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Power, Renewable, Other
Republic of the Marshall Islands
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Сводный обзор: 
This Joint National Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management National Action Plan was issued in 2008. The Plan is an important and integral supportive element towards the achievement of sustainable national development imperatives. Indeed, in 2010 it was recognized that the Disaster Risk Management National Action Plan would benefit from inclusion of climate change risks to collectively mitigate and wherever possible prevent risks posed by hazards, and adapt. In particular, this Joint National Action Plan (JNAP) for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management provides a detailed strategy for holistically and co-operatively addressing risk in the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI).---Note: OEPPC Office of Environmental Planning and Policy Co-ordination.
Energy access priorities: 
Goal outcomes: • Improved resilience of the Outer Islands by increasing the availability of on-island renewable energy sources.
Energy access targets: 
Indicator: Electrification of 100% of all urban households and 95% of outer atolls households by 2015 (target from Energy Plan).
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
RMI firmly believes it has no choice but to implement measures to build resilience, reduce disaster risk, and support renewable energy and energy efficiency, i.e. to adapting to the adverse impacts of climate change.
EE targets: 
Indicator: Improve energy efficiency in 50% of households, businesses and 25% of government buildings by 2020.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
RMI firmly believes it has no choice but to implement measures to build resilience, reduce disaster risk, and support renewable energy and energy efficiency, i.e. to adapting to the adverse impacts of climate change.
RE targets: 
Indicator: All public buildings (especially schools) have at least 50% renewable energy capacity. ---Indicator: Provision of 20% of energy through indigenous renewable resources by 2020.
RE action plans: 
Support and strengthen existing initiatives (e.g. ADMIRE) aimed at the local production of biofuel derived from coconut oil in Outer Islands. ---Support and strengthen existing initiatives aimed at the use of solar electrification in Outer Islands, including the possibility of upgrading solar units.
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Encourage cooperation in demonstration projects for copra mills and other coconut products to illustrate the necessary equipment and viability for Outer Islands development.
Energy environmental priorities: 
JNAP goals: Improved energy security, working towards a low carbon future for the Marshall Islands. --RMI firmly believes it has no choice but to implement measures to build resilience, reduce disaster risk, and support renewable energy and energy efficiency, i.e. to adapting to the adverse impacts of climate change. ---Ensure energy infrastructure is appropriate to atoll environments and is designed in a way to increase resilience against climate change and disaster impacts.
Carbon markets: 
Formal endorsement of OEPPC as designated CDM Focal Point and conduct feasibility study on how much CDM potential exists.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Ensure energy infrastructure is appropriate to atoll environments and is designed in a way to increase resilience against climate change and disaster impacts. ---Indicator: Increase in number of small oil mills in the Outer Islands for oil production.
Investment climate development: 
Goal Outcomes: • Effective implementation of the RMI National Energy Policy and Action Plan (2009), in part supported through access to international finance for emissions reductions, technology transfer and capacity development. ---Register the RMI National Energy Policy and Action Plan as a National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) with the UNFCCC Registry, with a view to securing international funding to meet energy security needs.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Indicator: Reduce supply side energy losses by 20% from MEC by 2015.
National policy structure: 
Goal Outcomes: • Effective implementation of the RMI National Energy Policy and Action Plan (2009), in part supported through access to international finance for emissions reductions, technology transfer and capacity development. ---Register the RMI National Energy Policy and Action Plan as a National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) with the UNFCCC Registry, with a view to securing international funding to meet energy security needs.
Energy institutional structures: 
---Institutional strengthening / capacity building of Tobolar to improve the processing of copra and virgin coconut oil as an energy source / sustainable livelihood for the Outer Islands communities.
Clean energy technology transfer: 
Goal Outcomes: • Effective implementation of the RMI National Energy Policy and Action Plan (2009), in part supported through access to international finance for emissions reductions, technology transfer and capacity development.
R&D renewable energy: 
Review the potential for renewable energy production and practices in Outer Islands, including the use of canoes to reduce reliance on fuel and as an alternate form of transport.
R&D pollution abatement: 
Formal endorsement of OEPPC (Office of Environmental Planning and Policy Co-ordination) as designated CDM Focal Point and conduct feasibility study on how much CDM potential exists.