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Coal, Power, Gas, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Other
The Governments of the ASEAN Member States
Сводный обзор: 
The objective of the ASEAN Plan of Action on Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2010-2015 is to enhance energy security and sustainability for the ASEAN region including health, safety and environment through accelerated implementation of action plans, including, but not limited to: a) ASEAN Power Grid, b) Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline, c) Coal and Clean Coal Technology, d) Renewable Energy, e) Energy Efficiency and Conservation, f) Regional Energy Policy and Planning, and g) Civilian Nuclear Energy. The APAEC 2010-2015 contains 26 strategies and 91 actions. ---Note: AFOC = ASEAN Forum on Coal; APAEC = ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation; CBM = Coal Bed Methane; APG = ASEAN Power Grid.
Energy access priorities: 
[T]he APAEC recognizes the importance of establishing an efficient, transparent, reliable and flexible energy market in the ASEAN region and improvement of access to affordable energy to eradicate energy poverty.---Strengthen coordination, participation in all program areas to narrow development gap, improve energy access, and to facilitate economic integration of the ASEAN region.
EE targets: 
To pursue the aspirational goal of reducing regional energy intensity of at least 8% by 2015 based on 2005 level.
EE action plans: 
Energy Efficiency and Conservation: • Develop Energy Efficiency Policy and Build Capacity • Promote good energy management practices, especially for industrial and commercial sectors • Facilitate Energy Efficiency Financing.
EE financial incentives: 
Facilitate Energy Efficiency Financing: Develop mechanism (s) to enhance financing for energy efficiency and conservation project implementation 4.2. Increase involvement of banking sector and financial institutes both domestic and international agencies in financing energy efficiency projects.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Energy Efficiency and Conservation: •Enhance awareness raising and dissemination of information.
Cooperation in EE: 
To strengthen cooperation in energy efficiency and conservation through institutional capacity building and increasing private sector involvement including enhancing public awareness as well as expanding markets for energy efficient products.---To enhance institutional and human capacity emphasizing the development of energy efficiency technology and service providers in the ASEAN region.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
[T]he APAEC emphasizes strategies to further strengthen renewable energy development, such as bio-fuels, as well as to promote open trade, facilitation and cooperation in the renewable energy industry.---To institute and maintain sustainable development on the use of renewable energy and its technologies.
RE targets: 
To achieve a collective target of 15%* for regional renewable energy in the total power installed capacity by 2015.
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Renewable energy: Enhance awareness and information sharing and strengthen networks.
Cooperation in RE: 
[T]he APAEC emphasizes strategies to further strengthen renewable energy development, such as bio-fuels, as well as to promote open trade, facilitation and cooperation in the renewable energy industry.---Renewable Energy: Promote intra-ASEAN cooperation on ASEAN-made products and services.[...] Develop ASEAN as a hub for renewable energy.---To strengthen regional cooperation on the development of renewable energy and alternative energy including hydropower and bio-fuels.---Conduct regional market studies on RE 3.2. Propose harmonized standards for RE products 3.3. Develop the policy and system to strengthen local manufacturing capabilities for RE technologies and products [...] 3.5. Work towards the establishment of an ASEAN renewable energy association forum.---Develop harmonized specifications for biofuels.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Promote RE for CDM in the light of climate change and mitigation.
Cooperation in env.: 
Harmonize emission standards and minimum efficiency requirements for coal-fired power plants.
Cooperation in energy pricing: 
Establish AFOC Coal Price Index.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Develop and expand the energy mix and supply sources in a sustainable and environmental friendly manner through optimal utilization of potential energy sources of the region to include frontier exploration and development and extensive research on both fossil fuels and renewable energy resources and energy efficiency and conservation.---Encourage and optimize the utilization of ASEAN resources, such as, funding, expertise and products to develop the generation, transmission, and distribution sectors.
Cross-border energy infrastructure: 
Accelerate the development of the ASEAN Power Grid Interconnection projects, namely: i) 3 APG projects are under construction: 1) Project No 9: Thailand – Lao PDR • Roi Et – Nam Theun 2 expected completion 2009 • Udon Tani – Nabong expected completion 2011 2) Project No 10: Lao PDR - Vietnam Expected completion 2010 3) Project No 13: Lao PDR – Cambodia expected completion 2011 ii) 8 APG projects and their completion dates* are as follows: 1) Project No 3: Sarawak – Peninsular Malaysia • Survey and Detail design (2015) 2) Project No 4: Peninsular Malaysia – Sumatra • Detail Design Completed (2012) 3) Project No 5: Batam - Bintan - Singapore • Study in progress (2015) 4) Project No 6: Sarawak - West Kalimantan • Study on Cross Border issues (2012) 5) Project No 7: Philippines - Sabah • Study in Progress (2015)** 6) Project No 8: Sarawak - Sabah - Brunei • Study in Progress (2015) 7) Project No 11: Thailand - Myanmar • Under Negotiation (2014) 8) Project No 15: East Kalimantan.
