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ASEAN Centre for Energy
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Сводный обзор: 
The APAEC 2016-2025 will be implemented in two phases. Phase I will cover the period 2016-2020 for the implementation of short to medium-term measures to enhance energy security cooperation and to take further steps towards connectivity and integration. In 2018, there will be a follow-up of the progress of Phase I, which will guide ASEAN in charting the pathways and directives for Phase II (2021-2025). The APAEC 2016-2025, was developed based on the progressive achievements of the previous plans.The theme is “Enhancing Energy Connectivity and Market Integration in ASEAN to Achieve Energy Security, Accessibility, Affordability and Sustainability for All”. The plan will implement the outcome-based strategies and action plans through the seven Programme Areas. The Programme Areas will be: 1. ASEAN Power Grid; 2. – Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline; 3. – Coal and Clean Coal Technology; 4. – Energy Efficiency and Conservation; 5. – Renewable Energy; 6. – Regional Energy Policy and Planning; 7. – Civilian Nuclear Energy.---NOTE: HAPUA: Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities; AMS: Asean Member States.
EE targets: 
Aspirational goal of reducing energy intensity in ASEAN by 20% by 2020 as a medium-term target and 30% by 2025 as a long-term target based on the 2005 levels.
EE action plans: 
Outcome-based Strategy 3: Developing green building codes which support the use of high energy efficient products.
Energy Service Companies (ESCOs): 
Outcome-based Strategy 2: Enhancing private sector participation including Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) for EE&C promotion. Action Plans a. Create more opportunities for private sector (EE technology providers, ESCOs) to promote EE&C through activities such as seminars, workshops, business conferences, business matching, etc [...].
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Outcome-based Strategy 1: Harmonisation and Promotion of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling on various kinds of energy-related products. Targeted products: Air-conditioning and Lighting Action Plans [...] d. Awareness raising for consumers.
Cooperation in EE: 
Outcome-based Strategy 1: Harmonisation and Promotion of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling on various kinds of energy-related products. Targeted products: Air-conditioning and Lighting-Action Plans a. Develop regional policy and roadmap for Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) implementation.---Outcome-based Strategy 4: Enhance the participation of financial institutions in EE&C development.
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
Aspirational target to increase the component of renewable energy to 23% by 2025 in ASEAN Energy Mix.
RE action plans: 
b. Develop and adopt ASEAN RE Roadmap by 2020.
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
Outcome-based Strategy 4: Increase the promotion of renewable energy financing schemes.
Cooperation in RE: 
With the shifting paradigm that renewable energy development and deployment can be further enhanced, ASEAN will continue to work with DPs and IOs given the global interest in sustainable energy development. To follow-up on the next phase of their initiative to harmonise standards/codes for solar photovoltaics, RE-SSN, jointly with ACE is working with GIZ.---Outcome-based Strategy 2: Enhance awareness on the role of renewable energy among policy makers, private sectors and public. Action Plans a. Develop a nodal network with at least minimum two (2) regional or international institutions on renewable energy by 2020. b. Develop an RE-hub information sharing mechanism among AMS on renewable energy data, policy instruments, policy update, and best practices for promoting renewable energy.
Cooperation in env.: 
Outcome-based Strategy 3: Minimise environmental impact of CO2 and other environmental contaminants on gas field development and utilisation. a. Establish research and development in the areas of CO2 and other environmental contaminants management. b. Establish a regional guideline for emissions.---Outcome-based Strategy 4: Strengthen resilience and emergency preparedness in energy infrastructure/facilities to mitigate the impact of climate change and natural disasters.
Cooperation in energy pricing: 
On regulatory and legal issues, HAPUA will cooperate with the ASEAN Energy Regulatory Network (AERN) to carry out various studies, such as on Taxation and Tariff for Cross-Border Transaction [...].---. Conduct a study to address barriers to interconnections, cross-border trade and investments by the five (5) HAPUA Working Groups, including: • Formulation of institutional and contractual arrangements for cross-border trade to include taxation, tariff and Third Party Access (Wheeling charges).
