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Тип документа: 
Overarching Policy, Plan/Strategy
Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power, Transport, Building, Multi-Sector, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Oil, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Solar, Wave and Tidal, Wind, Other
Ministry of Resources and Development
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Сводный обзор: 
The Republic of the Marshall Islands National Energy Policy of 2009 provides an overall framework for a shift toward more sustainable national use of energy. It emphasizes the procurement of petroleum fuel on better terms to reduce its financial cost and the reduction in the use of petroleum fuels through investments in renewal energy and increased energy efficiency. This Action Plan provides details of actions necessary to implement the national energy policies and strategies of chapter 4 through 9 of the policy (4. Energy Policy Administration and Implementation, 5. Petroleum and Liquid Fuels, 6. Electric Power, 7. Transport and Energy Use, 8. Energy Efficiency, and 9. Renewable Energy). It includes specific activities, priorities, time required, possible funding sources, and a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) mechanism. Although this plan covers a period of 3 years, priorities, opportunities and constraints will inevitably change over time, sometimes quickly. The policy issues are likely to remain unchanged for some years but the Action Plan must be adjusted regularly to reflect current needs.---Note: Q: Quarter.
Energy access action plan: 
Strategy 4: Initial trials of outer island biofuel production and village electrification and transport based on that production.
Energy access targets: 
Strategy 2: Expand outer island solar electrification for off-grid areas. Complete electrification of outer island homes - by 2011 Q2: All outer island homes that desire electricity have either grid or solar electrification; Continue with solar based electrification of outer island schools and other public facilities - by 2011 Q2 Schools selected by MOE for electrification receive sufficient solar capacity for the operation of the intended program.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
It is important that Government set an example for businesses and households by reducing the demand for imported fuel both directly as a user of petroleum products and indirectly through the reduced use of diesel-generated electricity.
EE targets: 
This action plan focuses on initiating in the short term the processes needed to reach the policy goal of 40% reduction of fossil fuels used by Government by 2020. --- Relative change (improvement) in percentage of appliances sold that are energy efficient by 2010 Q3. --- Develop and implement a program to improve energy efficiency in 25% of all Majuro and Ebeye homes by 2010 Q2.
EE action plans: 
Energy Efficiency, Strategy 1: Revise taxation system to encourage the import of energy efficient air-conditioners / major household appliances & introduce mandatory standards and labelling system; --- Survey retailers to determine source of air conditioners, refrigerators and freezers by country imported for sale to the public, the standards followed for efficiency labelling (if any), and the price variations for varying efficiency - by 2010 Q1. --- Strategy 2: Develop energy efficiency standards for new buildings and renovations including homes, businesses and government premises, with financing on subsidized terms for designs and construction/renovation meeting the standards; Strategy 3: Carry out energy audits on government facilities, with the responsible departments each developing and submitting an investment plan for the capitalization of energy efficiency improvements for the facilities; Strategy 4: require each government department to appoint an energy manager who will develop and implement an energy management plan.
EE financial incentives: 
Develop and implement construction finance program that provides incentives for the construction of energy efficient buildings and for the renovation of buildings to include improved energy efficiency (incentives may be lower interest rates, partial payment of the cost of including energy efficiency features, longer terms for finance, etc.) - by 2011 Q1. --- Arrange a low interest loan to government to carry out the investments that have a payback time of seven years or less - by 2010 Q4.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Strategy 5: Carry out training, energy audits and efficiency improvements within households; Strategy 6: Engage the public in energy efficiency improvement: Public events and information services; Student participation in energy efficiency; Work with CMI to develop and include energy efficiency modules for inclusion in elective courses in sub-degree and degree programs - by 2011 Q1; Continue MEC’s earlier program of free provision of CFLs to households to demonstrate their effectiveness and encourage their continuing use for high efficiency lighting. Expand the program throughout Majuro and Ebeye - by 2009 Q4.
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
Strategy 3: Expand Majuro grid connected solar capacity 3.1 Install at least 160 kWp of grid connected solar equipment on the Majuro hospital - by 2010 Q2.
RE action plans: 
Arrange independent study of the technical, economic, environmental (including GHG implications) and financial practicality of developing local coconut based biofuels with varying assumptions regarding the landed cost of petroleum fuels - by 2010. --- Development of technical guidelines and regulations for grid connected self-generation through renewable energy sources, pre-paid metering, and feed-in tariffs - by 2010 Q2. --- Using the masts and dataloggers installed for wind measurements, install two good quality solarimeters (pyranometers) and log readings for at least one full year. --- Prepare a feasibility study and project proposal for an additional 400 kWp of grid connected solar for Majuro schools and government offices - by 2010 Q4. --- Develop a consistent framework among all government agencies for the development and implementation of solar projects (standardization of design procedures, standardization of components where practical, elimination of duplicative efforts, etc.) - by 2010 Q4. --- Strategy 4: Initial trials of outer island biofuel production and village electrification and transport based on that production.
