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Тип документа: 
Overarching Policy, Plan/Strategy
Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power, Transport, Building, Multi-Sector, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Solar, Wind, Other
Energy Planning Division, Minister of Resources and Development
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Сводный обзор: 
The Volume 1: National Energy Policy was issued in 2009 and after extensive consultation within government and with the public. It expresses the Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI)’s commitment towards a new energy direction and serves as the foundation for planning and development in the energy sector over the medium term. The framework used for developing the national energy policy constitutes of five specific areas to shift toward more sustainable energy development and use in the Marshall Islands: • Petroleum and Liquid Fuels, • Electric Power, • Transport and Energy Use, • Energy Efficiency, and • Renewable Energy. A more detailed action plan has been prepared to implement the policies and strategies. The Energy Action Plan is a separate document, comprising volume 2 of this policy. NOTE: EPPSO (Economic Policy, Planning and Statistics Office); MRD (Ministry of Resources and Development); MEC (Marshalls Energy Company); OEPPC (Office of Environmental Planning and Policy Coordination); O&M (Operations and Maintenance); CMI (College of the Marshall Islands).
Energy access priorities: 
The Government of the Marshall Islands recognizes the importance of electrifying all households on all islands with sustainable and environmentally appropriate energy supplies.
Energy access action plan: 
Strategies for Improved Electricity Supply: Assessment of the real costs of rural PV electrification (households, schools, etc) and appropriate management and financial systems for sustainability including training needs; Assessment of the attitudes of rural households regarding the quality of the solar PV program, with recommended improvements where necessary to improve supply.
Energy access targets: 
Goal: Electrification of 100% of all urban households and 95% of rural outer atoll households by 2015.
Consumer subsidies: 
Continue the program of outer island household solar energy installations and develop a mechanism for covering full user costs (through user fees and possibly a sustainable RE fund).
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
The Government of the Marshall Islands recognizes that [...] measures to improve the energy efficiency of transport are at the core of an energy policy that focuses on reducing foreign energy dependence. It will take the lead in the procurement of more efficient vehicles, ships and boats, and establish rules for improved maintenance and operations.
EE targets: 
Goal: Improved efficiency of energy use in 50% of households and businesses, and 75% of government buildings by 2020. --- goal of improving transport efficiency and lowering imported transport fuels by 20% by 2020. --- An improved stock of more energy-efficient appliances and equipment within government, businesses, and private homes. --- All new or renovated government buildings will incorporate energy-efficient designs and the RMI govt will work with Compact and other funding sources to develop mechanisms for effective implementation.
EE action plans: 
Choice of energy production and energy efficiency equipment that is commercially available and proven in small island environments. --- Government will: carry out energy audits on government facilities, with the responsible departments each developing and submitting an investment plan for the capitalization of energy efficiency improvements for the facilities; require government departments to each name an energy manager who will develop and implement an energy management plan. --- Government itself will strive to set an example through better energy efficiency in its own facilities. --- Strategy for Improved Energy Efficiency: Establishment of practical mechanism for reduction of energy use within the government, with incentives (carrots and sticks) for individual departments.
EE lighting and mechanical system standards: 
Strategy for Improved Energy Efficiency: Develop and implement a practical program to replace inefficient lighting (household, business, government and street lighting) with efficient lighting on Majuro and Ebeye and throughout the Marshall Islands.
EE labeling: 
Strategy for Improved Energy Efficiency: Develop a practical appliance labelling scheme and mandatory minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for refrigerators, air conditioners and other electrical appliances to remove the poorest performing appliances from the market.
EE building standards: 
Government will: develop energy efficiency standards for new buildings and renovations including homes, businesses and government premises, with financing on subsidized terms for designs and construction meeting the standards. --- Strategy for Improved Energy Efficiency: Establish and enforce codes for new construction with mandatory minimum energy standards (possibly based on simplified version of a new tropical building code being developed for Guam and other US territories).
