall set out all the activities of the Office of the Regulator and the status of Office of the Regulator and its progress in achieving the objectives of this Act.