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Outcome-based Strategy 1: Enhance gas & LNG connectivity via pipeline and regasification terminals. Action Plans a. Develop at least one (1) new LNG regasification terminal or a cross border gas pipeline by 2020. b. Implement open access system by at least one (1) AMS by 2020. c. Develop consolidated information (Technical Database) on ASEAN Gas Infrastructure.
Cross-border energy infrastructure: 
Electricity demand in ASEAN is expected to grow by 5% to 6% per year for the period 2016-2020. To meet this demand, HAPUA’s strategy to accelerate the realisation of the APG is to first encourage on a cross-border bilateral basis, then gradually expand on a sub-regional basis, namely; System A (North System), System B (South System) and System C (East System) and finally to a fully integrated ASEAN power grid system.---HAPUA has also identified three (3) APG Priority Projects for completion and three (3) additional APG projects which will commence construction, out of the sixteen (16) APG planned and committed projects for commencement [Please, see Figure 4 for details].
Regional integration priorities: 
Conduct a study to address barriers to interconnections, cross-border trade and investments by the five (5) HAPUA Working Groups, including: • Harmonisation of legal and regulatory framework for bilateral & cross-border power interconnections and trade. [...].---Electricity demand in ASEAN is expected to grow by 5% to 6% per year for the period 2016-2020. To meet this demand, HAPUA’s strategy to accelerate the realisation of the APG is to first encourage on a cross-border bilateral basis, then gradually expand on a sub-regional basis, namely; System A (North System), System B (South System) and System C (East System) and finally to a fully integrated ASEAN power grid system.---Outcome-based Strategy 2: Initiate multilateral electricity trading. 2.1 LTMS Power Integration Project (PIP). 2.2 Establish electricity trading in at least one sub-region by 2018 namely: the Northern Sub system (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam), Southern Sub System (Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore) and eastern Sub System (Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines).
Cooperation in connectivity: 
Outcome-based Strategy 1: Enhance gas & LNG connectivity via pipeline and regasification terminals. Action Plans a. Develop at least one (1) new LNG regasification terminal or a cross border gas pipeline by 2020. b. Implement open access system by at least one (1) AMS by 2020. c. Develop consolidated information (Technical Database) on ASEAN Gas Infrastructure.---Outcome-based Strategy 2 [...] Action Plans a. Establish a standard clause for LNG cargo diversion and destination flexibility for ASEAN LNG Contracts. b. Establish a manual and procedures for the operationalisation of APSA/CERM.---Outcome-based Strategy 4: Strengthen resilience and emergency preparedness in energy infrastructure/facilities to mitigate the impact of climate change and natural disasters.---Conduct a study to address barriers to interconnections, cross-border trade and investments by the five (5) HAPUA Working Groups, including: • Harmonisation of legal and regulatory framework for bilateral & cross-border power interconnections and trade.
Energy trade priorities: 
To initiate multilateral electricity trade in at least one sub-region by 2018.---Provide inputs on framework and schemes to facilitate multilateral electricity trade in the region.---Outcome-based Strategy 3: Promote intra-ASEAN coal trade and increase investment in CCT.
Public Private Partnerships: 
On regulatory and legal issues, HAPUA will cooperate with the ASEAN Energy Regulatory Network (AERN) to carry out various studies, such as [...] Regulation on Public-Private Participation in APG Projects.--- Conduct a study to address barriers to interconnections, cross-border trade and investments by the five (5) HAPUA Working Groups, including: • Development of Public Private Partnership, including the incentive scheme.---Outcome-based Strategy 3: Promote intra-ASEAN coal trade and increase investment in CCT. b. Develop business/financing model to promote greater participation of public and private sector, DPs, IOs in the adoption of CCT.---As the involvement of the private sector and the stimulation in EE investment through financial institutions are critical to the successful implementation of the programme, enhanced dialogue and exchanges will be undertaken for information on energy policy, notably through the establishment of networks, fora, conferences and seminars as well as encouraging new initiatives with the ASEAN Centre for Energy One Community for Sustainable Energy private sector and financial institutions.---Outcome-based Strategy 2: Enhancing private sector participation including Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) for EE&C promotion. [...].
