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The Twenty-Second ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (22nd AMEM)
Сводный обзор: 
This Plan of action for energy cooperation ensures continuity in key ongoing energy cooperation projects and responds to the challenge thrown to the Region to address the issue on sustainable development. This second phase of the APAEC considers the existing energy situation in the region and anticipates probable scenarios over the medium term. The programme areas of APAEC 1999-2004 shall essentially be maintained.
EE action plans: 
Promotion of Energy Efficiency in the Transport Sector.
Energy Service Companies (ESCOs): 
Promotion of ESCO business. Key actions: [...] a) development of measurement and verification protocol for ASEAN; b) development of energy performance contracting legal framework and standard form of contract; c) development of project management and institutional guideline; d) development of energy saving potential indexes (benchmarking); and e) E-commerce development for energy services.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
To strengthen cooperation in energy efficiency and conservation through [...]enhancing public awareness as well [...].
Cooperation in EE: 
To strengthen cooperation in energy efficiency and conservation through institutional capacity building and increasing private sector involvement including enhancing public awareness as well as expanding markets for energy efficient products.---Continuation of ASEAN Energy Standards and Labeling.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
To institute and maintain sustainable development on the use of renewable energy and its technologies.--- To promote the development and contribution of RE in energy supply.
RE action plans: 
To develop a policy and institutional framework for the development of RE.---Strategies: To promote the utilization of biomass-based cogeneration technology. To promote the utilization of biofuels.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Promote environmental assessment of coal projects.
Cooperation in env.: 
Strategies: Incorporation of environmental and sustainable development concern in regional policy formulation.---Coal: To cooperate and promote sustainable development and utilization of coal while addressing environmental issues and facilitating intra-ASEAN coal related issues.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Cross-border energy infrastructure: 
[...]Develop the ASEAN Power Grid Interconnection: [...] The Vietnam-Cambodia interconnection shall be commissioned between 2005-2007 and the Thailand-Cambodia link by 2007. Three (3) other projects will be commissioned by 2009, and the rest beyond 2009.---[T]o facilitate the implementation and realisation of the Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline Infrastructure Project to ensure greater economic value and security of gas supply. [...].
Cooperation in connectivity: 
ASEAN Power Grid: to facilitate the implementation of the ASEAN Interconnection Master Plan and to further the establishment of policy framework of the electricity network comprising the APG.
Investment climate development: 
Coal:To promote private sector investment, the AFOC shall organize Coal Business Forums wherein the private sector will be presented with business opportunities.---Energy Efficiency: Expansion of Private Sector Involvement.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Invite Private Sector Participation to Develop the Interconnection [...]. As power generation and interconnection projects entail huge capital investments, which no single government can undertake on its own, the private sector will be encouraged to embark on these projects.
Деятельность органов власти
National policy structure: 
[T]o enhance national and regional energy policy analysis and planning towards sustainable development.
M&E of policy implementation: 
Monitoring and evaluation on the progress of the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation: Conduct periodic monitoring and evaluation of the APAEC 2004-2009. Formulate an evaluation and monitoring (E&M) system for the APAEC 2004-2009
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Strategies: To promote the utilization of biomass-based cogeneration technology. To promote the utilization of biofuels.
Low-emission and cleaner coal technology: 
Strategy: Promote Clean Coal Technology (CCT). The promotion of CCT will be highlighted in an information education campaign (IEC) plan through tri-media (print, radio and television) showing the new technologies being employed for emission mitigation of present generation coal power stations.