RE feed-in tariffs: 
Development of technical guidelines and regulations for grid connected self-generation through renewable energy sources, pre-paid metering, and feed-in tariffs - by 2010 Q2.
Net metering: 
Development of technical guidelines and regulations for grid connected self-generation through renewable energy sources, pre-paid metering, and feed-in tariffs - by 2010 Q2.
Biofuels obligation/mandate: 
Transport and Energy Use, Strategy 4: Reduce imported fuel through substitution with biofuels: Where available for the type of service required, all vehicles purchased by the RMI government and government-owned companies must have diesel engines or be highly efficient hybrids; Mandate that all diesel powered government vehicles will use locally made coconut based biofuel (to the extent it is available) by 2015. Must be linked to the renewable energy project for the increased production of locally sourced biofuel.
RE heat obligation/mandate: 
Strategy 6: Replacement of electric water heaters with solar water heaters in existing buildings and use of solar water heaters for new buildings: Provide finance for the installation of solar water heaters on existing homes and businesses presently using electricity for water heating [...]. - by 2010 Q3. Provide incentives for the installation of solar water heaters in lieu of electric water heating on new homes and commercial buildings. Incentives may include rebate of the purchase cost, reduced interest financing, and/or tax based incentives for businesses - by 2010 Q3.
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
Provide finance for the installation of solar water heaters on existing homes and businesses presently using electricity for water heating [...]. - by 2010 Q3; Provide incentives for the installation of solar water heaters in lieu of electric water heating on new homes and commercial buildings. Incentives may include rebate of the purchase cost, reduced interest financing, and/or tax based incentives for businesses - by 2010 Q3.
Pollution control action plans: 
Production of RMI’s national greenhouse gas inventory and report, including coverage of benefits and costs of energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Arrange independent study of the technical, economic, environmental (including GHG implications) and financial practicality of developing local coconut based biofuels with varying assumptions regarding the landed cost of petroleum fuels - by 2010.
Renewable energy subsidies: 
Provide finance for the installation of solar water heaters on existing homes and businesses presently using electricity for water heating [...]. - by 2010 Q3; Provide incentives for the installation of solar water heaters in lieu of electric water heating on new homes and commercial buildings. Incentives may include rebate of the purchase cost, reduced interest financing, and/or tax based incentives for businesses - by 2010 Q3.
Energy pricing: 
Production of report and implementation of an improved pricing structure - by by 2009 Q4. --- Arrange an independent study to evaluate gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene and propane pricing on Majuro, Ebeye and outer atolls to determine the fairness of current arrangements, the effectiveness of price control legislation, and the benefits and costs of a mechanism to establish maximum wholesale and retail price margins; Amend legislation as required to provide transparent and equitable fuel pricing and price monitoring for RMI - 2009 Q4. --- Study to develop new tariff formula for MEC and utilities it manages based on actual costs on each island and incorporating a lifeline tariff that genuinely assists the bottom 20% of MEC consumers - by 2009 Q4.---Development of technical guidelines and regulations for grid connected self-generation through renewable energy sources, pre-paid metering, and feed-in tariffs - by 2010 Q2.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Objective 1: To develop to assure high quality fuel products, their storage and their transportation within the RMI.
Regional integration priorities: 
Provide information quarterly to EPPSO on landed, wholesale, and retail prices of each type of fuel and to SOPAC/SPC * for incorporation into the quarterly regional fuel price monitor - as soon as fuel price monitor is produced.
Energy trade priorities: 
Transport and Energy Use, Objective: To lower the amount of fuel imported for transport use by 20% from the 2009 baseline by 2020; Strategy 5 Reduce sea transport fuel use.
Import taxes and fee exemptions: 
Energy Efficiency, Strategy 1: Revise taxation system to encourage the import of energy efficient air-conditioners / major household appliances & introduce mandatory standards and labelling system; Amend sales and/or import taxes as appropriate to raise the selling price of low efficiency air conditioners, refrigerators and freezers to become relatively equal to those of comparable models of appliances that have high efficiency ratings - by 2010 Q3.
Предварительные решения: 
Develop regulations requiring all petroleum importers to provide quarterly reports (to MRD & EPPSO (in addition to Customs reporting requirements) on volumes of each type of fuel imported and sold. Enforce the regulations - by 2010.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Energy Policy Administration and Implementation - Objective 2: To develop the information and capacity necessary to provide efficient and responsible management of energy supplies and services in the RMI. Develop MRD Energy Planning Division Annual Work Plan, based on this action plan, with clear objectives, priorities, persons responsible, and timeframe - 2009 Q4: Completion of work plan. Implementation of work plan. --- Objective 1: Reduction of MEC supply side losses by 20% of 2009 levels by 2015, consistent with sound technical & financial criteria by 2009 Q4.---Develop a consistent framework among all government agencies for the development and implementation of solar projects (standardization of design procedures, standardization of components where practical, elimination of duplicative efforts, etc.) - by 2010 Q4.