EE transport standards : 
Objectives for Improved Energy Use in Transport: A fleet of well-maintained vehicles, government and private, that is increasingly energy-efficient over time; A more energy efficient transport network for urban and rural Marshallese. --- Strategy for Improved Energy Use in Transport: Amend import duties and taxes, with higher rates for energy inefficient vehicles (or to simplify administration, for vehicles of varying engine displacements and fuels used); Mandate all government vehicles purchased to be energy-efficient and develop mechanisms to assure this; Introduce spot-checks on vehicle emissions with penalties for emissions above a specified level; Short term practical training for proper maintenance of vehicles.
EE financial incentives: 
Government will: develop energy efficiency standards for new buildings and renovations including homes, businesses and government premises, with financing on subsidized terms for designs and construction meeting the standards. --- Strategy for Improved of Energy Efficiency: Development of low interest loans, rebates and other innovative financing mechanisms through the banking system for energy efficiency investments by households and businesses; --- Strategy for Improved Energy Efficiency: Establishment of practical mechanism for reduction of energy use within the government, with incentives (carrots and sticks) for individual departments.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Strategy for Improved Energy Efficiency: Training of government, MEC and private sector in energy auditing and energy management techniques, possibly using CMI facilities as a model; Continuation of the public awareness campaign of late 2008/early 2009 (e.g. providing Energy Saving Tips with MEC bills, and TV/radio campaigns) strengthened through linkages to global warming awareness with respect to energy efficiency and socio-economic welfare.
Cooperation in EE: 
All new or renovated government buildings will incorporate energy-efficient designs and the RMI govt will work with Compact and other funding sources to develop mechanisms for effective implementation.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Objective for Improved Electricity Supply: Development of alternatives to diesel fuel for power generation where economically sound. --- Objective for Expanded Use of Renewable Energy: Improved capacity within the RMI to plan, develop, implement and manage renewable energy systems (small and medium-scale rural; large scale urban).
RE targets: 
Goal: The provision of 20% of energy through indigenous renewable resources by 2020. --- Government will: take the lead in the use of indigenous energy to replace imported petroleum with a goal of a 40% total reduction in energy from petroleum fuels within government by the end of 2020.
RE action plans: 
Strategy for Improved Energy Policy Administration and Implementation: Objectives: There is investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency as part of all energy initiatives where appropriate; RE/EE, not considered as stand-alone activities or special interests. --- Objective for Improved Petroleum and Liquid Fuel Use: Development of a local biofuel industry where economically, environmentally and financially practical. --- Strategies for Expanded Use of Renewable Energy:[...]; Continue the program of outer island household solar energy installations and develop a mechanism for covering full user costs (through user fees and possibly a sustainable RE fund);
RE feed-in tariffs: 
The Government will develop and enforce: [...] mechanisms for allowing renewable energy to feed into the grid, and a consistent management system for all government renewable energy programs. --- Strategy for Improved Electricity Supply: Development of appropriate technical guidelines and regulations for self-generation through renewable energy sources and feed-in tariffs under conditions fair to MEC and the supplier.
Biofuels obligation/mandate: 
The Government of the Marshall Islands will: mandate the use of locally produced biofuel in diesel powered government vehicles by 2015. --- Government will mandate that Imported energy for land transport will be replaced where practical by locally produced biofuel and for sea transport both wind energy and biofuel will be increasingly used.
RE heat obligation/mandate: 
Strategies for Expanded Use of Renewable Energy: Develop and implement a program for solar water heating, particularly in Majuro, Ebeye and the hotel industry to replace electricity based water heating;[...].
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
Strategies for Expanded Use of Renewable Energy: Develop and implement consistent mechanisms for the design and O&M of PV systems of different ministries to provide for consistent management, operational and financial mechanisms; Continue the program of outer island household solar energy installations and develop a mechanism for covering full user costs (through user fees and possibly a sustainable RE fund).
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Assurance of equal access by women and men to training opportunities (e.g. community-level solar system management) and decision-making (e.g. management and boards).
Cooperation in RE: 
Strategies for Expanded Use of Renewable Energy: [...] Arrange with donor support a pilot program to introduce renewable energy into the MEC or KAJUR grids to gain experience in integrating RE into the grid.