Regional integration priorities: 
Accelerate the development of the ASEAN Power Grid Interconnection projects, namely: i) 3 APG projects are under construction: 1) Project No 9: Thailand – Lao PDR • Roi Et – Nam Theun 2 expected completion 2009 • Udon Tani – Nabong expected completion 2011 2) Project No 10: Lao PDR - Vietnam Expected completion 2010 3) Project No 13: Lao PDR – Cambodia expected completion 2011 ii) 8 APG projects and their completion dates* are as follows: 1) Project No 3: Sarawak – Peninsular Malaysia • Survey and Detail design (2015) 2) Project No 4: Peninsular Malaysia – Sumatra • Detail Design Completed (2012) 3) Project No 5: Batam - Bintan - Singapore • Study in progress (2015) 4) Project No 6: Sarawak - West Kalimantan • Study on Cross Border issues (2012) 5) Project No 7: Philippines - Sabah • Study in Progress (2015)** 6) Project No 8: Sarawak - Sabah - Brunei • Study in Progress (2015) 7) Project No 11: Thailand - Myanmar • Under Negotiation (2014) 8) Project No 15: East Kalimantan.
Cooperation in connectivity: 
To achieve a long-term security, availability and reliability of energy supply, particularly in oil and gas through regional energy cooperation in Trans-ASEAN Energy Network.---To facilitate and expedite the implementation of the ASEAN Interconnection Master Plan and to further harmonize technical standards and operating procedures as well as regulatory and policy frameworks among the ASEAN Member States.--Implement the approved Roadmap for TAGP by respective ASCOPE Members. • Implement the approved 5-year ASCOPE Gas Centre (AGC) Work Program.---Develop and implement transparent legal, regulatory and technical frameworks in various energy projects, in particular, on the cross border interconnection projects to promote open and flexible energy trade.
Energy trade priorities: 
[P]romote intra-ASEAN coal trade by facilitating bilateral and multilateral long-term coal supply agreements, etc.---To promote open trade, facilitation and cooperation in the renewable energy sector[...].
Bi- and multi-lateral energy agreements: 
[P]romote intra-ASEAN coal trade by facilitating bilateral and multilateral long-term coal supply agreements, etc.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
To promote [...] investment in the requisite infrastructure for renewable energy development
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
Projects are open for private and public sector investment, supported by the ASEAN Infrastructure Financing Mechanism (AIFM) which will be formulated by the ASEAN Finance Ministers.
Investment climate development: 
Provide a conducive environment for greater private sector involvement and participation, including securing foreign direct investment;---Encourage the private sector to jointly develop power projects within ASEAN region.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Provide a conducive environment for greater private sector involvement and participation, including securing foreign direct investment;---Projects are open for private and public sector investment, supported by the ASEAN Infrastructure Financing Mechanism (AIFM) which will be formulated by the ASEAN Finance Ministers.---To strengthen cooperation in energy efficiency and conservation through[...] increasing private sector involvement including enhancing public awareness as well as expanding markets for energy efficient products.
Bidding and Tendering: 
Projects are open for private and public sector investment, supported by the ASEAN Infrastructure Financing Mechanism (AIFM) which will be formulated by the ASEAN Finance Ministers.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Prepare regional energy outlooks and conducting ASEAN energy policy reviews and analysis series.---To enhance cooperation on regional energy policy analysis and planning towards sustainable development and to effectively manage the implementation of APAEC.
Coordination with regional energy associations: 
Strengthen collaboration with ASEAN dialogue partners and international agencies to support RE projects in the ASEAN Member States.---To enhance cooperation on regional energy policy analysis and planning towards sustainable development and to effectively manage the implementation of APAEC.
M&E of policy implementation: 
Strategic goals: To effectively manage the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the progress of APAEC programs. Monitor and evaluate the progress of APAEC programs 2.2 Conduct of APAEC Mid-Term Review 2.3 Yearly reporting of APAEC progress to SOME/AMEM.---To enhance cooperation on regional energy policy analysis and planning towards sustainable development and to effectively manage the implementation of APAEC.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Civilian Nuclear Energy • Conduct capacity building among ASEAN Member States • Strengthen public information and public education on nuclear power generation • Strengthen institutional, legal and regulatory capacities on nuclear energy for power generation.---To cooperate on a voluntary and non-binding basis, the sharing and exchange of information and knowledge, technical assistance, networking and training on nuclear energy for power generation.[...].
Clean energy technology deployment: 
To further explore and secure additional gas supply from nonconventional source, i.e Coal Bed Methane (CBM).
Low-emission and cleaner coal technology: 
Promote Coal and Clean Coal Technologies • Promote Intra-ASEAN Coal Trade & Investment.---To promote the development and use of clean coal technologies and to facilitate intra-ASEAN coal trade towards enhancing regional energy security needs as well as to cooperate and promote sustainable development and utilization of coal while addressing environmental issues and facilitating intra-ASEAN coal related issues.[...] Work towards the development and well-functioning of the “Clean Coal for Asia Initiative” 2.2. Prepare a comprehensive program on “ASEAN Cleaner Coal Development Cooperation”[...].
R&D renewable energy: 
Renewable Energy: [...] Develop ASEAN as a hub for renewable energy.---To strengthen regional cooperation on the development of renewable energy and alternative energy including hydropower and bio-fuels.
Technological cooperation in energy distribution: 
Encourage and optimize the utilization of ASEAN resources, such as, funding, expertise and products to develop the generation, transmission, and distribution sectors.
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
To strengthen regional cooperation on the development of renewable energy and alternative energy including hydropower and bio-fuels.---To promote the development of centers of research and development on renewable energy in the region.---Establish a functioning network consisting of key players in the biofuels and related industries to pursue cooperative partnerships in R&D and to promote sharing of information.---To cooperate on a voluntary and non-binding basis, the sharing and exchange of information and knowledge, technical assistance, networking and training on nuclear energy for power generation.[...].