National policy structure: 
Energy Policy Administration and Implementation - Objective 1: To provide necessary management, legal & regulatory structure for efficient and responsible management of energy supplies and services in the RMI. Detailed review of all legislation, bylaws and regulations relating to energy activities in the RMI - by 2009 Q4 to 2010 Q1: Preparation of a report with findings of legislation, regulations or bylaws that now have or may have in the future an effect on consistent and effective energy management; Based on the 1.1 Review, prepare amendments or new legislation, regulations and bylaws to clearly delineate responsibilities and structures for energy supply, distribution and their management - by 2010 Q2 Completion of draft regulations, legislation and bylaws as noted by the review. --- Develop mechanism (including associated legal tools) for inspection and certification of storage, handling and safety procedures and licensing of petroleum storage and distribution facilities - by 2010: Completion and adoption of the standards and legal tools; clear responsibility for enforcement. --- Amend legislation as required to provide transparent and equitable fuel pricing and price monitoring for RMI - 2009 Q4. --- Develop regulations requiring all petroleum importers to provide quarterly reports (to MRD & EPPSO (in addition to Customs reporting requirements) on volumes of each type of fuel imported and sold. Enforce the regulations - by 2010. --- Develop legislation, regulations, etc. that clearly define the authority, obligations and responsibilities for electric power supply in Majuro and throughout the RMI - by 2009 Q4 to 2010 Q; Development of technical guidelines and regulations for grid connected self-generation through renewable energy sources, pre-paid metering, and feed-in tariffs - by 2010 Q2. --- Strategy 4: require each government department to appoint an energy manager who will develop and implement an energy management plan. --- Develop a consistent framework among all government agencies for the development and implementation of solar projects (standardization of design procedures, standardization of components where practical, elimination of duplicative efforts, etc.) - by 2010 Q4.
Energy institutional structures: 
An independent and transparent review will be carried out of MEC’s management and financial operations as a high priority. [...] The findings are expected to form the basis for any necessary changes to legislation, regulations and guidelines. [...] A better management framework is necessary to improve operations of both existing systems and the new systems required to complete the electrification of 100% of all households desiring service. Therefore the management of solar PV in the RMI will also be reviewed [...].
Statistics collection and management: 
Develop an energy sector database (or databases) suitable for comprehensive planning and implementation of energy activities, with regular updates. - Begin 2009 Q4; initial database in 2009; Maintain database/matrix of funding opportunities from donors and development agencies. --- Provide information quarterly to EPPSO on landed, wholesale, and retail prices of each type of fuel and to SOPAC/SPC * for incorporation into the quarterly regional fuel price monitor - as soon as fuel price monitor is produced. --- Survey retailers to determine source of air conditioners, refrigerators and freezers by country imported for sale to the public, the standards followed for efficiency labelling (if any), and the price variations for varying efficiency - by 2010 Q1.---Production of RMI’s national greenhouse gas inventory and report, including coverage of benefits and costs of energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
Based on the results of the resource study and the population distribution, select an atoll as a pilot area for local biofuel production and its use as their energy source for electrification and lagoon transport by 2011 Q1.
R&D renewable energy: 
Arrange independent study of the technical, economic, environmental (including GHG implications) and financial practicality of developing local coconut based biofuels with varying assumptions regarding the landed cost of petroleum fuels - by 2010. --- Determine the indigenous energy resources that are available for development: 1.1 Review existing data and carry out a proper wind energy resource survey for Majuro [...] - by 2010; Engage a firm to analyze the wind data and prepare a wind energy assessment report including a wind map for Majuro and recommendations for the specifications of the wind turbine types that are most appropriate for Majuro - by 2011; Review the prior work done by SOPAC, EC and others in determining the present and potential coconut oil resource of RMI. Update those reports using more recent information and, where needed, visit outer islands and do on site surveys of the existing and potential resource that can be made available for biodiesel production - by 2010. --- Strategy 7: Feasibility study and project design for biofuel development. Independent assessment, feasibility study and project design for the production and use of biofuels on outer islands as a fuel for transport and electricity generation - by 2010 Q2.
R&D energy efficiency: 
Research energy codes and standards for buildings currently used by other tropical island nations specifically including those used by the Development Bank of Palau and the Government of CNMI and those being promoted by Hawaii state energy officials for US Pacific territories - immediate.
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
Using data available within SOPAC, estimate the monthly wave energy potential for Majuro and Ebeye - by 2010; Using data available to SOPAC, determine the areas around Majuro and Kwajalein most suitable for OTEC development - by 2010.