Pollution control action plans: 
Development of mechanisms to improve the likelihood of long-term sustainable operation, minimal production of pollutants; and reduced emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) per unit of energy produced. --- Strategy for Improved Electricity Supply: Collaboration of MRD with the OEPPC to develop RMI’s greenhouse gas emissions report, including coverage of the comparative advantages and costs of savings through efficiency and conservation, reporting obligations and exploration of funding opportunities to support the energy policy. --- Strategy for Improved Energy Use in Transport: Introduce spot-checks on vehicle emissions with penalties for emissions above a specified level; Enforce the RMIEPA regulations regarding ozone depleting substances in vehicle air conditioning.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Adoption and consistent application of the principle that the urban end-user pays at the full costs of energy and outer atoll end-users pay at least all O&M costs for renewable energy services.---All new energy investment decisions and investments, including design and construction of new buildings, must consider resilience for adapting to climate change, which will also result in longer term savings to the government and people of the RMI.
Renewable energy subsidies: 
Objective for Improved Energy Policy Administration and Implementation: Consistent management and financial mechanism is developed and implemented for all solar PV and other renewable energy initiatives.---Strategies for Expanded Use of Renewable Energy: Develop and implement consistent mechanisms for the design and O&M of PV systems of different ministries to provide for consistent management, operational and financial mechanisms; Continue the program of outer island household solar energy installations and develop a mechanism for covering full user costs (through user fees and possibly a sustainable RE fund).
Energy taxation: 
Government will: revise taxes to encourage the import and sale of appliances, vehicles and boats having the highest energy efficiency.
Energy pricing: 
Adoption and consistent application of the principle that the urban end-user pays at the full costs of energy and outer atoll end-users pay at least all O&M costs for renewable energy services. --- Strategies for Improved Petroleum and Liquid Fuel Use: Arrange an independent study of gasoline, diesel fuel and propane pricing on Majuro and outer atolls to determine benefits and costs of a mechanism to establish allowable wholesale and retail price margins, and develop clear pricing and price monitoring system for Majuro and outer islands. --- The Government will develop and enforce: clear and equitable electricity tariffs. --- Objective for Improved Electricity Supply: A transparent tariff structure for those receiving full electricity supply that covers the real costs at each island system, with a lifeline tariff that genuinely benefits low-income consumers without adversely affecting MEC income.--- The Government of the Marshall Islands will: adjust tax structures to encourage the import and sale of energy efficient forms of transport.---Government will: revise taxes to encourage the import and sale of appliances, vehicles and boats having the highest energy efficiency.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
The Government of the Marshall Islands will: develop and enforce international standards for the storage, handling and transport of petroleum products; place high priority on developing the infrastructure and capacity to process coconut oil for use as a petroleum fuel replacement. --- Objectives for Improved Energy Use in Transport: A more energy efficient transport network for urban and rural Marshallese. --- Objective for Expanded Use of Renewable Energy: Improved capacity within the RMI to plan, develop, implement and manage renewable energy systems (small and medium-scale rural; large scale urban). --- Strategies for Expanded Use of Renewable Energy: Continue the program of outer island household solar energy installations and develop a mechanism for covering full user costs (through user fees and possibly a sustainable RE fund); Arrange with donor support a pilot program to introduce renewable energy into the MEC or KAJUR grids to gain experience in integrating RE into the grid.---Government will: ensure that all outer island energy development will be through the use of indigenous energy sources where technically practical.
Regional integration priorities: 
Improved cooperation on energy within Micronesia and the wider Pacific region. --- Strategy: The Marshall Islands to play an active role in developing the proposed Micronesia Energy Challenge and in future revisions to the Pacific Islands Regional Energy Policy and Plan.
Cooperation in connectivity: 
Strategies for Expanded Use of Renewable Energy: Continue the program of outer island household solar energy installations and develop a mechanism for covering full user costs (through user fees and possibly a sustainable RE fund); Arrange with donor support a pilot program to introduce renewable energy into the MEC or KAJUR grids to gain experience in integrating RE into the grid.
Standard power production and purchasing agreements: 
The Government of the Marshall Islands will: develop a mechanism for obtaining competitive fuel prices and monitor results; ensure that there are fair wholesale and retail fuel prices.
