Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Қонунгузории Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон дар бораи ҳифзи муҳити зист
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Multi-Sector, Other
Energy Types: 
All, Other
Issued by: 
Parliament of the Republic of Tajikistan
Overall Summary: 
The Act sets forth the basic principles of environmental protection in the Republic of Tajikistan. Adopted in 2011, the Act replaces the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan on Protection of the Environment (1993). In overall, the regulatory document sets out the strategic environmental goals and aims to steer the country to a sustainable energy future. While elucidating the interlinkages between economic development and the environment, the policy proposes measures to prevent or mitigate adverse ecological impacts of the energy, forestry, agricultural and other sectors. Particular focus is made on pollution abatement tools including quota mechanisms and tradable permits.
Energy environmental priorities: 
The primary objective of the policy document is to ensure that natural resources are used sustainably, to ensure the implementation of measures on protection and preservation of the environment. The Act seeks to strengthen environmental norms and technical regulations for industrial facilities, agricultural, forestry and melioration entities. The policy outlines the technical criteria for energy, more specifically hydropower, facilities. It is stipulated that the design, construction and operation of energy facilities, dams and water storage reservoirs must meet the minimum requirement set by art. 38-45 of the present Act. Art. 45.2 states that programs for energy sector development will be designed with due consideration of existing environmental priorities including conservation of soil and water resources, prevention of deforestation, efficient utilization of mineral resources, improving waste management. The Act provides for liability in case of non-compliance. --- Art. 49 tightens norms for nuclear waste management. The article states that the importation of nuclear waste to the territory of Tajikistan is prohibited.
Statistics collection and management: 
Art. 61 highlights the need for integrated environment statistics. The relevant regulatory authority will produce and disseminate core environment statistics, will undertake ongoing efforts to improve the national statistical system.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
Art. 76. Regulatory efforts are focused on the development and proliferation of environmentally sound technologies. Technology is considered the key for implementing Tajikistan ambitious agenda for the environment. Among priorities of the national environmental strategy is broader deployment of clean technology in exploration of natural resources.