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
To better profile the energy sector internationally.--- Conduct a study to address barriers to interconnections, cross-border trade and investments by the five (5) HAPUA Working Groups, including: • Harmonisation of legal and regulatory framework for bilateral & cross-border power interconnections and trade. [...].
Energy institutional structures: 
Outcome-based Strategy 3: Strengthen collaboration with DPs and IOs.
M&E of policy implementation: 
Outcome-based Strategy 5: Effectively manage the implementation of the APAEC 2016-2025. a. Monitor and evaluate the progress of the APAEC programmes. b. Conduct a Mid-term Review of the APAEC 2016-2025 Phase I in 2018. c. Develop the APAEC 2016-2025 Phase II, starting in 2018 for endorsement by AMEM in 2020.
Statistics collection and management: 
Outcome-based Strategy 2: Raise the level of data and analysis on ASEAN’s energy policy and planning.
Public database availability: 
Outcome-based Strategy 5: Establish a fully functional ASEAN Coal Database and Information System (ACDIS).---Outcome-based Strategy [...] c. Develop consolidated information (Technical Database) on ASEAN Gas Infrastructure.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
To build capabilities in policy, technology and regulatory aspects of nuclear energy. Outcome-based Strategy 1: Build up capabilities on nuclear energy, including nuclear regulatory frameworks, civilian nuclear safety on emergency response. [...] Outcome-based Strategy 3: Strengthen regional cooperation on nuclear.
Clean energy technology transfer: 
The AFOC will continue to work with Dialogue Partners, including Japan, Australia and the U.S., to implement capacity-building activities on advanced CCT and knowledge transfer.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
[...] A market study will be conducted to identify and address the constraints in the development and deployment of renewable energy in terms of the technology and financing which would enable the renewable industry and its players to be self-sustaining.---Outcome-based Strategy 5: Increase the commercial development and utilisation of biofuels with a reference standard to facilitate deployment. a. Develop a nodal network with automotive and related industries on technological know-how and R&D activities for biofuel.
Low-emission and cleaner coal technology: 
ASEAN will continue its effort to adopt the most appropriate, efficient and clean coal technologies in the region.---The AFOC will continue to work with Dialogue Partners, including Japan, Australia and the U.S., to implement capacity-building activities on advanced CCT and knowledge transfer. A strategic capacity-building framework and financing mechanisms are also being planned to enhance the knowledge in the region on the technical information and technology of clean coal power plant systems as well as to strengthen the network and cooperative partnerships in the promotion and utilisation of coal and CCTs.---Outcome-based Strategy 2: Increase the level of awareness of the public on the benefits of coal use.---Outcome-based Strategy 3: Promote intra-ASEAN coal trade and increase investment in CCT.---Outcome-based Strategy 4: Conduct policy research to enhance coal development and use, and build capacity.---Outcome-based Strategy 5: Establish a fully functional ASEAN Coal Database and Information System (ACDIS).
R&D renewable energy: 
Outcome-based Strategy 3: Enhance R&D network on RE technology development and utilisation within the region. a. Establish a nodal network with at least minimum two (2) research institutions or universities to promote cooperation, technology development, sharing of research facilities and exchange and mobility of researchers on renewable by 2020.
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
Conduct a study on the ASEAN Primary Energy Resources for Power Generation.---Outcome-based Strategy 3: Minimise environmental impact of CO2 and other environmental contaminants on gas field development and utilisation. a. Establish research and development in the areas of CO2 and other environmental contaminants management.[...].---Outcome-based Strategy 3: Enhance R&D network on RE technology development and utilisation within the region. a. Establish a nodal network with at least minimum two (2) research institutions or universities to promote cooperation, technology development, sharing of research facilities and exchange and mobility of researchers on renewable by 2020.---Outcome-based Strategy 5: Increase the commercial development and utilisation of biofuels with a reference standard to facilitate deployment. a. Develop a nodal network with automotive and related industries on technological know-how and R&D activities for biofuel.