Import taxes and fee exemptions: 
The Government of the Marshall Islands will: adjust tax structures to encourage the import and sale of energy efficient forms of transport. --- Strategy for Improved Energy Use in Transport: Amend import duties and taxes, with higher rates for energy inefficient vehicles (or to simplify administration, for vehicles of varying engine displacements and fuels used). --- Government will: revise taxes to encourage the import and sale of appliances, vehicles and boats having the highest energy efficiency. Strategy for Improved Energy Efficiency: Revision of Import duties and taxes to encourage the purchase of energy efficient appliances and equipment (e.g. refrigeration, air conditioning, major appliances, lighting)
Energy sector investment priorities: 
All new energy investment decisions and investments, including design and construction of new buildings, must consider resilience for adapting to climate change, which will also result in longer term savings to the government and people of the RMI. --- Objectives:There is investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency as part of all energy initiatives where appropriate.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
Objective for Improved Energy Policy Administration and Implementation: Consistent management and financial mechanism is developed and implemented for all solar PV and other renewable energy initiatives.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Strengthening of a range of public, private, civil society and academic institutions so agreed initiatives can be effectively implemented. Strengthened public/private partnerships in energy production and efficient use.
Bidding and Tendering: 
Strategies for Improved Petroleum and Liquid Fuel Use: In the short term arrange expert, neutral advice on tendering, negotiating and monitoring of petroleum supply contracts, including likely costs and benefits of participation in the proposed bulk fuel purchase scheme; In the medium term, develop expertise within the government as appropriate to tender, negotiate and monitor petroleum supply contracts.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Goal: Reduce supply side energy losses from MEC by 20% by 2015. --- Development of transparent decision-making processes, appropriate legal tools and regulations, and consistent enforcement of regulations. --- Choice of energy production and energy efficiency equipment that is commercially available and proven in small island environments. --- Adoption and consistent application of the principle that the urban end-user pays at the full costs of energy and outer atoll end-users pay at least all O&M costs for renewable energy services. --- Objective for Improved Energy Policy Administration and Implementation: The Energy Planning Division uses its limited human and financial resources effectively, concentrating on important, practical and achievable goals. --- Strategy for Improved Energy Policy Administration and Implementation: Annual work plan developed for MRD’s Energy Planning Division with clear objectives, priorities and timeframe, reviewed quarterly. ---Strategy for Improved Energy Efficiency: Training of government, MEC and private sector in energy auditing and energy management techniques, possibly using CMI facilities as a model. --- Government will: ensure that all outer island energy development will be through the use of indigenous energy sources where technically practical.---Assurance of equal access by women and men to training opportunities (e.g. community-level solar system management) and decision-making (e.g. management and boards).
National policy structure: 
Development of mechanisms to improve the likelihood of long-term sustainable operation, minimal production of pollutants; and reduced emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) per unit of energy produced. --- The Government of the Marshall Islands recognizes weaknesses in administering past energy policies and will: develop and enforce laws and regulations necessary to provide MRD with the authority required for effective and transparent implementation of this policy, including electric power legislation, clear guidelines for the MEC board and management, and a consistent management system for all government renewable energy programs. --- Objective: Energy Planning Division develops the level of skills necessary to review, update and implement the energy policy framework. --- Strategies for Improved Energy Policy Administration and Implementation: Integration of renewable energy and energy efficiency considerations into mainstream energy policy, planning, studies, proposals and implementation; legislative amendments, a new energy law, regulations or a Nitijela resolution will be considered as appropriate to clarify powers and responsibilities within government for energy. --- The Government of the Marshall Islands will: develop and enforce international standards for the storage, handling and transport of petroleum products. --- Strategy for Improved Petroleum and Liquid Fuel Use: Establish and enforce regulations to require all petroleum suppliers to provide quarterly reports (to MRD, EPPSO (additional to Customs requirements) on volumes of fuel imported and sold. --- The Government will develop and enforce: laws and regulations necessary to provide MRD with the authority required for effective and transparent implementation of this policy including electric power legislation, clear guidelines for the MEC board, mechanisms for allowing renewable energy to feed into the grid, and a consistent management system for all government renewable energy programs. --- Strategy for Improved Energy Use in Transport: Mandate all government vehicles purchased to be energy-efficient and develop mechanisms to assure this; Establish and enforce clear guidelines for the efficient use and maintenance of the Government vehicle fleet and ships, including strict servicing and maintenance procedures, with an adequate budget allocation; Enforce the RMIEPA regulations regarding ozone depleting substances in vehicle air conditioning. --- Energy Efficiency: The MRD will develop an energy management plan for government, including processes for its implementation and monitoring. --- Strategy for Improved Energy Efficiency: Establish and enforce codes for new construction with mandatory minimum energy standards (possibly based on simplified version of a new tropical building code being developed for Guam and other US territories). --- Strategies for Expanded Use of Renewable Energy: Develop and implement consistent mechanisms for the design and O&M of PV systems of different ministries to provide for consistent management, operational and financial mechanisms.
