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Energy, Power
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All, Coal, Oil, Power, Gas, Renewable, Hydropower, Other
Senior Officials Meeting on Energy of the Seventeenth ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting
Сводный обзор: 
This document serves as a blueprint for ASEAN cooperation in the field of energy for the period 1999 to 2004. It covers the energy component of the Hanoi Plan of Action which directs the ASEAN towards the following objectives for 1999-2004: (1) to ensure security and sustainability of energy supply, efficient utilisation of natural energy resource in the region and the rational management of energy demand, with due consideration of the environment; and (2) to institute the policy framework and implementation modalities by 2004 for the early realisation of the Trans-ASEAN energy networks covering the ASEAN Power Grid and the Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline Projects as a more focused continuation of the medium- term programme of action (1995-1999).---Note: AEBF ASEAN Energy Business Forum.
Energy access action plan: 
Promote the Application of Renewable Energy for Rural Energy.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Ensure security and sustainability of energy supply, efficient utilisation of natural energy resource in the region and the rational management of energy demand, with due consideration of the environment.
EE action plans: 
Establishment of EE&C society/forum/association.
EE labeling: 
Formulate ASEAN EE&C Labelling System.
EE financial incentives: 
Design and apply innovative financing instruments in support of EE&C projects to be promoted in public forums such as the AEBF.
Cooperation in EE: 
To promote cooperation in energy efficiency and conservation by enhancing public awareness and creating markets for energy efficient products made in ASEAN.
Renewable Energy
RE action plans: 
Create a Policy and Institutional Framework for the Development of Renewable Energy.---Promote the Application of Renewable Energy for Rural Energy.--- Along with the national renewable energy networks, implement NRSE projects such as the Joint ASEAN Mini-hydro programme, PRESSEA, biomass, solar, ocean, wind, and other projects.
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
Compile information on existing renewable energy programmes/projects, including financial mechanisms already existing.---Design and apply innovative financing instruments in support of NRSE projects to be promoted in public forums such as the AEBF.
Cooperation in RE: 
Along with the national renewable energy networks, implement NRSE projects such as the Joint ASEAN Mini-hydro programme, PRESSEA, biomass, solar, ocean, wind, and other projects.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Ensure security and sustainability of energy supply, efficient utilisation of natural energy resource in the region and the rational management of energy demand, with due consideration of the environment.
Renewable energy subsidies: 
Design and apply innovative financing instruments in support of NRSE projects to be promoted in public forums such as the AEBF.
Cooperation in energy pricing: 
Design and apply innovative financing instruments in support of NRSE projects to be promoted in public forums such as the AEBF.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Cross-border energy infrastructure: 
Institute the policy framework and implementation modalities by 2004 for the early realisation of the Trans-ASEAN energy networks covering the ASEAN Power Grid and the Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline Projects as a more focused continuation of the medium- term programme of action (1995-1999).---To establish the policy framework and implementation modalities of the electricity networks comprising the ASEAN Power Grid.------To establish the policy framework and implementation modalities of the electricity networks comprising the ASEAN Power Grid. Develop the ASEAN Power Grid to consist of interconnection projects such as the following fourteen (14) projects: Peninsular Malaysia – Singapore; Thailand – Peninsular Malaysia; Sarawak – Peninsular Malaysia; Sumatra – Peninsular Malaysia; Batam – Bintan – Singapore – Johor; Sarawak – West Kalimantan; Philippines – Sabah; Sarawak – Sabah – Brunei; Thailand – Lao PDR; Lao PDR – Cambodia; Thailand – Myanmar; Vietnam – Cambodia; Lao PDR – Vietnam; Thailand – Cambodia.
Cooperation in connectivity: 
Enhance Interconnecting Arrangements within the ASEAN Subregional Growth areas[...] Pursue bilateral and multilateral electricity interconnection projects within the ASEAN sub-regional growth areas such as SIJORI (Singapore-Johor – Riau); Indonesia – Malaysia – Thailand and EAGA (East ASEAN Area including Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines).---In coordination with other international energy organisations such as APERC, IEA, WEC and other, studies will be conducted on coal trade flows in the region.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Promote Private Sector Investments.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Enhance Private Sector Involvement in EE&C Activities.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Expand the integrated policy planning approach developed for the Greater Mekong Subregion to include the whole ASEAN region.[...]Establish a directory of common guidelines for coal specifications, producers and consumers in ASEAN.[...]Create a Policy and Institutional Framework for the Development of Renewable Energy.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Along with the national renewable energy networks, implement NRSE projects such as the Joint ASEAN Mini-hydro programme, PRESSEA, biomass, solar, ocean, wind, and other projects.
Clean energy technology transfer: 
Conduct consultation programmes to promote exchange of expertise and technology exchange among ASEAN manufacturers.
Low-emission and cleaner coal technology: 
To promote the development and utilisation of coal while addressing environmental issues.[...] emphasis shall be made during the next six years on the application of clean coal technology at small-scale particularly for rural electrification at 5-50 MW range in coal-bearing remote areas in the Philippines, Indonesia or Vietnam.
Natural gas transportation technology: 
To formulate strategies and plan of action for the implementation and realization of the “Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline Infrastructure Project” with a view to ensuring greater security of gas supply.
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
Conduct consultation programmes to promote exchange of expertise and technology exchange among ASEAN manufacturers.