Energy institutional structures: 
The Ministry of Resources and Development (MRD) is responsible for energy policy, coordination and some implementation. MRD’s Energy Planning Division consists of a national energy planner, an energy officer, one support staff and an AusAID-funded energy adviser. --- MEC is the dominant energy supplier in the RMI with a strong role in both policy and implementation. --- Objective: MRD influences key energy decisions, shifting RMI toward more sustainable and rational energy use. --- Strategy: Informal training of Energy Planning Division staff through Energy Adviser, their inclusions in RE/EE training, and possible diploma or degree level training in energy. --- MRD’s Energy Planning Division to work in close collaboration with the OEPPC (Office of Environmental Planning and Policy Coordination) in mainstreaming of climate change activities, particularly support for appropriate and practical RE/EE, capacity building for environmental sustainability and economic opportunities. --- Strategies: MRD coordinates energy database development production and regular revision with MEC, Finance, importers & EPPSO; MRD participation in the budget reform process; MRD membership on MEC board; MRD to coordinate development of a framework for development and implementation of all government solar and other RE initiatives; independent assessment of organizational changes (MRD, other ministries, MEC) that may be necessary to implement the energy policy. --- Strategy for Improved Electricity Supply: Collaboration of MRD with the OEPPC to develop RMI’s greenhouse gas emissions report, including coverage of the comparative advantages and costs of savings through efficiency and conservation, reporting obligations and exploration of funding opportunities to support the energy policy.
M&E of policy implementation: 
Government will: require government departments to each name an energy manager who will develop and implement an energy management plan. Monitoring will be by MRD and annual reports detailing energy usage will be submitted.
Statistics collection and management: 
Objective for Improved Petroleum and Liquid Fuel Use: Up-to-date and reliable data on the volume of petroleum product imports, sales and end-use.
Public database availability: 
Developing and maintaining appropriate databases on energy imports, resources, production and consumption, that are easily accessed and suitable for more effective decision-making. --- Objective for Improved Energy Policy Administration and Implementation: National energy database adequate (for analysis and policy development) is developed and regularly updated.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Strategies for Expanded Use of Renewable Energy: Assess options for RE development that do not require access to private land (i.e.. at government facilities, possibly reef-based installations).
Clean energy technology deployment: 
Strategy for Improved Electricity Supply: Collaboration of MRD with the OEPPC to develop RMI’s greenhouse gas emissions report, including coverage of the comparative advantages and costs of savings through efficiency and conservation, reporting obligations and exploration of funding opportunities to support the energy policy.--- Government will require that all renewable energy technologies accepted by government for use in the Marshall Islands shall be commercially proven and shall have more than five years of successful service in remote, tropical islands through installations of a similar type and size as those needed in the Marshall Islands.
R&D renewable energy: 
Strategy for Improved Petroleum and Liquid Fuel Use: Arrange independent study of technical, economic, environmental and financial practicality of developing local biofuels with different assumptions regarding the landed cost of petroleum fuels. --- Strategy for Improved Electricity Supply: Independent study of the viability of alternatives to diesel fuel for power generation where economically sound (e.g. coconut oil, heavy fuel oil, grid-connected solar). --- Strategies for Expanded Use of Renewable Energy Issues: Arrange wind measurements over 12- 18 months and obtain an independent analysis of the wind energy potential for Majuro.
R&D energy efficiency: 
Strategies for Improved Energy Use in Transport: Investigate the practicality of retrofits to reduce fuel use in sea transport, e.g. more efficient propellers, sail-assist technologies, etc.